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Another Newbie
Another Newbie
:new: I definately have a problem with drinking... my husband told me to choose- him or wine. When he came home last night, it was obvious, I chose wine. I'm at the brink of losing everything, and yet I just can't stop drinking. I'm different than most of the new posters I've read. My husband does not approve, I don't socialize with other drinkers, I know it is wrong, and yet I continue anyways. I am very hopeful that the supplements will help my cravings, and that I will take something away from the book. I'm starting as soon as they arrive... I just need emotional support. Hopefully I've come to the right place!Tags: None
Another Newbie
Hi, welcome aboard.
I haven't been here very long, but the support you get is amazing, and really does help. :welcome:
Have you told your husband that you have decided to stop drinking and are getting help, will he support you through this?
Good luck, thinking of you.
Another Newbie
I've told him that i'll quit.... just about every 2 weeks. Fridays are particularly hard for me... I'll drink to excess and then beg his forgiveness. I'll be sober for 2 weeks and then it starts all over again. He warned me the last time... but I did it again! I just hope he's willing to stay the course. I honestly mean well... I just can't stop.
Another Newbie
Hello Flossy and Welcome
You are off to a good start with the book and the supplements. I never thought that I could stop either, and I still struggle, but I have had more alcohol free time since joining this site and following the MWO program than I had in the previous 5 years. The support here is amazing!!! It may also be helpful to check out the Toolbox thread. I think it is under Monthly Abs. My family has heard all the "I'm gonna quit" crap too. I don't even bother saying it anymore. They just want to "see" it happen. Best wishes as you begin your journey. You CAN do it!!!!"Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
Another Newbie
Of course you chose wine. He gave you an ultimatum, and under stress you did what you know to do, drink. I don't have to tell you it was only temporary and that you will feel horrible later...self destructing over why you didn't make the "right" decision and why you drank instead of not.
Somebody here (cinders, maybe?) You can be a miserable drunk or a miserable sober person. Well, the answer is obvious, why we don't act upon, I haven't figured that one out yet...let you know if I do.
You are in the right place here at MWO. TONS of support whenever you need it. Welcome aboard.Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Another Newbie
Flossy - I don't know if it will help but maybe let your hubby in on this site? He doesn't have to see it, just let him know you found it and that you are getting support? I know it helped in my relationship when I told the BF about MWO and that I was working to try not to drinnk.
As to why you do it? Cause it's an addiction. It's a disease. It's hard to stop. But you said you can go 2 weeks before you start it all over again so you know you can do it - after 2 weeks the withdrawl is gone so it is just strictly habit at that point.
Good luck and you have come to the right place.
Love and hugs,
UniEvery day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Another Newbie
Yes, I think that I will tell him about the site. Its already helped me to know that others go through this too and maybe it will help him too. And you're right, it's not the w/d symptoms I fear. I know that I drink for coping and dealing with stress (or lack thereof I suppose). I just can't stop. My husband sees it as- if you loved me and our marriage you'd stop. And I want to- which is why I'm searching for ways and I'm here
Another Newbie
Hi Flossy, I am so lucky that my husband is still here, most of our row's have been when I am drunk, determined this time to get it right, I have been told I have tocut right back for my health, I am going to do the October challange, have a look at the thread, I am suffering tonight, managed 4 AF day's last week, made 1 bottle of wine last thur and fri night, didn't buy any today so no choice, load's of love to you, if you want to go to live chat , let me knowTwitch
Another Newbie
Hi Flossy,
Welcome to MWO, it's a good place!
Yes, you CAN stop drinking Flossy but you really have to want to stop.
You have to want it more than you want to drink!
Read the MWO book, look in the Toolbox (in the Monthly Abstinence section) for ideas to help you make your plan. Make a firm commitment to quit for at least 30 days then see how you feel. Some people feel ready at that time to begin modderating but a lot of us don't & choose to stay AF.
You can do this!
Wishing you the best!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Another Newbie
:welcome: flossy its good that your here :goodjob:
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.