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Was doing ok until challenges hit

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    Was doing ok until challenges hit

    I need to find the strength to deal with challenges and problems without regressing and going back to my old bad habits....

    Was doing ok until challenges hit

    Hi All
    yaya sorry to hear about you having to deal with problems. Probably one of the main reasons we drink. yes we have to deal with them differently. This site is one of the biggest helps in dealing with life's problems. It seems almost 24/7 you can find someone here to lend a hand. When I was first in recovery I turned here often. Instead of failing and caving to my never ending cravings I would stop here for a chat or a read. This site can't solve all our problems but can give support when we are in need.Many friendly people in chat in the evenings that are always ready to help. Check it out if you haven't already.

    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


      Was doing ok until challenges hit


      Hi yaya,

      My 1st reaction to a problem was always to reach for a drink.

      A few weeks ago my cousin was very ill in Boston,MA and I'm 1000s miles away in the Uk rather than reaching for that drink I logged on here and asked for help.

      Sure enough the good kind people here came through for me.

      On the first page you'll find a section called 'Need Help ASAP'.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world.

      Love Jackie xxx

      AF since 7/7/2009

      PS He's fine now, but had us worried for a bit
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Was doing ok until challenges hit

        Hi, yaya -

        Sticking close to this forum in my first few AF days especially was helpful. Our life problems can look very big indeed without AL, but AL certainly doesn't solve them. We get so used to covering them up, it's disconcerting to say the least when we're looking them in the eye. If you are newly AF, keep that as your first priority, as your mind gets clearer, it's easier to see solutions to other issues (also less likely to make matters worse, which I never realized was what AL and hangovers did more than my own personal deficiencies).

        One day at a time, one hour at a time. Distract yourself, do anything else, when the urge to drink comes on. Break it into as little bits as needed. Do the same with other problems. If I personally don't remember to do this, I can easily become overwhelmed and feel I can't do anything.

        You may want to try the hypnosis CDs. Hypnosis is wonderfully relaxing and can really quiet an overactive mind, as well as create positive behavior changes.

        Keep hanging in there. Wishing you the best, and much love to you.
        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

        AUGUST 9, 2009


          Was doing ok until challenges hit

          Thank you!

          Thank you, all, for your kindness. It is so helpful. Just being able to vent and have your caring responses and empathy, and sharing experiences about having been there. I think I will go and listen to one of those cds now.

          One of the problems was I got off track. My in-laws were in town visiting for 4 days and supposed to be "helping" with my daughter so I could rest and get over a horrible virus, but sometimes they are just a little too helpful...know what I mean? I could go on...but anyway, I didn't have much privacy and didn't listen to those things enough. So in addition to my MIL driving me nuts, I didn't have the tools in place like I should have and sure enough, I lost it. But I'm back on the horse now and optimistic, in a way.

          Thanks again...




            Was doing ok until challenges hit


            I love my mother in law to bits but ........ (fill in the blanks).

            Don't be a stranger.

            Please let us know how you're doing.

            Love Jackie xxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Was doing ok until challenges hit

              Welcome yaya!!

              In the beginning of my sobriety i had to shelter myself from ANY temptation or situation that would weaken my resolve. I am still pretty protective 55 days down the road.

              This place is a godsend and without i wouldnt be sober 55 days. It's the longest in years for me!! sad, but true.

              Now sounds like a good time to start for you! I wish you the best!
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014

