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    Hi friends, I'm Modereco from Toronto and I'm on day 5 of being AF...

    I was just thinking this morning about how "willpower" seems to have a compounding effect, does anyone else have this experience?


    I feel like it's like a snowball, so that each temptation I resist makes me stronger to resist the next. I find it carrying over into other areas of my life, very quickly. I am already able to "make myself" do things around the house that I often find myself too lazy to do, and get things done at work that I procrastinate about... although part of this could be from having more energy after not drinking for 4+ days :H But I really feel like I am exercising a part of my brain when i'm exerting willpower, that I haven't used in a looooong time. Like flexing a muscle and feeling the burn. Just wondering if anyone else gets this extra boost of willpower leading to more willpower, or is this just my newbie bravado?

    PS: my name means "moderation" in Esperanto... eventually learning to drink moderately was a goal I started with 5 days ago but now I'm thinking that maybe staying AF would be even better.
    ?Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.?
    --Thich Nhat Hanh



    you are working your af muscle and over time it gets stronger, but don't neglect it, or it will weaken!



      Congrats on day 5, modereco.. well done! The worst is probably over for you now

      Yes, you're absolutely right... with every refusal to give into a craving, you're gathering more arsenal for the next one.

      Unfortunately, my household hasn't benefited much - probably 'cause I'm on MWO all the time :H
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013



        Hi Mod, so pleased you are doing so well. Willpower, I found didn't work for me, the more I tried the more difficult I found it to resist, as the saying goes I can resist anything but temptation. I find the more I don't drink (sense!) the less I want or need to.



          I guess that's why they say "exercise" one's willpower!

          I definitely agree that the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Good to be reminded of that! Especially at the beginning...

          And it is also good to be reminded about the Energy!

          So many good reasons to quit this stuf!!
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



            Hi, modereco!

            Congrats on 5 days AF! Keep up the good positive energy, let it compound, just keep doing all the other little things to stay AF as well - no complacency about it ever! I too, was down right euphoric in my first AF days, so I say go ahead and enjoy it. Feeling good sober is a deterrent to drinking if that nasty urge rears it's ugly head.

            I also wanted to mod originally, but as my AF days multiplied and my head cleared, I realized ABS is probably a better route for me, since I've never been able to mod (for more than 2 days ever). I'm now up to 50 days AF, thanks to all the great info and support from MWO.

            Keep it up, you're doing great, and much love to you!
            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

            AUGUST 9, 2009



              Congrats on your 5 days moderco!

              You think you're feeling stronger now...........just wait until you get to where I am right now! I feel stronger than ever - in all departments

              Keep up the good work, it's worth it
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                Well done!
                Yes, it's that thing about laying down learning pathways in the brain and reinforcing them, isn't it?

                What's alcohol free in Esperanto? :H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



                  Hey there,,very well said. I do agree. I have more energy for stuff too,,I even joined a gym last week. At first I didn't want to spend the money, but then I figured out that the monthly fee is equal to what I used to spend on vodka per week, so money well spent I think! I think the willpower is has a snowball effect. I'm not drinking, so I'm eating better and want to take care of "ME" for a change,,which just makes my relationships better and therefore, I am a happier person....Thanks for the cool post to put it all in perspective...
                  Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..



                    Toronto too

                    I would agree I am on day 19 and the longer I go the harder I am trying!



                      Thanks for the feedback everyone... I am glad to hear that others agree and I'm not just being puffed up and proud after a short time of AF. I feel like I'm in a delicate place right now, I am empowered by the achievement and so glad i have made it this far, but also i don't want to be too hard on myself and start using this newfound willpower to make too many other changes at once, for fear I might collapse under the pressure. i feel strong, but at the same time I feel like crying sometimes just because I am accustomed to having that switch to turn off the part of me that cares what I do... suddenly I care so much and its a bit overwhelming.

                      Thanks sunshine for suggesting that by 5 days I am through the worst, that is encouraging and I hope you are right!

                      Hey Lavande, congrats on your milestone of over 9 months AF!!! I notice you are also 4 months NF. I also have stopped my other vice that falls into that category (pot) at the same time as the booze and am 5 days without it. I don't consider it to be as big a problem for me (but maybe I'm in denial...) anyway my goal is to be free of both for at least 30 days before I consider "modding" the smoking. I usually only do that occasionally, its just when I'm out of it that i drink more heavily so i think quitting both is the right choice. i just want to see the real me without any kind of altered state and get in touch with who that is before I do it again.

                      Haha Marshy yes I should have called myself AF in Esperanto... I don't actually speak it just an occasional hobby i guess out of curiosity and its fun to use for making up names for message boards or on the internet. By the way, that would be "senalkoholaĵoj" ... a bit much for a name i think :-D

                      Congrats Tassimo on joining a gym, good luck on your fitness plan... I want to do that soon as well but as I mentioned, i want to ease into this newfound willpower and not use it to overpower myself too much. I love the idea of taking care of ME for a change as you say, instead of being controlled by the alcohol.

                      Congrats Murphy on 19 days AF! I am looking forward to getting there soon :-)
                      ?Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.?
                      --Thich Nhat Hanh




                        Well Done on 5 days...keep em coming.

                        I just wanted to say that I agree to with what you say. I had an issue with drinking too much on a saturday night and its still the issue if i am going to have one. I have found that the more things I do AF on a saturday night, the more able I am to deal with the next one....etc...

                        Good luck with yor journey and do look after YOU.

                        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                        but in what direction we are moving."



                          Well done on day 5!

                          I'm on day 3 and am not feeling as strong. Hoping I'll get there too. Unfortunately willpower has never been my strong-suit :P



                            Update... day 15 and going strong! I have made some other positive changes in my life and I am very happy to be AF, it has really brought me into a better place and I feel like I can do so much more now. I know its still early but I look back and realize, there was never really a need to drink, just a sort of compulsion. I can sleep without it, I can cope with stress without it, and I can get a lot more done without it... and I feel much better!
                            ?Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.?
                            --Thich Nhat Hanh




                              well done modereco keep up the good work and keep posting your progress :-)

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

