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1 week feeling great!

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    1 week feeling great!

    Hi everyone. Today I start day 8 alcohol free. I'm so very proud of myself for making it through an entire week, this is the first time in 2 years that I have been sober for more than 3 days. This past week has been difficult, I'm having good times and bad times, but I'm staying positive and am doing whatever it takes to ward off the anxiety. It's early days, but the positives of sobriety are becoming clearer everyday: i feel better, I'm sleeping well, i remember everything, i have no regrets, I actually enjoyed going to work this week, I'm being sociable, I've got my mornings back, I even think I lost some weight!
    I just hope I have the strength to continue on this path. I know there will be some dark times ahead of me, and I know myself well enough to know that I can't let my guard down when it comes to drinking. I simply cannot drink. I know this, and I know that I need to be the one to take responsibility for my sobriety.
    Thank you to everyone who replied to my posts, and to everyone else who visits here. I don't post very often, but I've spent a lot of time just reading through the messages and it's a great comfort to know that MWO is here for me. Everyone here is so positive, and I really appreciate this in my life right now.
    Anyway, i don't want this thread to be just about me. I know i'm not the only one feeling good about myself. How're you all doing?

    1 week feeling great!



    You're doing grreat.

    Give yourself a huge hug and have one from me.

    Believe me it just gets better and better.

    Love Jackie xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      1 week feeling great!

      Qwerty -

      It does feel great, doesn't it? Congratulations on 8 days!

      Much love!
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        1 week feeling great!

        you are over the big 1st week hump!



          1 week feeling great!

          Hi Qwerty,
          It's great to hear you sound so positive and realistic at the same time.
          You're well on your way and I'm happy for you.


            1 week feeling great!

            so pleased for you Qwerty, well done,be really proud of yourself, I am on day 3 but struggling tonight, hope I can be strong too.


              1 week feeling great!


              I'm doing great and apparently you are too
              Congrats, you're doing so well, I'm very happy for you. Remember, it just keeps getting better

              Keep up the good work, you'll never be sorry!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                1 week feeling great!

                Qwerty, you are over a big hump and are already reaping some of the benefits. Believe what others are saying, since it is true. It only gets better and also easier as time goes on. Keep up the good work. We are here if you need us. Actually we are all here to help each other.



                  1 week feeling great!

                  :goodjob: Q . I', so proud of you , I, myself am 7 days AF . Other than alittle anxiety this afternoon , I have had a great positive week . Lets keep in touch and BEAT THIS !!
                  I plan on checking in daily , i need you all :thanks: Emmy
                  Non Drinker 9/09
                  Non Smoker 6/09
                  Tennis Anyone ?


                    1 week feeling great!

                    Tawny , i had some anxiety today too , must be something in the air , stay strong and keep coming back here , we need to all stick together:hEmmy
                    tawnywitch;728592 wrote: so pleased for you Qwerty, well done,be really proud of yourself, I am on day 3 but struggling tonight, hope I can be strong too.
                    Non Drinker 9/09
                    Non Smoker 6/09
                    Tennis Anyone ?


                      1 week feeling great!

                      Day One

                      Hello everyone: :new:
                      Oh boy, here I go....very scared. I have made my decision to quit alcohol (one which I have made many times without any success) I think I was born without much willpower!! I have been drinking on a daily basis at least one bottle of wine per day. I feel like crap most of the time (and not looking so great either). I am married with one grown married daughter. I recently quit my job and am actively job hunting. Have had some counseling for depression, but the alcohol issue is totally out of control. My husband is supportive but works away from home most of the time. I appreciate having this website to talk to others possibly with the same problems.


                        1 week feeling great!

                        Milly333;728875 wrote: Hello everyone: :new:
                        Oh boy, here I go....very scared. I have made my decision to quit alcohol (one which I have made many times without any success) I think I was born without much willpower!! I have been drinking on a daily basis at least one bottle of wine per day. I feel like crap most of the time (and not looking so great either). I am married with one grown married daughter. I recently quit my job and am actively job hunting. Have had some counseling for depression, but the alcohol issue is totally out of control. My husband is supportive but works away from home most of the time. I appreciate having this website to talk to others possibly with the same problems.
                        :new:Milly , Hi I'm Emmy , I'm 7 days AF , still a struggle , but getting easier , I think about "not" drinking all the time , I just want to be able to relax , I quit smoking in June , if I can do that , I can do this !! Let stay in touch , i check in the room daily :h Em
                        Non Drinker 9/09
                        Non Smoker 6/09
                        Tennis Anyone ?


                          1 week feeling great!

                          Thank you for the words of encouragement. It means a lot to me to know that there are others out there that really understand how I feel. How we all feel. I mean, I've been quite open about my alcohol problem with family and friends (I had no choice, I was terrible at hiding it!), and I know they care and show a lot of love, but when I talk with them there is always a bit of distance, some embarrassment, and I know they don't really 'get it'. I guess I'm just saying it's nice to have found this community.
                          Anyway, keep up the good work everybody. I've just looked over your signatures. Some of you have been alcohol free for quite a bit longer than me, and a few of you are at about the same stage. You're all doing a great job. I think I'll add one of those "AF since ..." signatures to my profile too. Maybe I'll wait until I'm confident I can stay sober, I'd hate to have to go back and alter it tomorrow morning!


                            1 week feeling great!


                            The reason I put my AF since 7/7/2009 is honestly not to brag or boast or to say look at how great I am.

                            It's purely selfish. It's so I can actually like to write it down and look at it in amazement and say to myself ' that is me!'

                            Hope you get my drift.

                            Jackie xxx

                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              1 week feeling great!

                              Hi Jackie,
                              Yeah, I do get your drift. And I think it's a great idea to celebrate how well you're doing.
                              Keep up the good work.

                              AF since 9/27/09

