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    What a night. Little doggie just isn't a big barker. Except for last night. I was scared. Scared and alone. I even asked for police to do a property check and dug out my gun a flipped off the safety. I probably need to go to the range a few times and freshen up, but then if you think about the law of attraction bit, do I put that energy forth? Maybe I'll just do it for fun with GF. We had lunch one day and in the parking lot we were trying to decide to go shoot or go see an exhibit at the art museum. Funny conversation. We went to the museum.

    So I'm not so perky and refreshed but that's OK. Chores and maybe be a slug after that. I'm so much less resentful about chores with EO gone. He would have the nerve to sit on the couch and tell me how to vacuum more efficiently. :H

    Everyone have a good day and be thankful for what you have. OR don't have - whatever works.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Happy ODAT all. Greeneyes wasn't it Buddha who teaches inner peace by wanting nothing and having nothing? The museum was a great choice. I got three barkalarms and they insure no one gets on my porch or in my yard, day or night!

    Another weekend passed. I hope everyone can congratulate yourself on progress, even if it's small progress. We are always moving forward, but whether in the right direction is up to question. Have fun all.



      bos, somebody's dignature line says something like

      it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        Hi guys,

        Greenie, I'm glad everything was okay. I would have been scared too - there were many nights before I moved in with BF that I would be at home alone with my daughter and something would frighten me.

        I am being a slug today too - daughter is going to her friends house, we are going for dinner with family and I do have to do groceries but other than that - SLUG - love Sundays.

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          i love that phrase barkalarms
          i have 2!
          Dont even need a doorbell as the barkalarms go off when anyone is on our property sometimes even when they are walking by..
          a month ago there was a breakin in town a few streets away and there dog slept thro this
          I know that would never happen where i live and even tho they can be a pain i do feel safer with my 2 mutts.


            ODAT - SUNDAY

            i have 3 barkers who welcome everyone, no matter what! can a dog wag an intruder away? if so, i'm golden!

            "anyone who needs what they want, but doesn't want what they need, i want nothing to do with"
            -gnarls barkley

