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    Great job Moderico.

    Like Sunshine said earlier my house should be sparkling, piles of ironing done.

    But today I've made dinner,spent hours talking on the phone to a dear friend,had a bit of a nap and any spare time on here.

    But I am not passed out on the sofa full of AL waking up wondering where my next drink will be coming from.

    Big hugs.

    Jackie xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009



      Congratulations on 15 days. You're doing great, but be careful not to let your guard down. The empowerment you feel from your achievement can also have the reverse effect when you slip up. Does anyone else agree with this? I made it 9 days alcohol free, I slipped on the 10th day, and the dissapointment I felt has crushed my confidence. I'm on day 3 now but it's been a struggle, and the prospect of slipping again is very worrying.
      Sorry to ruin an otherwise positive thread. Making progress is great, but we need to be careful.



        I agree with continuing to be careful!! It is easy to get overconfident and then feel like you can moderate. I have found that I can't. No matter how much willpower I exercise, it does not win over AL. God I wish it would. I wish I could drink like a normal person!!! But alas....

        What an achievement modereco!!! I too find that I have so much energy when not boozing!

