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The headaches are driving me crazy!!

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    The headaches are driving me crazy!!

    Ok, so I found this site about three weeks ago -
    Procrastinated for a bit, then went ahead and bought the book for download, and of course found out afterwards that I could've downloaded it for free (oh, well) -
    Wanted so badly to buy the supps and cd's but kept saying, "I can't afford it"
    Then came last weekend -
    Friday night: spent over $100.00 (on credit card, no less!) on beer and shots
    Saturday night: apparently everyone at the bar was my friend that night, 'cause I spent almost $200.00 (again, on credt card) buying rounds for the house.
    Sunday afternoon: cruising this forum, reading different threads, wanting so badly to buy the supps and cd's. All of a sudden, it hit me, "Holy s*&t, I just spent over $300.00 on booze this weekend using credit cards. What's the difference if I throw a bit more on there to possibly change my life?" So, before I could talk myself out of it yet again, I ordered the stuff. And I didn't drink that night, either.
    Monday: bad day. started drinking at 3pm cause, hey it's Monday Night Football, right? And up here in Alaska, that starts in the afternoon. Since 1992, I haven't been able to go more than one day without drinking, so I hit it and hit it hard. Drank over a case of beer by 10pm.
    Tuesday: Woke up with the usual - guilt, loathing, remorse, and wondering just how long it's gonna take before the supps show up. I want them yesterday, cause I just don't seem to be able to quit the drinking on my own, and I don't know just how much longer I can keep hating myself. So, I decided to be a bit proactive and go into town, see if I can find any of the supps there. Just as I was getting into my truck, the mail lady pulls up behind me. She hands me a box -
    Ohmigod!! It's the supps and cd's!! :wd: A day and half after I ordered them. That just doesn't happen in Alaska, trust me. I was so excited that I decided to start them right away. So I took the dosages recommended for dinner time and wow! two hours later, I had a killer headache that just wouldn't quit. I went to bed, slept poorly (no alcohol) and woke up early. Headache was gone, thank God.

    So now I'm at the first full day of supps, and hoping that the headache was just a bit of stress. Take the supps, and by 2:00 in the afternoon, the headache is back, only this time much worse!! I take 4 extra-strength tylenol and crawl into bed. An hour later the headache is gone, only to return later that evening around 7pm to take up residence in my brain for the rest of the night.

    Now, to my credit, even though every part of me was screaming, "Just go have a beer, have several and the pain will go away!!!" I didn't. I stayed calm, and eventually the urge to drink went away. However, if this headache comes back again, I don't know that I can take it anymore. What I'm wondering is this - are the headaches caused from the lack of alcohol in my system? I have drank at least 10-12 beers a night (more on the weekends) for the last ten years. Am I trying to get off the suds too quickly? Or are the cause of my headaches stemming from the supps?

    The headaches are driving me crazy!!

    I am no expert, but that was my first thought. Perhaps you should consider tapering down for a few days and then going AF for a while. I have heard going cold turkey after drinking heavily is not a good thing. Sort of like when you quit coffee and get that caffeine withdrawal headache. You can do it. Once you have a couple AF days under your belt you will much more in control and probably will not want to drink as much. And stop being so friendly at the bar!!!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      The headaches are driving me crazy!!

      Thanks, Lush. That's kinda what I'm thinking too (tapering off). I guess I was kinda hoping that my drinking wasn't really that bad, and I was hoping that I could get more than one day without beer. You know how it is -
      "I want it, and I want it now!!"


        The headaches are driving me crazy!!

        Oh boy, do I!!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          The headaches are driving me crazy!!


          I get the same headaches...I just try and and ignore it and keep going. Our story is very similar. I know what you are going through. Good Luck !!



            The headaches are driving me crazy!!

            Hi Gypsi

            Say if I am being intrusive, but...
            just read your thread, and wondered - how many beers are in a case? - I am from the Uk, so I equate things to 1 litre of Vodka = 40 %
            So 4 bottles of 11% wine = 44% - I do it in this way because 1 litre + sounds worse to me than 4 bottles of wine - just a self-shock tactic !!!

            Also... If you were to guess what percentage you drank every day... what would you say? I was drinking 4 bottles of wine a day - so a little over 1 litre of vodka ( although the effects between the two of them on me were very different. )

            I am certainly NO expert, but I would say I have a really good knowledge of withdrawals.... I am glad your supps etc have arrived, and they WILL help tremendously. But withdrawals occur approx 96 hours after your past drink - and they are NOT shakes, and shivers, and sweats.

            Feel free to PM me if you are worried about stopping completely, which is not advisable ( depending on how much you are drinking ), although the ' cutting down' option was never an option for me.... it was Stop completely ( but meds may be necessary - depending on your current alcohol intake ) . Which i can't evaluate due to the beerage content in a case, and also the potency. Of course I am just theorising here because I don't know the facts.

            Don't make your self ill.
            Will be thinking of you, and hope to hear from you soon.

            Take Care
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

            Bambs aka Hydrogen

            :h XXX :h


              The headaches are driving me crazy!!



              You may want to lower your dosage a bit and ramp up. Many of the supps are very detoxifying and your body is already trying to detox from the alcohol as well.

              Usually, the heavy detox will last from 3-7 days, so please just try to ease in a bit and try NOT to go back to the alcohol. Your relief will just be your body processing normal toxins rather than eliminating them to help you get healthy.

              I hope you get through this period, I know that it can feel nightmarish at the time.:l


                The headaches are driving me crazy!!

                Bambino, cv1, sorry it took so long to reply. Had a bad couple of days here. Headache got to the point where I gave up and went drinking Thursday night, however -
                Rather than the usual 12-18 beers, it was only 7. And when I woke up Friday, I felt like crap!! In my opinion, that was a good way to feel
                Friday was not good either, as I was so busy with National POW/MIA Recognition Day that I missed all my supps. So of course, off I went drinking Friday nite. Not good, but I have learned just how important staying on the dosing schedule is, and am now determined to stay on it. I got two days AF last week (yay me!!) and I want more. I'm going to try to stay on the supps dosing schedule, but I will lower the dosing if the headaches continue.
                BTW, there are 24 12oz. beers in a case, and each beer is 4.2% alcohol. Not real good with math, so I don't know how that translates in liters.

