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Where do I start?

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    Where do I start?

    My husband just left for the day. He told me (again) how tired he is of my drinking 2 bottles of wine, picking fights with him and stumbling off to bed. I need help. I know I have needed help for a long time but I just don't know what to do about it.
    Our entire social life revolves around drinking and my problem just keeps getting worse. For about 8 years now, I have been drinking most evenings as soon as I get home from work. I typically drink every other day and the off day I usually wake up and have a complete black out from the night before. This really scares me but I keep doing it.
    I manage to keep a job and keep it together at home. I feel inadequate all the time and with increasing pressure at work and at home, I feel like I am at a breaking point.
    I know alcoholism runs in my family so I don't even think its a question about abstinence vs moderation.
    Where do I start?

    Where do I start?

    You just started. Stay here. You'll see.
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


      Where do I start?

      Hello Proudmama:welcome:
      A good place to start is downloading the book, its quite a short read but full of information. Read around the threads, especially The Toolbox, and you'll see you are not the only one with this problem. Now that you've joined here you'll find your no longer alone either, this place is wonderful for support and information. Shout out if you need help finding your way around.


        Where do I start?


        I agree with the above. You have started. You should download RJ's book. Even though it was written with learning to moderate in mind, it is also very helpful for those of us who cannot.

        Do not expect to succeed right off the bat. Some do. Many don't. However, stick to it, plan, figure out what your goals are and keep your eye on the prize.

        You may have to adjust your lifestyle, you may be able to quit without doing so. Only you will know from how you react to things.

        :welcome: I am glad you are here. You are where I was 3 years ago. It did get worse, much, much worse. If there is anyway you can avoid getting to where I did, you will be very blessed.

        Today, though, I am sober.
        AF April 9, 2016


          Where do I start?

          Hello proudmama, and a big welcome to you!

          You've made a start by searching for solutions on the computer and landing here. At the top of the page you'll see Health Store. You can order the book which I recommend reading. You can start right now by downloading it. You say your husband is tired of it and I bet you are too. Have a heart to heart and ask for his support in helping you stick to a plan. A plan, you ask? Yes, a plan. Integral. Read the book! We'll help you. Good luck and you can do this.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Where do I start?

            You sound just like me! I have 3 beautiful kids, a great education, & wonderful hubbie. The only difference is I drink at home... we don't socialize with other drinkers. My husband doesn't drink at all. But it's crazy how quickly one glass... turns to 2... etc. I've made lots of excuses, but they are what they are....excuses. So.... I started today by downloading the MWO book and ordering supplements. I also went to AA online chat meeting. Good Luck!


              Where do I start?


              It's all true~ this site has helped me more than I thought it would. I would come to it and read all the posts but never signed up because I was scared to. Then just last Saturday- only a week ago- I had finally had enough after not remembering the night before. I too find myself drinking 2,3,4 or more glasses of wine each evening and stumbling to bed.
              You will be amazed at how many of us have the exact same experiences! You can do it because I have........I haven't quit- but this past week has been better for me than the last 10 years!
              Keep reading and posting!


                Where do I start?

                Flossy and Franzia'sgone,

                I just wanted to say welcome to you both, too, and glad you are finding MWO helpful. We are a caring community here.

                MWO has been instrumental in my finally being able to get sober.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Where do I start?


                  For about 8 years now, I have been drinking most evenings as soon as I get home from work.
                  This was me. I only found MWO 2 weeks ago, and already I have done 6 days AF, in those 2 weeks, which is more than i have done in the last ten years, and I did'nt do much better the 10 years before that to be honest. I hold down a good job, and I don't think anyone knows how bad my problem is, I hope they don't know I have a problem at all. But here you can be honest, and not lie and hide the problem, that alone helps more than anything.
                  Hope this helps.


                    Where do I start?

                    Thank you for the warm welcome. When I read all the posts I had tears in my eyes. For the first time in a long time I feel hopeful.
                    I was supposed to meet up with my husband and some friends tonight at a bar for drinks and dinner. Instead, I decided to just stay home and watch a movie by myself and try to wrap my head around some things. Today I have no urge to drink. Its that every-other-day thing that gets to me.
                    But, I will be back here tomorrow.
                    Thank you again for all of your support. It is amazing to read most of the stories and nod my head like been there, done that!



                      Where do I start?

                      Hello Proudmama and welcome, you are not alone in this struggle.
                      Keep safe
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Where do I start?

                        Hi proudmama,

                        Welcome to MWO, glad you found us, it's a great place

                        This program does work because I am celebrating 6 months AF today!!!!
                        I feel good, look good & am happy & proud of myself for the first time in a long, long time!

                        The others have already mentioned you can download & read the MWO book from the Health Store right here on the site.
                        Look in the Toolbox (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for ideas to help you make your plan.
                        Make a firm commitment to quit proudmama and do it! You can do it!

                        Please feel free to join us on the Newbies Nest thread too, lots of folks there also just getting started.

                        Wishing you the best!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Where do I start?

                          Wow, Lav. 6 months today?! That is 1/2 of a year! 182.5 days. Very cool and very brave. I am glad you feel good. I can only imagine what that must be like.
                          Good for you and thank you for all the support.


                            Where do I start?

                            Proudmama--my brother in law used to give me a hard time because I could only drink every other day. But, as time went on I made him proud by becoming an every day drinker.
                            It is progressive.....alcohol is so over rated--we don't need it to relax after a day at work. We don't need to feel like crap (every other day) or ruin our brain cells and health. It's a little hard to imagine at first, but sober is so much better. Start by reading here and reading the book. Thanks to MWO it has been a year since I've drank alcohol. :welcome:
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

