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Day one

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    Day one

    Hi Saddad, you have made some important steps, a three hours delay is a start. More importantly you are back this morning trying again. We must never give up trying and you can do this. May I suggest you download the book and read it if you havent already done so, it helped a lot and enabled me to put a plan of action in place that worked for me. Also it might help to check in to the newbies nest where you will find others like yourself newly arrived. I have included a link to the toolbox which so many here have found so useful. I hope it helps.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Day one

      Has anyone found if it's possible to cut down on the drink to safe levels without giving up altogether?
      Minnie x

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending - make yours a happy every after :l

      Sober since 4 November :fingers:


        Day one

        Same again last night, delayed kick off by three hours but still hit second bottle. Excuse this time was taking the kids and dog for a walk, which just happened to pass local shop. I don't want it so why do i buy it and drink it? I knew I had a problem but not this bad. How did everyone else get passed day one?


          Day one

          One minute, and one good decision at a time. Go a different way on your walk next time. Drink so much water that you are full. It is an addiction, and a bad habit. Habits take a while to break but it CAN be done, with a bit of willpower. Then you will change the habit. Then you will feel good about yourself again...and you will want to continue. Most will tell you the first 3-4 days are the worst. Good luck,,stay close,,when you feel like having a drink log on here and get into chat or just read posts. It helps..
          Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


            Day one

            Hi saddad, I can relate to you so much... I do great all day and then on the drive home or once at home, it's all I can think about - some wine - just a couple glasses to relax - then the bottle is gone and I start another. My children are grown & my husband is gone during the week so it's me and the bottle. I know this is ruining my health and lately I have said some things to my kids I do not remember saying...I try to bluff them off and make a joke of it....I think I am pretty cool and they don't know I'm drinking but in my heart I'm sure they do. And I hate myself for that.

            I have to stop now - I don't want to die from alcohol or not see my grandchildren grow up and have families. My friends and coworkers would be shocked if they new this about me...I function fine at work.

            I despartely want to do the 30 day AF. Lets do it saddad....

            This may not be the right forum but thoughts on sups.



              Day one

              Hi Foxx, sorry for not replying, had a real few bad days there. I got it into my head that there was no point trying as i was bound to fail. Not the most positive aproach. How are you getting on?


                Day one

                Hi sadad,

                So pleased you keep posting.

                A very wise person once told me " Don't give up on giving up".

                Love Jackie xxx

                AF since 7/7/2009
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Day one

                  I'm no quitter, :huh: , doh!


                    Day one

                    Hi all, just read another post where the username was not helping the poster take a positive approach.
                    Things need to change and the first thing to go is saddad, as that is not who I am or want to be. So hello again, :hallo: Bring it on.
                    "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


                      Day one



                      Does that mean I have to go through the hello welcome thing again.

                      J x
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Day one

                        Yes please, i enjoyed it so much the first time! :bigwink:
                        "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


                          Day one

                          I want to be Around too...

                          saddad;729723 wrote: Hello all, first post. I can't remeber my last AF day, and am suddenly realising I have to deal with this problem. I've known about it for years but always find an excuse to have a drink. The body and mind can't hack it anymore and things have to change. I can do AF for most of the day but come evening it's like I have no choice. I want to be around to see my kids grow up so i have to stop. Any suggestions or thoughts welcome.
                          I feel like you. This has to stop - like a roller coaster. I called it partying, but its really acohol abuse. There I said it. I was abusing acohol; making excuses like I was having fun. Lets do this together...
                          I don't want to drink anymore....So, quit.


                            Day one

                            Wow I thought I was alone!

                            KTAB;729856 wrote: Welcome Saddad it is a pleasure to meet you too. I think you nailed it in your post, everyone here has had their own struggles with alcohol and we understand totally. When I started out it was such a relief for me to be able to come on here and realise that fact and talk openly about my drinking and my feelings. It is not selfish in any way, you have to look after yourself and focus on beating this. The support, advice and non-judgemental help I recieved has played such a hugh part in my recovery as I hope it will yours too.
                            Keep safe
                            You people are great...I thought I was alone.
                            I don't want to drink anymore....So, quit.


                              Day one

                              I'm here for you LITM, be strong. Alcohol is not fun, nor is it funny. Bring it on.
                              "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


                                Day one

                                My last post may be mis-read, you all know what I meant!
                                "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."

