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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Hallo everyone, up early today so I thought I'd get the ball rolling, day 5 AF not all in a row, but all in the last week, so I feel a real sense of achievment, looking forward to an active day, also first day today I didn't need prescription painkiller's in year's, Yes!!

    ODAT Thursday

    Hi Tawny

    Good going! Hope you enjoy your horse ride this morning!

    Still no puppies - it must be soon though. Will post pics when have any.

    Luv to all - enjoy the beautiful autumn sunshine.



      ODAT Thursday

      Mad Mummy isn't it gorgeous here today?Bit stessed this morning ,9 year old has decided he hates school again, it get's in the way of doing thing's he say's. Poor lamb.


        ODAT Thursday

        Morning All

        Hiya tawny,mmum,and all to come.

        No prescription pks tawny....way to go!

        Mmum,can't wait to c pics of the little pups,hope they are born healthy & well.

        Day 4 for me.Feeling good,keeping busy...(my house has never been so clean)lol

        Really irritable last night around my witching hours and bit the heads off everyone.I think all my family felt like telling me to have a drink rather than have them listen to me whinging....How long does this last does anyone know and is there anything that helps with severe irritability?I've tried Kalms but may as well have ate

        Have a happy,sober day.....(even if you are like a crabit old bat!!)
        Keep strong everyone...odat.

        hugs & prayers
        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
        Bring it on!


          ODAT Thursday

          Good morning everyone.

          What a rotten day yesterday was! The morning was stressful, the afternoon was worse. Bad news coming in by email, being forced to make decisions and my love life stinks. Ughhh. I got home around 6:45 pm and the craving for a glass of wine hit really hard. I pretty much decided what the hell, but first I tried some l-glut under my tongue (someone here suggested that to someone else). Headed to the grocery store and back home with a bottle of wine. That first glass was good, second okay, third was just fuel. At least I stopped there and went to bed.

          It's not the amount I drank, it's the fact that I caved in and wanted wine more than anything else. I thought about trying to fight the urge and have a glass of peach tea (that's been my substitute), and I warned myself about how I would feel in the morning (guilty and groggy), and how I'd probably not sleep well (tingly feeling). But I did it anyway. Defiant! I'm like a naughty toddler who did it on purpose! I'm so dissapointed in myself!

          So....... I'm going to pour the rest of the bottle out start today as a new day. I need an emergency plan for stressful days I guess.

          If I had the time I would use the hypno CDs, but I get really bored with going down all those stairs and escalators. Has anyone had any success with the CDs? I'd love to give them another try but they kind of drive me crazy. The guy's voice bugs me a little. I'd like to make my own with my own voice and my own suggestions. And especially a subliminal one with the music I like.

          As well. It's Thursday. A new day.


            ODAT Thursday

            A new day indeed! We came home from Ireland early this week. The trip was fabulous! In a week over there, I did consume AL but it was 1 glass of wine and 2 beers. I think I did very well. Never had the desire to have more, which was a huge plus for me.
            Now, back home and have a ton of clean up to do in the garden to get ready for the colder weather. Back on the sober wagon and feeling terrific!! Best to all of you out there!
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT Thursday


              Hey tawny, mm, annie & fig and all to come.

              Doing great stringing those days together! Keep it up!

              Fig, :H I know what you mean about the CDs, but try to put the voice thing aside and make time. Really allow yourself the time. You could have listened in the time it took you to go buy wine and drink it. Not judging, here..... just sayin'.... could you maybe have walked around the block and given the l-glute a chance? You, like everyone else, do need a plan for stressful days. sounds like resentment gave you a kick in the arse. Resentment will bring you to your knees if you are not careful. So, just throwing that out there, think about a plan, options that work for you. I like the walk thing - gets you out of the house, visually stimulating, gets some circulation going and lets time pass and hopefully the dangerous craving with it.

              I'm doing my day in reverse. Making dinner now so when it's time there it is.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT Thursday

                Hi Fig, what can I say, been there done that, and felt like a fool the next morning, but as you say today is a new day. Be kind to yourself.
                I have'nt tried the hypno cd's for stopping drinking, i tried a few out to try and stop smoking, but they just made me fall asleep. Perhaps it would have helped if I listened to them sober.
                Take care.


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Hey guys,

                  Day 5 here - feeling okay but still figting these viruses and feeling like a bag of caca.

                  AT least I'm not hungover - running around here - will touch base later.
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Hi all, im on day 4 and...yeah, i know i can make it again...

                    Hope you all have a great day....hugs n kisses
                    AF today


                      ODAT Thursday

                      I have just had my first lot of i glute powder in a glass of water, omg it is DISGUsTING!!


                        ODAT Thursday

                        :H tawny! I never tried it.. maybe a good thing?

                        Good morning ODATers...
                        Fig.. yep, 'did it on purpose'... I can very much relate to that. I've done that.
                        As dumb and corny as it sounds... my biggest defense against 'that voice' has been to say to myself (sometimes even aloud, which earns me some odd looks) "I don't drink".

                        Congrats to everyone on adding up those AF days! Mummy.... we want PUPS!!! Tell your girl to hurry up already! :H Annie.. hope you're less irritable today *taking a step back* I was a right b*tch the first week or two! New.. welcome back! Now, where's the detailed travel report? Greenie, you're so right about resentment. For the most part, I got it down pat when it comes to AL.. now if I can only do the same with the smokes. Elsa, I still fall asleep with the CDs.. but at least they relax us, right? Uni, keep them cooties down south! Hope you're feeling better, hun! Love, well done on day 4 - keep your guard up!

                        k.. I better get some work done now. Have a bright and sunny day all!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          ODAT Thursday

                          Hey tawny try your l-glut with a glass of juice or something.U wudn't notice it in a glass of coke...

                          Sunshine,glad to hear someone else was a bitch like i am.Glad it's only a temporary thing...

                          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                          Bring it on!


                            ODAT Thursday

                            Regarding the l-glute, you know you need to keep a level of it in your system and do the dump under the tongue and witching moments, right? Same with Kudzu. You take it regularly and keep it in your system and before your witching hour pop an extra or 2. I never had a problem dumping an l-glute capsule full under my tongue. If you're eating it so to speak, what about apple sauce. Even sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on the as additional cover.

                            One sunday at 2 PM I was the queen of all that is evil. When questioned, I burst into tears and angrily shouted... because it's 2 on a sunday and I usually have a buzz by now and I'm trying not to drink and hating it! Talk about anger and resentment. Whew! SO.... It's not you! It is the part of you that you are no longer need or want in your life. Embrace that bitch, love her as that is part of you and then let her go. I know... but we really do have to accept those parts of us we don't like. Google mirroring.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT Thursday

                              Hi all, had a good day so far today. Saw my therapist this a.m. came away feeling happy, will see him again in 1 month. Feel as though I have been released from prison, and I don't want to go back.
                              Good luck to everyone in achieving your aims.

