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Getting Back To The Life I Knew

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    Getting Back To The Life I Knew

    Hi everyone, my name is Erin, I'm 22 yrs old and yes a college student, which makes all of this even harder. My problem is that when i do go out with my friends to parties or clubs i tend to not know my limit and when to stop drinking. This normally tends to end up in me blacking out and not remembering some of the night. Now, I am trying to change my ways obviously for me, because I do not want to be "that girl" as they say in college. But also, I am trying to change for someone that I had been dating for 5 1/2 years. We recently broke up in May 2009 and I know that in order for things to go back to the way they used to be with us I need to really watch my drinking. Through the 5 1/2 yrs we both cheated on each other multiple times and the main reason was alcohol. I know that I am not myself when I drink and he can see it...he loves me when I am sober, the real me...but when I drink I am someone else that he does not respect.

    Right now I am just looking for any advice that I could use to get this off the ground for can I go out with my friends and not drink but still have fun while being in college? Anything would be great...I know i am young but i really do just want to learn how to control how much alcoholic intake that i have when out with friends. Thanks so much in advance!:new:

    Getting Back To The Life I Knew

    well it's really very hard to start off with but as the night goes on and your friends are pissed you'll see what they see... It's horrible! People will be more into you as you're sober. Get your own drink. Drink coke and if anyone questions you, you can say either, i'm not feeling too well or you could lie and say i'm drinking vodka and coke. If they get you a glass, place it on a table and walk away and grab yourself just a coke. They'll not notice that you're not drunk cause they will be getting worse for wear.
    If you really can't handle that then stay away from the parties. What's better, being known as 'that girl' and losing the one you love or getting the one you love back.... Maybe just show your face quickly at the parties and sneak off. If you turn up late, it's likely everyone wil be drunk anyway and barely remember the night but will remember that you were there but for how long... no one will know!!
    Good luck!


      Getting Back To The Life I Knew

      Hi Erin,

      Well done to you for realizing that your drinking is getting out of hand.

      You'll find so much support here.

      When I 1st went AF (alcohol free) I used every excuse in the book not to go to social situations. Swine flu (that's a good one), my cholesterol is a bit high (true).

      Tell them you're going on a health kick and just not drinking for a while.

      You might like to check out the 'Monthly Moderation' thread.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world.

      Love Jackie xxx

      AF since 7/7/2009

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Getting Back To The Life I Knew

        Hi sushilover

        Oh how wise you are to decide to put a stop to the drinking now. I was always the one who 'had too many' at college/uni. It has taken me 20 years to realise that this is not a good way to live life and to try to amend my ways. I wish you well. Drinking too much tends to get worse if left unchecked so good job to sort it out now. You will save yourself so much misery and money! And you might be very surprised how much fun you have sober, what idiots the drunks are, and how much more you can accomplish the next day without a hangover!
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          Getting Back To The Life I Knew

          :welcome: sushilover there is a great community and advice as many as the posts/threads as you can,There is good one called the monthly moderation which maybe of help. :goodjob: hope you stick around as you certainly wont be put wrong

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

