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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Good morning all ODATers. Up early so I thought I would start us off again. Its' a cold, dreary Thursday morning here in Vermont. Good day to stay inside and do some chores.
    Didn't check in yesterday as I have been participating in some medical reasearch and I leave extremely early in the morning and don't get home til evening. By then all I want to do is eat dinner and curl up and watch TV! :H:H
    Another big -0- in my drink tracker! YAY!!!
    Be well and stay strong everybody.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

    ODAT Thursday


    MNB go to the AF daily thread in monthly abs and look at first post by sarasmiles. Click the video link. It rocks.

    I did med research once for biofeedback for tension headaches. They atached electrodes about my head and I was in a dark room (uh oh for greenie) and lisened to a tone that would lower as I relaxed my head muscles. But being in a dark room means greenie falls asleep and I would start to dream and the tone would go haywire. The researchers would rap on the observation window to wake me up. I probably diddn't help the grad student's project, but I did learn to get rid of the headaches. Quiting my job probably played in there somewhere. :H

    Have a sunshiny day even if it's only in your imagination.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Thursday

      I can see clearly now Green! Thanks and what a great start to the day even though it's cloudy, my start is clear! YAY
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        ODAT Thursday

        Hi guys,

        Finally! I got a phone call to go into the office to meet with HR - looks like I will finally know what is happening if I got the promotion. I will keep you posted.

        I'll check in later. Ciao guys!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT Thursday

          Good morning ODATers
          Signing up today for an AF day. There is a 90% chance of a repeat rotten night of sleep if I drink tonight and a 90% chance of a long peaceful night of sleep if I don't. OK, which should I choose??!?

          Still dark here on the west coast but the shining moon means the sky is clear.

          Uni - Good luck today.

          Bossman - Could you provide a link to your story about the box of kittens? That's a great piece and I could use re-reading it. I could probably find it with a little more work but my efforts this am were not successful.

          Great day to all to come.
          Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


            ODAT Thursday

            well I had one tiny glass of wine last night, 2 unit's, nothing, but I woke up this morning feeling as tho I had had a whole bottle, I think I just can,t handle it any more so I am really going to try not to drink again, so hard to stay focused tho, I forget so easily how awful I feel, a bit like when I,m pregnant, terrible morning sickness, yet I still ended up with 6 children!! lol,


              ODAT Thursday

              Hi Odaters...

              Day 4. (I couldn't get on here all morning!) Going to SPCA at 4 pm today, so NO drinking! I've been keeping myself pretty busy, so that's helped. I think I'm feeling good about this.. more hopeful. Although I haven't been sleeping well! I'm going to take my tried & true Advil PM tonight...

              Good day all!
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT Thursday

                Hi all,
                Hope everyone has had a good day.
                I've been a bit low today and have to admit I've been thinking about 'treating' myself to a glass or two of wine tonight. I've got home from work and have just kept drinking lots of tea (decaff), and the cravings are going away, slowly. I really want to make it through today AF as it is day 5 for me, and I haven't got past day 4 before.
                I've nearly finished reading the MWO book, any suggestions on where to buy the supps and the cds in the UK? I think I need a bit more than willpower alone to beat this.
                Also, I don't think I've said this enough, THANK YOU for being here, I could'nt have got this far without your help.
                I'm rambling again - another evening alone - I better go and see what the dogs are barking at, probably a bad leaf falling into the garden again, they are not the worlds best gaurd dogs in their old age, but they are good company.


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Hey ODATers...

                  I went on vacation and haven't gotten back into the ODAT habit, but have been lurking on you all!

                  Glad to see many of you still here and doing well. It's snowing here today...weird! My boys were excited this morning's neat to see the world through such young eyes each day.

                  Here is the link to Bossman's kitten story....


                  And Uni, I'm sending my promotional good luck your way, I found out a couple weeks ago that I got my big promotion so I'll cross fingers for you too!!! Job doesn't start until early next year but I'm excited!



                    ODAT Thursday

                    Elsa, sorry about the X-post....don't give in to the wine, it is not a TREAT, it is a TRICK! (Had to go for the Halloween reference...)

                    Isn't it hard to get away from thinking of AL as a way to take care of ourselves?

                    And I highly recommend at least the L-Glut and the Kudzu...have you tried a local health-food type of store or natural foods store for those??? Do you have a Waitrose nearby - isnt' that a UK based natural market?

                    :l to you today.


                      ODAT Thursday


                      I got it! Even better than I had hoped for!

                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Uni my heart sings for you!!!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT Thursday

                          congrats to you, Uni!! Well deserved.
                          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

