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ODAT - Thursday 1st October

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    ODAT - Thursday 1st October

    Hi Odaters

    Tawnywitch - did you sneeze on me? I seem to have caught your cold :H:H

    That combined with the bottle of wine I drank last night have left me feeling rotten this morning. I definitely will not be drining tonight. Early night for me! Also we have a houseguest coming for the weekend so I really must get beds changed and bathrooms cleaned tomorrow.

    Will pop back in later.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT - Thursday 1st October

    Good morning blue sky and all who follow. Bit cloudy here this morning and it seems a bit cooler on this first day of October. I'm meeting my sister and sister in law this afternoon for coffee and then we may do a bit shopping just household stuff for me mainly. No al for me today either as i have too much to catch up over the weekend and i start today that cud blow for the rest of the weekend and nothin will get done i'm hungover. Anyway have a gud thursday. Cheers. :cupajoe:urgirl:


      ODAT - Thursday 1st October

      Morning ladies

      Yes it is quite noticably cooler today isn't it.

      I'm trying to think positively and not get the cold which is very slowly working it's way through our house at present. DH has it now (and of course is dying) so spent most of night waking up either because he was snoring or coughing, or sneezing.... sure you get the picture.

      Booked week's holiday in Wales for next Easter last night which always gives me something to look forward to, also it's a cottage which allows one well behaved dog - that's a first for us. Going to see puppy again this weekend and hopefully get some pictures (and decide on a name, small consideration really).

      Luv to all


        ODAT - Thursday 1st October

        sorry about spreading the bug's, I am feeling much better today, had 1large glass wine last night and that is it now, just hope I can be strong enough not to cave in, lovely day here again, so warm now,love and hug's TawnyW


          ODAT - Thursday 1st October

          good October 1st to all!
          October/Nov./Dec. were always my favorite months.
          let me take this occasion to open my eyes to new opportunities.
          i went to a new dance class night. it was nice.
          i think last night was the best rest i've had in a while.
          no barking.
          i was awoke at 4 am as the electric went off of 1/2 hr.
          still better than being awoke w/noise.


            ODAT - Thursday 1st October

            Morning All! Happy October!

            Colds are going around right now here too, and so far i have avoided it. I'm hoping my soberness is helping along with vitamins, good food and great sleep!

            Glad you enjoyed your dance class 67! sounds like fun. I'm going to take a yoga class starting in December, sounds far away but i know how fast the weeks go.

            another busy work day and then it's a board meeting tonight for my association, so no time to even think about Al today.

            have a great October 1st everyone!
            AF/SF - November 23, 2014


              ODAT - Thursday 1st October



              Chill in the air here too. I felt bad for the cat I banned from the house as I know he likes warm and comfey. He has a bed in the garage but nothing compares to being in bed with me. :H:H:H So I let him in and that was one happy cat. I haven't checked to see if he peed in the house yet though so his tonight's comfort level has yet to be determined.

              I could NOT keep awake during the PBS special I'm watching. I even sat up instead of laying down on the couch. Grrrr. Tonight maybe I'll try watching it standing up. :H

              1967, I want to hear about the dance lessons. I am sitting here trying to think if I've ever danced sober other than on stage in first grade. Not coming up with anything.

              MM - one well behaved dog. Better get busy! :H

              I'm cooking dinner :H Trying to enhance my chances of seeing the PBS special.

              Have a good day!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                Good Morning everyone!
                Wow!! So great to see so many here today!
                Another sober night for me last night but a terrible nights sleep! Tossed, turned and listened to my husband snore his head off! Finally moved to the spare room at 1:30 and the last time I saw was 2:48! I forgot to take my Calms Forte last night...won't do that again! But! I woke up hangover free and what a blessing.
                It's a very cold 37 degrees here in Vermont. The furnace just came on..oh what's to come!
                My poor kitty has an eye that is swollen shut! We are awaiting a call from the vet right now. Poor thing, I'm worried about him.
                Everyone sounds wonderful today...lets keep it up. Stay strong and sober and meet all goals today!
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                  Hi guys!

                  I had a decent sleep last night - was late getting to bed as we had vball at 10:30pm - who schedules volley ball that late! LOL - so by the time I got to bed it was 12:30 however I was able to sleep in a bit this morning as my first meeting is later.

                  Day 12 here - 2 more days to make my second goal of 2 weeks. Tonight is a quiet tv night, a little bit of cleaning after work and then just vegging out - no reason to drink and I have a ton of AF drinks on hand. Then into the weekend we go and it's a busy one for me so I'm sure with some willpower and L-Glut I can get through it no problem.

                  have a great day everyone!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                    Good morning everybody!

                    Cold and rainy here...always makes me regret buying a house w/out a fireplace!

                    My plan for the evening is to curl up with a good book to read and some hot tea.

                    I have found that my cravings are the worst around 4:00 - 7:00 and I am learning (slowly) that if I just tough it out...they do go mostly away. So my plan for that hour tonight is to keep sticking with elaborate meals to keep my hands and mind busy.


                      ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                      Hi guys,

                      It looks like I am going to get my promotion! That's the word on the street anyway - so of course, I had to go shopping - a little retail therapy is always good - LOL!

                      I am feeling like a glass of wine but I have some AF wine at home so If I can't get rid of the craving I may have a glass of the AF stuff - not as good but will at least satisfy my craving! LOL

                      See you tomorrow!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                        INI!!!! I am thrilled for you!!! That is wonderful!!!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Thursday 1st October

                          I'm beginning to wonder if I am just addicted to drinking anything, on my AF nights I am getting through a big carton of orange juice, countless cups of tea (decaff), then finish off with a hot chocolate if I need a treat. Maybe my body is trying to make up for all those dehydrated nights over the years. Anyone else find this?
                          I'm off to bed early tonight to keep warm with the duvet, its gone cold now October has started.
                          Congratulations Uni on the promotion.

