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Operation October - week one

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    Operation October - week one

    A new month filled with so much possibility! Let's get on the road!

    I know for some of us, September was a difficult month, but for some it was quite successful. I know that for me, I should have done better, but I am not going to dwell on that now. What's important is that we all climb on board and keep moving onward. I have a feeling October is going to be good for us!

    From the end of September, week 4: SBetty, it's always good to see you! I think 21 days is fantastic! Focus on the positive.

    DO25, congrats on 33 days!!! Do you have any tips about how you are doing it?

    Pnut, I think October will be a good month for you. Get the mindset going and you'll do great. I know that you have enough determination to achieve it. Anyone who trains and enters the races like you did this year has an incredible amount of determination!

    Welcome to all the regulars and new comers are surely welcome along too. The more the merrier!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Operation October - week one

    Operation October,

    Morning Dill and all those yet to come,

    I've started October with a visit to the dentist, booked a flight to Belfast to see the Irish members of MWO and changed my avatar.

    Oh and I'm getting my hair done this afternoon.

    October will be the month I celebrate my 90 days AF. (Monday 5th) I still take ODAT as you never know what's just round the corner to set you off on the rocky road again (fingers crossed please).

    I'm doing things today that I could only dream and slur about just 12 weeks ago.

    It's all down to you kind people.

    Love Jackie xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Operation October - week one

      Hello Everyone!
      I'm taking it ODAT but intend to make October a completely AF month!
      Hey Jackie - I'm getting my hair done today too. Something to look forward to. I was in Belfast last month myself. Beautiful city. We traveled all around Ireland.
      I'm with you, Dill - I could have done a lot better in Sept but Oct is brand new so we'll just keep pressing forward but remember the past, don't dwell.

      Have a great day!
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Operation October - week one

        Good morning October friends!

        Thanks for gettin us on a roll Dill! I have a good feeling you are going to ace the month

        JC you take the prize for 'the most changed' in such a short period of time - no kidding Congrats on your success, keep it going!

        MNB, good to see you, we're happy to have you on the October Sober Bus!

        Have a hectic day planned for myself including meeting an old friend for lunch so I'm happy. Hello to everyone, I'll check in later!

        Have a great AF Thursday everyone.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Operation October - week one

          Mind if I join in? Think the first of the month is always a good push in the right direction.

          Had a moderately (smile) succesful September but there's a lot of room for improvement. Thanks Dill for the "not looking back" comment. That's going to be my motto. What's done is done and thinking about it is a waste of time. One foot in front of the other if I want to get anywhere.

          Now...on to October! Beautiful, crisp morning here in New England.

          Have a great day/night all!



            Operation October - week one

            I would like to join. I had a bad September, the first 2 weeks were ok but the last stunk. My sister came to visit from Chicago for 10 days then I went to Portland to visit my daughter and old friends. Needless to say I drank every day and am now ready to jump back on the AF wagon. I woke up very disappointed in myself so I figure the 1st day of October will be a new beginning.


              Operation October - week one

              feeling positive today, looking forward to the challange,good luck everyone


                Operation October - week one

                I am in and feeling fine about it. Had a fun day yesterday out of town and I hiked through a slot canyon that was so narrow in many spots I could steady myself by putting my hands out on either side and touch the walls. If only life had banisters. Today I am going to begin shifting things about in the house for fall and winter and put another part of the garden to bed. It is great to not have to be breaking my brain for work today; I am happy just tending things. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Operation October - week one

                  Here we go I guess, I am going to give AF a real shot! Haven't been AF for more than 24 hours in over two to three years, but i am truly going to go at it! I am in China now, so today is the first for me, and i already drank, so tomorrow, the 2nd, will be my first day at truly conquering this demon. Check out my post here called how come to track my status, and your status, I need the support, and i hope in due time i can provide to another. Much love to all of you people strong enough to make it past day one, then two, then three, and so on. One day is as important as 500 days!


                    Operation October - week one

                    Hi all! I would like to join you for Operation October! I am very confident this is gonna be the best month ever. Hello to everyone, and I look forward to being with you throughout October. I will do my best, between work and studying, to post everyday!!! Thanks for starting this Dill!


                      Operation October - week one

                      Happy 1st of October, Operators!

                      Yep, September sucked all around. Especially, for you two, Dill & Pnut. :l
                      Here's to a wonderful, successful October! JC... Huge (even if a little early) congrats on 3 months!!!! AL wise, September was the first full AF calender month for me. Other than that, I'd like to just forget about it *shudder*

                      But, now it is October and fall is DEFINITELY here. Yesterday, I spent some time finding walk ways and flower beds around the house... they were kinda buried under inches of leaves. I did some general clean up outside, put away some of the gardening tools *sniff* and started decorating a bit for fall. I've also started making stews, chili, etc. this week... typical comfort food for a cold day

                      Great to see so many back on track... let's DO IT, peeps!
                      And welcome, Elton... we're here to help in any way we can
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Operation October - week one

                        Hi everyone, I'm hoping for a Af october. Managed august, september af and most of july.Good luck to everybody.


                          Operation October - week one

                          Hello everyone what a wonderful surprise to see so many of us gathered already for this Operation! We will succeed - there's strength in numbers.
                          Had a busy but enjoyable day so far and just popping out for little walk cos not sure how long the weather will hold out.
                          See you all later


                            Operation October - week one

                            Hi everyone, I would like to be alcohol free for October. This will be my first real attempt at remaining sober for a lengthy period. I already have 5 AF days, I'm feeling positive about attempting an alcohol free October. I'm looking fwd to chatting with you all.


                              Operation October - week one

                              Hi all! I can't tell you how happy I've felt just to be in a new month - how superstitious is that! Operation October has such ooomph to it. Welcome to all newbies, the more the merrier.
                              "If only life had banisters" - you SO crack me up, LBH, I giggled for 10 minutes.
                              I had a work meeting that was more enjoyable than I'd anticipated. Today has been a better day. Thank you all for being here.

