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ODAT Saturday

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    ODAT Saturday

    Hi guys,
    Well confession time,i slipped last night when o/h went for a pizza and brought home a btl of wine.He seems to think i don't have a problem so long as i stick to the weekend?
    He has no idea how hard i fight it thru the week.
    Anyway not feeling too guilty about it as i only had 3 glasses,for the first time ever i actually left a glass in the bottle.
    (The thought did come to me this morning to go down and pin the rest:blush: but i told myself to wise the fuck up and be sensible!In days gone by i would've been down glugging the remains of a 2nd bottle from a friday night so i guess that's an improvement?)

    Anyway,heading shopping to look for something to wear to my wee bro's wedding on the 24th oct.
    He's marrying a millionaires' daughter,big swanky do in 5 star hotel...sooooooo not me!

    Guess who def won't be drinking at that wedding,i can just imagine me getting rubbered and embarrassing the whole thing....def af that

    Hate shopping,maybe would enjoy it more if i was 2st lighter!!!

    Talk to you all later!
    Have a good day!

    Hugs to all,
    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!

    ODAT Saturday

    Hi Annie, Good job on leaving a glass in the bottle! I haven't done that it in many years! And, I share your feelings about shopping.

    I don't usually post on ODAT, so I hope you don't mind me popping in here. I'm planning on being AF today. It feels like fall here and is raining. If the rain clears up enough, we will go to a festival in a nearby town.

    Have a great day, ODATers!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      ODAT Saturday


      Annie and dill and everybody else who pops in.

      What started out a nice cool morning is now a dreary drizzle. I figured the lack of a sunrise was a bad sign. But I think I'll brave it and go anyway. It's a couple blocks from the hole and if I don't go I'll wonder all day if I missed any good finds at the vendor booths. A short rainy misery is better than a long dry one. :H

      Annie, what if you told your husb to please not buy wine? Can you do that? You have a month to get a good grip on this before the wedding. That would be really frightening for me. You're doing great, but "events" are danger zones for many. Good luck with the dress shopping. I'd try to borrow one and if that didn't work, look at consign. shops because I'd probably never wear it but that one time. Besides I hate to shop.

      OK then, It is fried okra for breakfast.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Saturday

        i MANAGED TO GO SHOPPING AND NOT BUY ANY BOOZE, GOT TO GO TO TOWN IN A MINUTE , HOPE i CAn stay away from the offlicence,my liver function test came back today as amber, a warning,


          ODAT Saturday

          Tawny, thinking and saying "hope" gives a foot in the door so to speak. As in I hope I won't go buuuuuuuttttttt I might. Say "I will not go to the off license because I am strong and my liver needs me to be healthy." Write it down and stick it on the steering wheel! Really!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT Saturday

            Hi guys,

            Tawny I agree - say I do not drink.

            Annie - too bad about the wine but at least you didn't drink the whole bottle like the past!

            I was AF last night which puts me at Day 7 - woke up stuffy but slept well. Going to do some cleaning today and close our trailer but as a wise friend here said, I will not do more than I can. So I'm going to take it esay this weekend, let the crock pot do the cooking and get some work done but not kill myself trying to make things perfect.

            Oh, and I won't drink.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT Saturday

              Happy ODAT all! Annie, I got a new book on coaching, and it talks about not focusing on the failure, but focus instead on the success. So Annie, great job in leaving some in the bottle, and also later resisting. That is true progress and I hope you congratulate yourself on that. Tawny focus on priorities; proper care can heal your liver so it's a matter of making that a goal.

              I had a horrendous week, dealing with a lawsuit threat, had one employee quit, and then had to set a different one down and give some walking orders. Through all of that, I didn't at all feel the need to return to old habits. I ate a lot of cookies though! Waking up clear headed helped me cope with days full of legal wrangling on top of my daily work. Suddenly at 5pm last night the other side settled and my legal problem went away. Even at that, I had two cookies to celebrate!

              I'm still cautious and maybe fearful about when or where I might slip. My last slip was May 4th. But I'm definitely feeling my new habits have taken root and are strong enough to withstand even unusual amounts of pressure, and I was better able to handle the pressure because of it. Happy weekend all!


                ODAT Saturday

                Haven't been posting much lately. I am on antibiotics for an infection that do not mix with alcohol, so no willpower has been required. When I'm off them I'll be around more!

                Hope everyone is well--AF and no illnesses!
                I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.


                  ODAT Saturday

                  Morning ODATers!

                  Annie - good for you on only having the 3 glasses. Now get back to being AF, i know you can do it. Good luck on finding a dress.

                  tawny - i agree with everyone else, words in your head do turn to actions, so be tough and strong with your words.

                  bossman - good job on making it through the stress AF!! cookies were a good choice

                  Hi there greeneyes, uni and dill!! and all to follow.

                  no alcohol for me today. i need to go grocery shopping and will probably cook up a storm later.

                  Have a great Saturday all, hope you reach your goals.
                  AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                    ODAT Saturday

                    Hi all, I amazed myself last night, and did not drink, on a Friday! I live alone, so nights are hard, but with the support from all of you I feel less alone and it really helps. Today is now my day 5, but its a Saturday alone for me, so I am not going to set myself strict rules.
                    It was a good job I did'nt drink last night as one of my two old age pensioner dogs had a jippy tummy, got me up 4 times, once just not in time. Have all the windows open today to get rid of the smell, luckily its a beautiful sunny day here.
                    Good luck to everyone for today, enjoy yourselves.


                      ODAT Saturday

                      Greetings everyone and enjoy an alcohol free Saturday! Very cool, Boss, at managing a nightmare with only a cookie crumb or two as evidence. Inspiring and well done. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        ODAT Saturday

                        Hi all, thank's for the comment's, you are all right and I went to town and I didn't buy any booze, sorted!!


                          ODAT Saturday

                          Hi gang. I did 4 days AF earlier this week and of course got cocky on the 5th - had two glasses of vino - wasn't too bad so Friday had 3 big ones - am seriously paying for that today. This sucks. However I am not going to drink tonight - have two open wine bottles in the house and one sealed. This is dangerous - I'm going to dump one of the open ones and leave the other out for the bride. The sealed one I'll save for company - if it gets to be too much I'll get rid of everything but I need to be strong and just leave this %$#@ alone!!!!! As the previous poster said at least I have 5 days AF this week - which is the best I've done in a long time.


                            ODAT Saturday

                            Hi, I want to visit this ODAT thread as I need all the support I can get. Last week at this time I was tempted to drink, did not come to this site, and drank for which I was very sorry and regretful. This week, same scenario, a Saturday afternoon, and a perfect time to drink (what isn't a good time?) and instead I am choosing to post and read. I need this for my sanity and a wakeup call.

                            Just want everyone to know how much it helps me to hear the struggles and the successes. Thanks so much for being honest. I am again on day 7 AF and I am so grateful to be sober.


                              ODAT Saturday

                              Red!!! Good on you!!! This is when you need plan! Go for a walk, cook dinner early, write a letter to an elderly relative, have tea.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

