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Day one

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    Day one

    Hello all, first post. I can't remeber my last AF day, and am suddenly realising I have to deal with this problem. I've known about it for years but always find an excuse to have a drink. The body and mind can't hack it anymore and things have to change. I can do AF for most of the day but come evening it's like I have no choice. I want to be around to see my kids grow up so i have to stop. Any suggestions or thoughts welcome.

    Day one

    Hi saddad,

    Welcome to MWO, you have made the first important move, you will find a great deal of support on this site and it truly has been an insperation to me. I like you have been a drinker for longer than I care to remember (10yrs+), I have two beautiful children and a lovely husband who derserve to have a full Mum and wife. I have decided to do a month AF (alchohol free) and have signed up to the OctSOBER thread, I will post link after this message. Do not be phased by the one month AF - this is purely a step in the right direction i.e. as much as you can do at your own pace i.e. begin at one second, then one minute, one hour and then when able one day at a time - there are a mixture of people in this thread, some A/F for days some A/F for months and some who have not yet managed a day A/F and are there for the support of the group. I myself have tried 4 times this year (this time being my fourth) to AF. I managed to complete the month but then slipped back into my old habits drinking every night and weekend routine. I am determined to make a difference this time as I do not want to have to totally abstain from drinking but this is my last time, if I cannot moderate I will have no choice but to abstain. I owe this to myself and my family - I put it in that order because its only going to work if I do it for me - it sounds crazy I would die right now for my children but alchohol has an EVIL grip on me and I need to control or completely break my relationship with it in order for this thing to work. Good luck saddad from a sadmum who will make a bloody difference this time! bring on the happydad and happymum - all my best wishes :l


      Day one


      You'll find the thread here if you fancy it? Like I say don't feel you have do do the month - you will just find a lot of people who like you have taken the day one step.

      Keep chatting - it wil help, particularly when in the witching hour when the urges are at the height!


        Day one


        Hi saddad,

        Can't add much to what hd has already said.

        You've found a good safe place here.

        Just read and read then read some more of the posts. SHOUT if you're struggling.

        Believe me when I say everyone here as been where you are today at some point or another and some still trying.

        Perhaps if you can get your doctor on board with your struggle that would be great. Mine has been a huge support.

        Please let us know how you're getting on.

        Love Jackie xxx

        AF since 7/7/2009
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Day one

          Thank you both. I've been reading some posts and have actually cried, which might be a good thing. I haven't done that for a long time. If i can do a day i know i can do more, it's doing the day that i'm struggling with. Sorry if i sound weak but just admitting it is a start. I wish I'd found you all years ago.


            Day one


            You are in no way weak. It's an incredible thing to admit that you need help.

            You'll find plenty of tears here, but an awful lot of humour.

            Wishing you all the luck in the world.

            Just keep those fluids up. Eat little and often. Be kind to yourself.

            Love J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Day one

              I know saddad it is so very very hard hun, lager is my chosen poison, what has helped me at my very difficult times during the last few days is drinking a pint of water, quickly to fill my stomach and feeling full of liquid it somehow curbs my need for a beer. Keeping your sugar levels balanced is important also as Jackie said xx Good luck saddad, crying sometimes relieves some of the pent up frustrations inside so let them flow - you are certainly not weak, far far from it saddad, you have held out your hand and I and many others on this site are happy to hold it to help you through :l I have cried rivers and rivers - keep here keep talking, keep reading - we are all learning how to walk this very difficult journey x


                Day one

                Hi saddad,

                Welcome to MWO! This is a good place, you'll find the help you need, lots of support available.
                Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it here from the Health Store. You need a make a plan for yourself. Look in the ToolBox in the Monthly Abstinence section for lots of good ideas to help you with your plan.

                Please feel free to join us on the Newbies Nest thread! There's lots of people there just starting their journey as well

                Wishing you the best!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Day one

                  Hey saddad, I am a newbie also so no advice from me. However I was very interested to read some of the personal experiences on the AA UK website, mostly because quite a number emphasised that their life after they had beaten the booze was WAY better than before.

                  Not sure AA is for me, but I would love to get to the stage that I don't WANT to drink any more.............sure we all would, or we wouldn't be here,

                  All the very best to you, it's good to know we're all in this


                    Day one

                    This is the first time I've been able to talk about it, and that alone makes me feel better. You all know what I'm going through. God that sounds selfish but not intended that way. A long way to go but it's an absolute pleasure to meet you all.


                      Day one

                      I like to think of this place as a non -alcoholic buffet.

                      Take what you need and leave what you don't.

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Day one

                        God I hope that made sense.

                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Day one

                          saddad;729831 wrote: This is the first time I've been able to talk about it, and that alone makes me feel better. You all know what I'm going through. God that sounds selfish but not intended that way. A long way to go but it's an absolute pleasure to meet you all.
                          Welcome Saddad it is a pleasure to meet you too. I think you nailed it in your post, everyone here has had their own struggles with alcohol and we understand totally. When I started out it was such a relief for me to be able to come on here and realise that fact and talk openly about my drinking and my feelings. It is not selfish in any way, you have to look after yourself and focus on beating this. The support, advice and non-judgemental help I recieved has played such a hugh part in my recovery as I hope it will yours too.
                          Keep safe
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Day one

                            Thanks for the welcome KTAB, hope things are good with you. I've never talked like this before about my drinking, and that act in itself is almost liberating. I feel better in myself just being able to be honest for a change. Does anyone else feel that?


                              Day one

                              Didn't make it last night, but managed to delay start time by three hours which must count for something. Going for it again today.

