I'm new here. I decided to join a group to see about reducing my drinking. I don't want to stop completely - I just want to reduce it to a more acceptable level.
I'm 53 years old, live in Switzerland, am a runner (marathons and ultramarathons - have a 260-km ultra in 100 hours coming up in March next year in Algeria, for example!!!), but have had a lot of psychological stress in the last few years, which has caused me to hit the wine bottle every night - I drink at least 750 ml to one litre of wine every night. I know it's not good for me. I have a partner of some 25 years standing, but we live in two adjacent apartments, so when I am alone in mine of an evening, the wine flows, and my partner knows nothing about it. I take a lot of (allegedly) natural supplements to compensate for the damage that that amount of alcohol can cause - I wonder if it works.
The reason I decided to search for a forum like this is, because two of my liver values have increased (only slightly) in the last year, and my blood calcium level is much higher than it should be. I told my doctor about my wine inclination, and he said it could be the reason, but the liver values which usually indicate an alcohol problem are actually perfect; it's the others which are (slightly) higher than the should be. He suggested I cut down on my intake (it's difficult, because I own a wine shop!!!! :devil
I wonder if anyone else here has a similar situation, or has some advice I could consider. I haven't read any other postings, yet, but please, if I may ask, I don't want to be bombarded with religious stuff - I am an atheist, and will just ignore it (I accept everyone's right to believe in whatever he/she wishes - I am as I am, and don't want anyone to try to change that). Sorry, that I had to bring that up, but I just wanted to be clear right from the start.
Looking forward to hearing from anyone who is interested.