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Just Begining

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    Just Begining

    Morning to all my name is Matthew, im a 36 year old guy from Sydney, and would like to tell you a little about my Self. I have a drinking problem that started along time ago, I drink approx 10 beers a day from the time i get home till I fall asleep, for a long time now my wonderfull wife has put up with me and tried her hardest to help me, only for me to push her away as i never thought I had a problem, Yesterday i went to see the doctor about getting help as id read about Campral and what it can do to help, only to be told that because im not in Rehab im not entitled to the PBS scheme and would have to pay full price for the product, i explained that I hold a full time job down and support my family and I want to do this on my own because I am embarressed with who I have become so Im paying the full price for the tablets. Ive set my first goal which is to not drink during the week Mon - Fri then go from there. Id love to be the man i used to be.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Matthew :thanks:

    Just Begining

    Hello Mattie70!

    I just started here myself a few days ago, and found that this is a great place to get support for drinking problems.

    I have been fighting it for a long time myself. I'm a 50 year old guy from Tennessee. At one point in my drinking career, I was putting down a quart of whiskey every night. Thats been a long time ago, and I worked my way to just drinking on the weekends. Its hard for me to remember what I went through back then, but I still got really drunk on the weekends for a long, long time. I've been totally abstinent for nine months now, so please don't ever give up hope.

    Anyway, the others here will help you a bunch. They all recommend reading the Roberta Jewell book first, which can be downloaded. I'm still new here, so the others will be able to steer you to whatever specific things you may need help on.

    Hang on, and stay in touch. We are here for you.


      Just Begining

      Thanks xtexan much appreciated and yes i will be here alot, not only to help myself but hopefully help others going through the same as us.



        Just Begining


        Thanks Kate, im not certain the doctor looked it up in his medical book and its states not to be given under PBS unless in rehab.


