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ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

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    ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

    Okay, well apparently I can't spell this morning - you have no idea how difficult writing this is!

    But only because I haven't had my coffee - still AF - day 13. Today and tomorrow to reach this goal of 2 weeks. In the 2 weeks I have only had 2 days where I ws actually really craving AL - both times I got through them.

    A couple of meetings today and then I should be able to start the weekend a little early which is nice. Little bit of housework tonight, off to my daughters hockey game and bed early!

    Looking forward to a nice weekend.

    Hope you guys are all doing well!


    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Friday Oct. 2


    I stayed awake for the PBS special! One more night. Yesterday was nothing like I had laid out, but.... whatever. I guess it was what it was supposed to be and now it's yesterday. Unfortunately visible spillover is on my desk. Tooo bad that stuff doesn't magically disappear.

    Goood news for the cat. 2 nights in a row in the bed. I wish he would show appreciation in some way other than licking my head with that rough little tongue. Good things humans dont' do that.

    Friday.... good day, new month. Give it your best shot!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

      Congrats Uni on your just about 2 weeks! Well done!

      I am actually going to hang pictures tonight! have only moved here over a year ago and 1/2 ago and finally have the time (because i'm not drinking) to put them up! It's amazing what can be accomplished now.

      Have a great weekend all, it's going to be rainy here till Sunday so I will get lots accomplished inside.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

        Hi greenie! always nice to see you here!
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

          just been for great ride, nice not to have a hangoverm stay strong everyone


            ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

            Odater's I am now into 3 months sobriety. Hope everyone achieves their goals. Well done Uni.


              ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

              Paula That ROCKS! I'm so proud for you!!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

                I'm on day two. Yesterday was AF which wasn't a massive achievement but considering I don't recall 1 AF day in the entire month of September, it's a start. Just reading what you posted MSTALL makes me realise how much alcohol has consumed my life.
                At the moment my goal has to be ODAT but where it once seemed tougher on me not to drink, more recently it was tougher drinking.


                  ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

                  Happy ODAT and TGIF to all! Great job Uni on 13 days. That's a huge achievement. Greenie my cat comes to my face while I sleep, turns around and swipes her tail across it. I think I'd rather have licks. Grats Paula and Juley. I hope everyone gets one step closer to their goals today.


                    ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

                    I was'nt going to post anything tonight, I feel so down, but if this is going to work I might as well be honest. Instead I went to my diary, as no one else would read it, this is what I wrote.
                    I had a very bad day at work, which is my excuse for drinking tonight. I feel so depressed, lonely and worthless. I don?t like myself when I am like this. Got home to find one of the dogs had destroyed the lounge, so we are not talking, which is hard to keep up as they look so pathetic. I have a long lonely weekend ahead of me, with just the dogs for company, I think the bad day at work excuse is just a mask for the real excuse, that I don?t care enough about me to keep trying. What is the point of carrying on if no one else cares, which sounds pathetic and self pitying. But being honest is about all I can do tonight, I can?t stay sober, I can?t ?buck myself up?, but I might as well be honest with myself. I don?t want to die, but I don?t want the life I have. I am sick of being so lonely. So I am back with my only reliable friend.
                    OK, so now you all know how pathetic I am, will drink myself into oblivion tonight, and hopefully be back on track tomorrow.


                      ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

                      You should be so proud of yourself for that absolutely honest post.

                      Give yourself a hug and have an extra one from me.

                      Take care.

                      Love Jackie xxx
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        ODAT - Friday Oct. 2

                        Sorry, I seem to have killed the thread - again.
                        I'm really not proud of myself tonight, I have had far too much to drink and am wallowing in self pity. Pathetic I konw. But tomorrow is a new day, maybe it will be better, once the hangover I am sure to get has worn off. It is meant to be a cold and rainy day here tomorrow, so at least I won't miss much.
                        Thanks for the reply, I know it does'nt sound like it from my depressing reply, but it does help.

