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ODAT - monday

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    ODAT - monday

    Just popping in quickly to start off the thread - have to run but will be back to check in very shortly!

    Monday morning crazies around here!

    Hope everyone is doing well this morning!


    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - monday


    Good on my end. The hole make me shudder. But I will tie him to a chair and help him start digging. Of course we all know it will be greenie holding the shovel. SO be it. I could a paycheck.

    Rainy and chilly. Time for sweater maybe.

    Kick your week of right with high hopes and expectations!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - monday

      Happy Monday everyone! I need to buy a jacket. My one I'll wear today is worn and all pilled up. Oh well. It's a new week, and a new season, and a great time to start new things.


        ODAT - monday

        Hi Uni, Greenie, Boss -- Haven't posted on this thread in a Long time... for reasons you may imagine...

        But here I am, starting day 2. Hoping to be HOPEFUL!

        Have a great day!

        - but what's a sweater/jacket?? (In the 90's all week... ugh)
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - monday

          Hi ODATERS, just popping in to say hello, and wish everyon well.


            ODAT - monday

            Just dropped by to say hello and an af monday for me. Feeling a bit bored and down today. Its a nice sunny October day here but feeling a bit cool.


              ODAT - monday

              Hooray for an AF Monday!


                ODAT - monday

                Hope everyones having a good day. I've got a visitor at the moment, who has kindly bought me two bottles of my favourite wine. I've always been easy to buy for, as long as it came in a bottle. I'm not feeling the need to open it at all, at the moment, which is good.
                Have a great evening.


                  ODAT - monday

                  happy monday everyone, an AF one for me, cold, wet and murky here today, definitly autumn,made a big sticky choclate cake to cheer us all up, have a virtual slice everyone, hugs Tawnywitch


                    ODAT - monday

                    Happy Monday to all:
                    Day 3 for me AF, feeling alright, although just found out hb will be out of work temporarily, yikes!! Something will come up tho I'm sure.
                    Take care
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      ODAT - monday

                      by the way what does ODAT mean???
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                        ODAT - monday

                        One Day At A Time
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - monday

                          Hi all

                          Just popping in. Had a good holiday in spain - not really what you would call moderate drinking but it was under control and since I got back I've been really focussed on a lot of other things which has taken the focus of al so I'm doing ok with all bar one AF days for October. Actually, NOT coming on here has helped this time (oddly!!) but don't worry, I'll be popping in to say hi and when I need you all, I'll be back!!!

                          Love to all.

                          Bessie xxx

