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ODAT -Wednesday

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    ODAT -Wednesday

    Good Morning ODATs (almost afternoon)

    Thought I'd get us started today.

    AF last night and felt so much better for it this morning. DH very stressed with a capital S - not sure that his job (which he started in March having been made redundant) is going to work out. They think he's wonderful but he is finding the pressure of working in 999 systems enormous, also long hours and travelling not what he's used to. May be changes again. Problem is when he's stressed he tries to hide in a bottle - doesn't help me much does it?

    Hope you're all well and winning your own personal battles.

    Luv Bx

    PS. No puppy news yet!

    ODAT -Wednesday

    Good afternoon (just) MM, and all to come. I dont intend to drink today, inspite of having a dental appt that fills me with dread. This will be the first time in years that I have seen my dentist sober ! it's scary but has to be done, I will be back later feeling like the martyr that I think I am !!.
    Hope everyone has a good day. x


      ODAT -Wednesday

      Oh Paula,god love you having to visit the dentist,i would rather give birth than go there...
      Will be thinking of you...:l

      Day 3 for me (again)and feeling good although a bit grumpy,which beats a hangover anyday!

      No drink for me today or tonight.
      Trying a 30day stretch this time.Have never got past day 8 so expect alot of posts from me over the weekend...

      MM, you might want to try a hot bath/curry to see if it hurries those pups

      Hugs & prayers for all to come.
      Keep fighting your battle...

      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
      Bring it on!


        ODAT -Wednesday

        Who for me or the dog??


          ODAT -Wednesday


          why,are you expecting a baby?
          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            ODAT -Wednesday

            LOL @ MM!! wondering too?

            Good morning all!

            Work has been stressful lately but nothing that makes me run for some wine. I'm just grateful to be home at the end of the day.

            Good for you Annie Mac on your 3rd day!! Keep it going, i know you can make 30 and then everything gets better/easier for the most part. There are always days the thought pops into my mind, but i just say NO! loudly in my head.

            i will be glad when this week is done. My left foot was a strained plantar facia tendon and after icing and doing some stretching, i'm happy that it is 80% better already. Hoping to go back to walking next week.

            Happy Sober Hump Day all!
            AF/SF - November 23, 2014


              ODAT -Wednesday

              Dear God I hope not! For a start my kids would die of embarrassment (i.e. proof that old people still do "it").

              Nice one. xxx


                ODAT -Wednesday

                morning all, I did drink last night a day in London is enough to make me want one, but I only bought 2 little ones, 3 unit's in all, not bad for me, no intention to drink tonight, went for aa ride this morning and have booked one for tomorrow as well, so good not to feel hungover, good wishes to you all, what breed are the pup#s going to be?


                  ODAT -Wednesday

                  Hi guys,

                  Oh Annie, I can so relate on day 3 (again!). I am on day 4 (again) and am also hoping to make a 30 day stretch this time. Maybe we can do this together?

                  I am tired again today even though I slept well again last night. It's frustrating when you get 2 nights in a row of great sleep and go through the day like a zombie because you are so tired. auuuggghhh - I bought some cold FX because I have had this stupid cold now for 3 weeks and can't shake it - I am hoping this works, I am sick of feeling like crap - especially since I'm sober!

                  I too can relate to the feelings of anxiety and short temperedness in early AF. I have literally 0 patience right now and trying to run a family when you are tired and no one is moving at the pace you want them to is brutal! As well my BF runs his own business and he is brutal with paperwork so most of the time I get stuck doing it, give him hell, but nothing ever changes. He double books himself, doesn't follow up, doesn't do his invoicing - etc. annoying.

                  Anyway, on that note, I'm off to work. In zombie mode. Thank god I'm not that busy right now as I'm not really starting any new projects until I find out if I am getting the promotion.

                  Sorry, long winded post today!

                  Have a good day everyone.

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT -Wednesday

                    Good morning everybody!

                    I had a plan for last night...but I caved. A friend was having a miserable day and asked if I would meet her for a drink. All the way there I was talking to myself about just order a soda or tea....but when the waitress came, I ended up caving and ordering a glass of wine.

                    My username is clearly a do you build up determination and strength?


                      ODAT -Wednesday

                      Hello everybody,

                      i am on my 3 AF today, feeling better now after a lot of nightmares and a little bad mood after I got up. 4 hours more my 3 AF will be completted and i am sure i won't drink anymore because i am working now...good for me

                      Hope you all will have a great AF day...hugs n kisses
                      AF today


                        ODAT -Wednesday

                        Determination - your user name is not a joke (much better than mine), going out or having friends round is hard. Especially if you hide your drinking so they don't know what a problem it is for you. So to go out and not have a glass of wine with them, knowing they would then ask why, is hard. You are not alone, I can go AF when I am alone in the house most of the time since finding MWO, not all, but no ones perfect. But as soon as someone comes round or I go out I will have a couple of glasses of wine, then when they are gone, or I get back home I continue drinking.
                        Today I am AF, day 2.


                          ODAT -Wednesday

                          universal;720744 wrote: so most of the time I get stuck doing it, give him hell, but nothing ever changes.
                          UNI!!! Why should it? Him having to listen to you give him hell (and I BET you get guilt pangs over it later) is easily worth it rather than him doing it himself. It won't change until you quit doing it. It's easier to run a family when you're not running someone's business on top of anything else. Feck, let him hire someone or let him pay you! OK sorry, that rings old bells for me. But I don't take back what I said. :h

                          Determination, your name isn't a joke. Determination is what got you here and it's what will continue to work for you. OK, firend had a bad day. Plan didn't work out. What did you learn? You don't have the strength to meet for a drink yet. Next time, say you'll be glad to but you need to go to starbucks, walk around the mall. You can offer your company but you don't have to put yourself in risky situations. Next time, you'll know. Right? You're doing good. You just learned a lesson.

                          Hey to everybody!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT -Wednesday

                            Hi to you all.It seems most of us here are on early days.
                            I'm feeling the pinch real bad right now so going to have a long bath and change into my jammies to ensure i don't drive to get wine...
                            It's 6.45pm where i am.My kids think i'm nuts,in my jammies before them!
                            Ah well better a nut in jammies than a drunken nut in clothes...

                            Day 3 will be over so long as no-one visits with a btl...
                            I know determ,it's so hard when you're right up close to it.
                            I'm avoiding al at all costs...
                            This means avouding friends and invitations too

                            We'll get there,lets take our time to build up our strength...

                            HUgs & prayers to all

                            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                            Bring it on!


                              ODAT -Wednesday

                              It's woe-is-me Wednesday. One thing about using the DrinkTracker is that I can't ignore the trends and Wednesday is not a good day. I’m ready to change that today.

                              It’s still morning in my time zone and the second day of fall is due to be hotter than most of our summer days. Tomatoes and corn are to be harvested and frozen to enjoy on the dark rainy days to come.

                              Anniemac, stay in those jimmies.
                              Determination, be kind to yourself.
                              Mad Mummy I think for the poor dogs sake YOU should try the curry and hot baths, maybe the effect will rub off.
                              Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby

