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ODAT Friday

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    ODAT Friday

    Good morning all....
    Day 5 for me and up like a bee !

    Hate knowing the weekend's here as it is always my downfall,cause my wains go and stay at ther dads and i'm home alone....
    Anyway will persevere and hopefully get through it...will get through it!!!

    Have an appt with my gp this afternoon and im going to talk to him about prescribing naltrexone.
    Just feel i need a little help especially for these next 3 days/nights...

    Hope this post finds you all well and sober.
    You lot will all be fed-up reading my posts this weekend as i intend to stay online all day and night if necessary!

    Have to go now and do the school run,then my housework as i guarantee the time i will spend on here won't leave much time for cleaning...

    Talk to you all later,
    Much love
    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!

    ODAT Friday

    Hi Annie,

    We'll never tire of your posts.

    I have just risen from my sick bed ( I've got a chest infection) to have a wander round the posts.

    It's vital to me. I still take it ODAT.

    My cupboards have never been tidier. No-one can find anything but they're clean.

    Love Jackie xxx

    Af since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      ODAT Friday

      Morning Annie and Jackie!

      as long as i'm up at 3am! i may as well add my .02 cents.

      Annie - stick around and post away, i'll be around all weekend too.

      Jackie - i hope you feel better SOON!! chicken noodle soup! that always makes me feel better, even if only in my mind.

      No drinking for me this weekend, my daughter has homecoming football and dance. I am going to do her make up for her. I love that she wants me to do it. my other 2 daughters just hibernated in their rooms when they were teenagers.

      just finishing a warm cup of milk in hopes that i can get 3 hours of sleep in before i start the day officially.

      Happy Friday all!
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT Friday

        Good morning, Jackie try my chestnut soup on the recipe page , it's so easy to do and amazing when you have a cold or Flu.
        I feel amazingly good today, but I drank last night, my husband bought a bottle of wine and I had 2 normal sized glasses and there is still half a bottle in the fridge, I nearly went down in the night but I decided to turn over and hug my husband instead, I am really pleased because I really don't want to give up completely,I just want to be able to control my intake.


          ODAT Friday

          Well done tawny! I remember all too well the nights i awoke and went downstairs to pin the remainders of the wine 'to put me back to sleep' lol
          I don't wish to be af forever either but i so want to control it and not have it control me.Trying for 30 days under my belt.If i reach day 9 it'l be my longest stretch af in ten yrs.

          Hey jackie,i dn't know about you but when im sick i can't be bothered making anything...
          Try a wee lemsip or cup-a-soup...?
          Hope you're feeling a bit better soon...

          Mstall,hope you managed to get a few more hours sleep....i too am a bit of a night owl...

          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            ODAT Friday

            Good morning everyone!

            Yay it's Friday! Used to be the "homework pass" for unlimited wine consumption. Now it's just friday and knowing that Saturday is going to be a full day, not halfway lost due to a hangover. A MUCH better way to spend one's waking hours.

            Yesterday I felt pretty rotten about myself for going out an buying abottle of wine Wednesday night and drinking 3 glasses alone. A definate no-no in my plan. NO drinking alone! So I ran the kids to school and went back to bed and slept hard for 3 hours. I don't think I was so physically tired, just emotionally exhausted. Once I got back up I felt great! Back on track and feeling successful and optimistic.

            Anniemac, we never tire of reading others' posts. At least I don't. It's inspiring to see the encouraging responses you get, and knowing that we can send a message at any time about absolutely anything and know we're among friends. I can't think of anywhere else that one can get that kind of encouragement (unless it's with your therapist and it's followed by a hefty payment to same).

            Tawny: Chestnut soup sounds lovely!

            Take care everyone and remember it's just friday with a full day of saturday behind it.



              ODAT Friday


              I am in full agreement that soup is the cure-all! For physical AND emotional ailments.
              They make really good soup in a box that is mainly bisques, most are organic. Imagine and Pacific are the companies that come to mind. I saw that chestnut soup recipe and am eager to make it!

              Hope everyone feels better and has a good day!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT Friday

                Happy Friday to all.
                Can't tell you how many times I've woken up in the night and gotten up to finish off that bottle of wine. Actually having a half full/half empty bottle of wine in the fridge became pretty rare. But if it was there I was always aware of it, like it was justing waiting for me to come and finish it off. How many "normal" wake up in the night and immediately start thinking about that left over wine in the fridge.
                Am practicing saying "I don't drink, ever" cause I never, ever want to again.
                Have 40+ days af and a poker chip goes into a big old jar every morning.
                Here's to the last weekend in September.


                  ODAT Friday

                  Hi guys,

                  Day 6 here - sleeping great but I am beginning to think the EB virus is reactivating in me. I can't shake this cold and even though I'm sleeping I feel like a walking zombie. I know they say the virus can stay in your system for months and even years. I just don't have time to be sick.....I think I'm going to leave work early and go home to plug in and just do paperwork. I'm just incredibly frustrated cause I'm not drinking, I'm sleeping and I still feel like absolute hell.

                  sorry just frustrated! Sick of feeling sick!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT Friday

                    Hi ODATERS, I'm going away this weekend. Good luck to everyone, hope you achieve your goals. Let us know how you get on at gps. Annie.


                      ODAT Friday

                      Hi Everyone..
                      I'm not doing very well these last few days. I've downed 2 full bottles of wine. NO MORE!! I'm starting over beginning today...No idea what happened as I did a stretch of 30+ days last month. UGH!!!!!!!
                      ODAT all over again...staying focused and taking the baby steps.
                      Have a wonderful weekend
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        ODAT Friday

                        Hi all,
                        Went to gp and she didn't prescribe the naltexone like i had hoped.She said it was used for drug addiction,not alcohol....
                        She gave me a few more lib to keep me going til an appt nxt friday.....after which she would find out from her colleagues if nalt. was a good plan for me...
                        Jees anything is a good plan if it keeps me away from the wine!!

                        Darn drs.....!!!

                        Paula,i tried to pm u but your msg box is full....might take you up on your offer if it still stands?

                        Anyway,my house is now free of kids and i'm starting to feel the pinch.Heading for a facial at 7(first time ever,not really my thing) and then coming home to lie and watch tv and no doubt grieve my wee btl that used to keep me content on my nights home alone...

                        Will talk later...

                        hugs to you all..
                        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                        Bring it on!


                          ODAT Friday

                          It's day 4 for me, and as its friday I said it would be OK to have a few, then found I don't want to. I am thinking about it, and craving it, but not wanting it.
                          Good luck for the weekend everyone.
                          Fig - your comment
                          'Now it's just friday and knowing that Saturday is going to be a full day, not halfway lost due to a hangover. A MUCH better way to spend one's waking hours.'
                          Makes so much sense.


                            ODAT Friday

                            Take heart Annie...I have faith in you...drugs or no drugs...

                            You will beat AL. I know it in my heart from reading your posts since I joined. You have the true desire to beat this. I do too although I haven't done as well as you lately. Keep having faith in YOU and stay strong. I can't wait to share AF days with you. I know it is tough when you are can be awful to maintain. I wish you the best.

