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I need to get over the rainbow

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    I need to get over the rainbow

    I have been reading all the support ya'll give each other, it is so wonderful. So here goes
    I want to be able to come home from work and not drink 4 +glasses of wine a night and smoke cigaretts. Is it the tobacco or wine? I used to alternate evenings, but I have not been without a drink for months I did not drink yesterday and am trying not to smoke or drink tonight. I usuually go straight home but tonight I am going to a cooking class and they will be serving wine, but I cannot smoke there so maybe I can not drink... I do not want to drink, I do not want to let myself down again. Should I smoke a Virgina Slim and hope it satisfies... Oh my I need willpower:new:

    I need to get over the rainbow

    Welcome DAY

    You will find masses of support here. Well done for not drinking last night. What is your goal? Are you taking it a day at a time or trying to do 30 days? Read lots and post the tool bag thread for ideas to deal with cravings...think about RJs book (although I havent personally, it is what all this is about and many swear by it).

    Its tought to quit both at once.....dont overwhelm yourself....but if you can cope with doing both then keep at it and well done again..

    Big welcome

    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
    but in what direction we are moving."


      I need to get over the rainbow

      Hi Day - I'm new too. Everyone here is so full of wise words and caring. It's a great place to be at a really important time.

      I find I don't crave cigarettes at all when not drinking, which is strange cause I've smoked (and drunk funnily enough) for 20 years! Is there any way you can not have wine in your house waiting after work? Perhaps don't buy it when shopping (I know all too well how hard this is battling myself with Day 3) or driving home a different way?

      At your class, just enjoy what you're learning. There won't be a chance to drink too much at a class, and don't take any cigarettes along. Maybe battling one thing at a time would be a good way to look at it. Try cutting back on the booze first, and once you have a handle on it, maybe then tackle the ciggies? Taking on too much all at once can be pretty daunting.

      See ya round!


        I need to get over the rainbow

        Hi daystar,

        Welcome, you've found a good place!
        If you haven't already, you should read the MWO Book and make your plan. You can download the book from the Health Store right here on the site.
        Look in the Toolbox in the Monthly Abstinence section for good ideas to help you with your plan.

        As you can see, I quit my wine habit in March but waited until May to quit smoking. One focus at a time was enough for me.

        Please feel free to join us on the Newbies Nest thread - there's lots of folks there just starting as well

        Wishng you the best.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          I need to get over the rainbow

          Hi Daystar and welcome to the greatest place on earth.
          I have found many messages and posts on this site to give many of us the hope and strength to try and stay alcohol free.

          Im glad you've come to join us in our daily battle to stay sober. I too am a smoker and a drinker.
          I myself would never try to stop both at the same time but thats just me.
          I think you should cut one first then the other. Its just easier to battle one monster at a time versus going into a full blown war with the two.

          But welcome to the first step in reaching your path to smoke / wine free living.
          Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


            I need to get over the rainbow

            Thanks all
            I did go to cooking class but did have 2 glasses of wine. But it's okay just two small ones.
            Maybe I do need to set a goal to quit one first. Maybe the wine, becasue that bothers me most. If it is not at my house, I won't go buy it because I live in the country.
            Well I appreciate the helpful advice so far. Any other ideas?


              I need to get over the rainbow

              Hey Daystar
              Yes - one step at a time!! I also smoke and drink wine, and always together. If I don't drink wine, I don't smoke! Well - almost - 2 ciggies a day. But I'll smoke 6-8 bottle of wine and no smoking during the day. Do I drink to smoke? Or smoke to drink?

              Sounds like the bigger issue is the drinking. Try to control that first and see how the smoking goes. Just don't let any in the house. As Lavande suggested, read the Toolbox thread, get some good supplements going, and post and read here as much as you can. I am struggling still, but stay close to here so as to never let myself give up completely - then, all would be lost!!!

              Best to you and welcome to a great place!
              xoxo peanut


                I need to get over the rainbow

                I struggled with trying to quit both at the same time. I haven't smoked now since the very beginning of August. I am still struggling with entirely quitting the alcohol, BUT.... it was easier for me to cut back and "control" my drinking once I quit smoking. I used to sit outside each evening, drinking wine with my smokes and talking on the phone. I couldn't keep track of any of my habits that way. Once I quit smoking, I was more aware of how much time I was wasting each day on "all the above." I know many are saying quit the alcohol first, but for me, it's been easier to cut back without the cigs. Even though I smoked, I didn't particularly like the taste of cigarettes without some red wine. They kind of went hand in hand. (Or one in each!)

