I thought I was in control.
I stopped drinking for a day, then 2, then 2 weeks.
Then I thought I was in control of my brain., 1st time in 20 yrs.
So I had a few one day, then a few more because I would stop on saturday.
Such an arrogant prick I was, that I gave advice to others never to take the 1st drink, and here I am at the first goalpost again.
I was so pleased with my own achievement until I took that first drink, then it was donwnhill again, my brain told me I was in control, it was just one night, then 2 , 3...
Now 2 weeks later, I feel the pressure in my head again, the aching bones and stomache and back cramps.
The saddest part about it is that I even felt well enough to give blood, which my or my family may need, but ... I guess I'll have to think it out again bum bum. ( sorry that last bit was from Oliver Twist) I'll sober up tomorrow, honest.
The Artful Dodger.