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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning ODAT'rs!

    I am having my coffee and logging on quickly before I have to get the child and the BF moving their butts to get ready for work.

    My daughter was complaining of a sore throat last night and mine is a little sore this morning - great.........looks like the first of the school illness brought home has arrived.

    Rainy and miserable here this morning. Getting used to the dark mornings and cold miserable weather. Not long till we get right into the thick of it. Only good thing about snow is the snow days when you can't get out of your driveway! LOL

    Still no news at work (there are multiple positions and none of us have heard) evidently they are a little slow at getting the news out. So I still do pretty much squat all day until I know what my position is! Quite boring actually. :upset:

    Hope everyone has a great day - mine will be AF.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Wednesday


    I have sore throat too. Left side of left hand is numbish. Wierd feeling.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Morning Uni and Greenie!

      I am back to the land of the living! The crud i had started out with a sore throat too. I hope you both get better soon!

      I have much catching up to do around here since i mostly slept the last 4 days and I dread going back to work to see what awaits me there.

      BUT, i have remained AF and thats really what counts.

      Snow is coming our way too, supposedly this weekend. Gee, what happened to Fall? lol

      Have a great day all to come.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hello everyone af day for me too. Tonight i start a Brazilian dance workout class. Never di dthis before so should be fun. I really need to shift some weight too. inkele::dancingskel:


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hey Mstall - don't know about you but we get 2 seasons apparently in Canada - spring and winter - we missed summer this year and it looks like fall is also out the window! LOL - glad you are feeling better.

          Greeny - hope you feel better soon - Firefox - enjoy the dance class! Let us know how it goes!

          Oh, BTW - the lazy man cabbage rolls int he crockpot were soooooooo yummy!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Good morning all! Not my best day. If you let them, the gremlins all work to tear down what you are trying to put up. I'm going to make it better after stomping the gremlins, or something like that...


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Not so good

              Good morning all:
              Well, with all good intentions the past few days, I seem to be cracking up. I found out yesterday that we have changed our weekend plans which means having a houseful of company. I know I will be unable to cope with that so I have decided to set my new AF date for next week. It may sound like a lame excuse, but the way my emotions and general health were when I was AF for a couple of days, I do not want anyone around to deal with. I had some wine last night but it didn't feel right, all it did was take away the terrible anxious feeling. It certainly did nothing for my feelings of self worth. Blah, blah, blah.
              I just wanted everyone to know where I am with this battle and I will resume my fight next week. I hope you all have a great AF day, who knows, maybe I will too!!!
              Love P:bump:
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Sorry to hear about Uni & Greenie not feeling well. Maybe take Vit. C to nip it in the bud?

                Woke up feeling confused and stressed. Not sure if that's due to being AF for 3 days or if it's just... how I'm feeling!

                Soon outta here for lunch w/friend I haven't seen in a while. That should brighten this weird mood!!

                Have a great day, ODATers!
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi everyone,
                  I'm just getting over my cold, its turned into a cough, still has'nt stopped me smoking, thats my plan for the weekend, but it was my plan for last weekend too, and that did'nt go so well. I'm overdosing on vitimin C, but its not working yet.
                  This is day 4 (again) for me, and I do feel better in the mornings, but I seem to get a bit foggy around midday, does this make any sense? I don't know if its because I'm recovering from a cold, or because I'm not drinking.
                  Uni & Greenie - hope you feel better soon.
                  Milly - I hope you can enjoy having your visitors over at the weekend, and good luck with the fight next week. I had a visitor for the last 2 days, and it was hard acting 'normal' around them, as if everything was fine, when I'm using up all my energy convincing myself not to have a drink. Then I pour them a glass of wine, and drink my orange juice, whilst acting 'normal', and not like I want to rip the glass out of their hand and down the contents.
                  Anyway, back by myself tonight, and the dogs of course, probably why I'm rambling on.
                  Good luck to all.


                    ODAT - Wednesday


                    Hi Elsa
                    Thanks for your concern. Having company is going to be a tough one for me, I seem to need to drink in order to socialize with them, otherwise I feel like going to another room, lol. I am getting back on track next week, and certainly hoping not to drink (or at least much) over the next few days, (company is arriving tomorrow). Eventually, I will need to learn to deal with this but at this moment I don't feel able to...:upset:
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Milly you can. Just for today, tonight. You can do it. You have to start somewhere. Make it now. Take contorl of your life and regain your power. :l
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Wednesday


                        Hi everyone,

                        In Perth Australia it's 0830, beautifully sunny (21 degrees C) and spring is sprung!

                        Day 6 for me, a bit wobbly last evening ("maybe I could just have A glass?") but good sense prevailed.

                        Milly, we had a house full the other night and I had just the same thoughts - maybe start after this etc., but I read somewhere in MWO the reminder that there's always something coming along so I gritted my teeth and got through the boring ordeal.

                        All I'm saying is, imagine how proud you will be after the weekend not to be starting over?

                        Whatever you do, my brief experience of MWO is that all these great supporters will be here for you on Monday.


                        Going for my first week, and last night's sleep was the best!!

