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Well, I'm back. With news.

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    Well, I'm back. With news.

    HI, Everyone! I am still on this lovely blue ball, and I have made a decision. I knew it was coming when I chose to not make it through the month of August AF, even though I had started out that way. There were all sorts of reasons, circumstances, stresses, etc, all the way from out of town guests from the end of July to the middle of September to my in-laws being here for two weeks (lovely people, but still) to starting a new job. But the bottom line is, I was just feeling miserable about not being able to drink, and so I talked to my husband about it, and he agreed that it wasn't the right time. Yes, I tried to moderate. No, I wasn't successful. Dreadfully UNsuccessful, in fact.

    And so, I went back to the MWO book, and reread it. And took it to my doctor. Whew. was that hard! But she borrowed it, read it, and agreed to prescribe Topomax for one month, to see how it works for me, and if it helps, she'll keep on going. I ordered EXACTLY the types of supplements RJ suggests and am doing the hypno cds again, and all. I tried to do it last spring, as some of you may remember, without the topo, and just didn't work at it after my 30 days AF. So, this time around, I am sticking to the program JUST THE WAY THE BOOK SAYS FOR THE WHOLE BLESSED 12 WEEKS. I had to shout that because I feel so strongly about it.

    I started it this past Monday, the last Monday of September, and to be honest, there hasn't even been a glimmer of a craving. Last night my husband had dinner with a buddy, and to be honest, it was the first time I even thought about the possibility of having a drink, simply because I know that would have been my MO. I did think about it. But even though there is a half bottle of wine in the cabinet (not my type, but when did that ever stop me before?) I did not indulge. I sit here with a goofy grin on my face because I feel just that good about myself tonight. Yes, it is Friday. I have been known to over-indulge on our Friday date-nights, as you all know. But I also know I won't tonight, and I am not even tempted. So, for me, I am thinking that the Topomax must really be working! Oh, thank God!

    So, my wonderful friends, who have been so faithful, here I am back again. I may not actually post every day, as the work schedule is keeping me hopping, but I promise to post as often as I can. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all of you. Have a lovely weekend!

    Well, I'm back. With news.

    Hi Mica,

    I dont know you but it sounds like you are ready to take the AF journey!! good for you! I can "hear" how good you feel already!

    Remember this great feeling of accomplishment in the days to come. best wishes to you on the AF ride!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      Well, I'm back. With news.

      Wonderful news Mica!
      And a wonderful inspiration for newbies and 'oldies' alike! Thank you & wishing you 100% success!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Well, I'm back. With news.

        Hi Mica - welcome back!!
        I can completely relate to your circumstances in August and Sept for not going AF - I also sort of gave up, with all the activity and trauma in my life at the time. BUt I think I am going to take your lead and pull out Roberta's book and reread it and try to follow the supplement and CD schedule. I'm so happy it is all working for you this time. I did follow it pretty much exactly last June and into July (2008) with great success, but when the Topa level got to 100, I started having unpleasant side effects and eventually dropped it. Probably I should have just tapered back down, as I remember a fairly low dose worked to take the edge off and helped me to stay AF.

        Best to you! Try pop in whenever you can and tell us of your progress!
        xoxo peanut


          Well, I'm back. With news.

          Hi Mica,

          Glad to see you back - missed you
          You have a good solid plan now & with the support of your Doc you should do just fine, I'm happy for you!
          Join us on the Newbies Nest thread again, we're still there

          All the best!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Well, I'm back. With news.

            good for you mica :goodjob: you know you have the support of everyone here :goodjob:

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Well, I'm back. With news.

              Hello Mica it is lovely to see you back and to hear that is working. I wish you every success with your new plan and you know we are here for you.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Well, I'm back. With news.

                Hi Mica,

                Welcome back and best of luck---we are all here for you!


                  Well, I'm back. With news.

                  Welcome back Mica and all the best on this next part of your journey! (I'm glad you have a goofy grin going these days!)


                    Well, I'm back. With news.

                    Oh mica, I'm so glad for you!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      Well, I'm back. With news.

                      Thank you, everyone!

                      Thanks, all, for your sweet words of encouragement, and especially Pnut for the heads up about Topomax. I will definitely keep that in mind, if I have side-effects as the ramping up keeps going. I just cannot tell you all what a relief it is for me to not have to battle the constant craving. Even though I did the 30 days in May, there were many days when the craving was really hard, and at the end of the month, I just kind of LEAPT off the wagon. I look forward to the coming 3 month journey, and will report back, in case anyone else is thinking about trying Topomax. It, as I said, does really seem to be working for me.


                        Well, I'm back. With news.

                        Mica, I am so glad to see you back and look forward to your ongoing reports about this method. To your health and happiness! Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Well, I'm back. With news.

                          Good luck to you and I am so happy that you are using the program. I think that different things work for different people, but the important thing is to have a PLAN and follow it. I know that the MWO program has helped me tremendously and I continue to use the CDs but quit the supps and did not use the Topomax as I am sensitive to medication. HaHa, but it did not seem to stop me from putting poison in my body years. It works if you work it.

