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ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

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    ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

    Good morning Odaters

    After a day feeling sleepy and unproductive yesterday I have awoken today with lots of energy. It's a beautiful day and I won't drink tonight, which in turn will make tomorrow a good day too. Tomorrow I am meeting an old school friend who I haven't seen in 18 months and I want to look good and definitely not feel hungover!

    Wishing all you out there a sober Tuesday.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

    Good morning everyone! Fall has hit with a vengence in the Midwest. Cold and rainy, I ache all over. But....AF everything is easier to deal with and manage. I plan on being super positive at work today and wearing something bright and cheerful. Alcohol is not even going to be in my plans after work. A few chores, a good meal, and finishing up a book. Oh, having a fire in the fireplace will brighten up my evening.

    I am hopeful that I can maintain this positive attitude. Have an AF day.


      ODAT- Tuesday 29th September


      Bluey and red, what great plans!!! I love these kinds of threads! OK lets see, I'm going to start with a grounding meditation CD, be super productive with some paperwork I've been putting off, maybe go to the doggie park (it was BUSY last night), have a good healthy meal and watch the PBS special series on America's National Parks with a nice pot of tea.

      And red, there's a saying "fake it till you make it" that applies to positive attitudes!

      Lets rock!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

        Good Morning Blue Sky, redhibiscus and Greeneyes and all ODATers to come today.
        I drank a full bottle of wine last night. Coming on a fresh month and I have a plan to make October AF. I'm starting today back at day 1.
        This morning I'm doing volunteer work and then it's home to start cleaning up the garden.
        Greeneyes: I've been watching the PBS National Parks series also. Isn't it terrific? Very calming for me.
        Fall is definitely her in the Northeast also. In fact, they're talking a few flakes.

        Onward and upward for me one day at a time with positive thoughts.
        Wishing everyone a sober day today.
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

          Morning Blue, Red, Green (lol) and MNB! and all to follow!

          Yes, Fall is certainly here! my favorite season. Off to work in a bit, but wanted to stop in and pledge that today, I will not drink. I feel so much better and happier with each day that goes by. I look forward to another evening sober and watching biggest loser while doing my upper body weights. such inspiration, that show.

          Enjoy the day all!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

            Hi guys,

            Day 10 for me today - yeah, double digits. I always love when I hit double digits (not sure why I ever go back to day one?) My goal is to get to 14 days and then move on from there.

            At work this am, doctors appt at 11 and then a couple of appointments this afternoon for work. After that I have to go home, feed the troops and out the door to play pool with friends - but no worries of drinking, I never drink when I play pool as I always have to drive so today will be AF for sure.

            Have a great day everyone!

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

              :goodjob:Hi Uni

              Keep going strong!
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

                Good morning everybody! Tuesdays are a hard day for me as I change my routine. Tuesdays used to be go to a pub after work and hang out with colleagues.

                I know that I am not strong enough to resist drinking at the I am not going to go at all. I want to get to a point where I can go to the pub, drink iced tea and not feel like I am missing out.

                So, my plan is to cook a somewhat elaborate meal tonight for DH - so will need to go to the grocery store and spend a couple of hours cooking. Please send strength my way because it is so hard not to go hang out and just "chill".


                  ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

                  Hi everyone -

                  I'm trying to get through the first day two I've had in a really, really long time. I think, though, that I've finally hit that wall, that place where even the thought of me drunk is repulsive. And where I realize that if I have even one drink, it's going to wind up with me drunk. It never fails.

                  Anyway, you all sound so positive and upbeat, it makes me feel really hopeful. I think Determination has the right idea, making food sounds fun and distracting.


                    ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

                    Hi all its a mild night here in Dublin. Day 3 of not drinking. did some house cleaning and went to the supermarket for some groceries. I treated myself to a nice spray of Carnonations which sit in a vase on my mantlepiece. Just gonna chill in front of tv before Bed. Good night. :television::sofa:


                      ODAT- Tuesday 29th September

                      Hope you all had a good day, AF day for me, so lifes good.
                      Uni-did you quit smoking? Good luck with it.

