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Operation October - week two

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    Operation October - week two

    Evening all. I met my mom's cousin yesterday and had a great time. I used to visit their farm house as a kid, it was always so much more exciting than city life. She's still a feisty old lady. And then today I finally signed off on the probate paperwork. I get the breather I was hoping for as we won't divide the estate til next summer. Finally a whole two days of good news!!! Thanks for your encouragement and crossed fingers - I'm sure they affected the cosmic currents...


      Operation October - week two

      Checking in I noticed that most everyone seems to have had an AF weekend and now we are continuing our journey. My cravings are always less noticable on Mondays, and I woke up feeling great after another AF weekend. Still, our hot water heater broke down yesterday and its replacement is over $1000.00. But it is so much easier to handle life challenges with your head together and not so shakey and irritable after a drinking weekend. Plus, I would have somehow blamed my drinking for the breakdown. I blamed myself for every wrong thing in the world. Now I am gaining a better perspective on things - stuff happens.


        Operation October - week two

        Checking in late myself - just wanted to see how everyone is doing.........looks oretty good overall

        Pam, glad to hear you are going to get the break you deserve, good for you!

        Sooty, do you need chicken soup or anything for that cold?

        red - I'm still discovering something new everyday - it's a wonder isn't it??

        Time to end this very long (but good day). See everyone tomorrow!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Operation October - week two

          Posting late, as usual, but at least I'm still here. Had a bit of a rough morning -- as a professional organizer, I work in my client's homes, and my client today wanted me to re-do her liquor and wine pantry. EEEK! Huge bottles of multiple kinds of vodka, dozens of bottles of wine....I almost turned and ran away when I looked at it all! I kept saying to myself 'no thanks, I don't drink, no thanks, I don't drink', etc etc, and meanwhile I was gearing up for an all-day-full-out mental war against the Cravy Voices. Went home immediately after the session, was famished, had a huge lunch, a Kudzu, a little lie-down, and then forgot all about it....! How could that happen? I'm still amazed....Maybe a new habit is really starting to sink in?! I don't know - seems more like magic I can't count on, but anyway, Day 8 done.

          I feel like I dodged a bullet today - thank goodness, and thanks to all of you. Hope you all have a good night, and I'll try to post earlier some day!
          to the light


            Operation October - week two

            Good morning all. Cyntree, great job on putting off your cravings. Helpful for me to see that you went home, ate, took a supp and then a nap. Voila, the craving ran its course. You handled the hungry and tired part of it, that is often so dangerous for me. Thanks so much for sharing your success.

            Findingmyself - I am continuing to work on dealing with my feelings, too. I was thinking that it is normal to have ups and downs throughout the day. I think I am a big catastophizer. I make a crisis out of little things sometimes. Ok, alot of times. I am continuing to work on managing my anxiety. I usually wake up sometime in the middle of the night. I used to have a hard time going back to sleep due to anxious thoughts. Now, I pray, then listen to one of the MWO CDs. Then I fall asleep. I now need to figure out a way to handle daytime anxiety.

            I know drinking is not the answer. It exacerbated (I love that word) all negative feelings. Plus, physically I suffered. I wonder how long it will take my poor liver to get healthy?

            I hope we all sail though this day AF. Take care.


              Operation October - week two

              Last night, as I was getting into bed feeling grateful for being sober, I wondered if I would ever again take for granted just what a gift that is. I suppose one day I will. But not yet. I am keenly appreciative of that and of the gift of waking without a hangover.

              Cyntree, that was an amazing story of a work place challenge! OMG! Good job!

              Red, I like your strategy for dealing with night time anxiety. I do the same thing, except I have lent my CD's to a friend to try out. I must get those back soon. As a substitute, I open my window and listen to the night sounds. I'm not going to be able to do that for very much longer, with winter coming our way! Luckily, those night time episodes are few and far between now, and much less intense.

              Lav, I had a doctors visit last Friday and had to get a TB test for my employment. Yesterday I went and got it read. I thought of you as I had my nurse visit. I think you would be much more pleasant than the nurse I went to yesterday! And we could talk about emproidery and needlework!

              Pamina, I am glad you are getting past the difficulties of probate! I hope you are feeling more at ease these days. The visit with your cousin must have been lovely.

              Sooty, I hope Mr. Sweep doesn't get hit too hard by the cold and that you two can get out and have a walk in the sunshine. We are in for a day of clouds, and won't get out of the 50's. I shall walk later anyway!

              Lil, I know you'll be along. Don't let the clouds get you down!

              Have a great day, all!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Operation October - week two

                Hi everybody, I am now going into my 4th month af. Never imagined I would get this far. Well done Cyntree, you must be really strong don't think I could have coped with handling all that booze.
                Hope everyone has a good day.


                  Operation October - week two

                  Good morning October friends,

                  Cyntree, you showed incredible strength & wisdom yesterday, good for you! You should be very proud of yourself! We can all learn a little lesson from you

                  red, you are doing very well too! I'll send you a PM regarding handling anxiety. I have found the solution for me & will send you the info.

                  Dill, I never worked in a Dr's office, was always afraid of getting bored with the routine. The nurse you encountered yesterday was probably bored or still burned out from her time on hospital duty, ha ha. It takes a long time to get all that out of your system! Glad you are feeling positive these days & we do need to remember to remain grateful

                  Paula, congrats on your AF time
                  Feel really good, doesn't it? Enjoy your day, give yourself a pat on the back!

                  Hi to Lil - we are probably cross posting right now, as usual

                  Have a great day everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Operation October - week two

                    Finding-Anxiety seems to be a common problem for a lot of us here. I'm finding that the more AF time I'm getting, the less anxious I am. Maybe I'm coping with things better and thus lowering the level of anxiety? I do now that it does get better. Hang in there!

                    Sooty-Have you recovered from your cold and the 2 shots?

                    Dill-Speaking of shots...have you noticed a lot of illness in your schools due to the flu?

                    Pam-Glad your getting your breather from the probate process.

                    Red-I use to blame all my problems on my drinking. It was quite an awakening when I got AF and discovered that it wasn't true. That fact alone has been such a boost to my self esteem.

                    Cyn-Congrats on day 8. What a great story about the liquor cabinet! You seem to have a really good AF plan going for yourself. Isn't it strange how eating something or drinking some water can calm the cravings. How did you become a progessional organizer? It sounds like an interesting job!

                    Paula-Good to have you drop by. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work.

                    Lav-I know you will be along here anytime. You're days sound so busy and full. And you always sound so positive and strong. You are an inspiration to me.

                    I was going to clean the house today. But we're suppose to have a break in the rain so I plan on getting outside this afternoon for a walk. Dill-it would be nice if we could put the sunshine in a jar and pull it out on the gloomy days.

                    Have a good one all.
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      Operation October - week two

                      I knew you were there Lav-I almost said "cross post" on my above thread1 :H:H
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        Operation October - week two

                        Hello Lil, good to see you, hope you managed to get out for a walk - you can do housework anytime!
                        Cyn what an uplifting story about the liquor cabinet - well done you ...pause for round of applause .... you are a star
                        Paula well done on being AF for so long
                        Dill I agree with you on the gift of being sober - change the mindset and instead of being resentful for not drinking be grateful for the gift of sobriety!
                        Lav - you have your grandson on Tuesday dont you? hows the arm workout doing? What is he going to call you? grandma, nana, granny?
                        Finding and Red I'm with Lil on the anxiety - I have noticed it reduce greatly when I am AF - I hpe that you find it works that way with you.
                        Pam I'm glad that things are slowly getting sorted for you.
                        To anyone I've missed many apologies, I'll be back later have a good day everyone


                          Operation October - week two

                          Cyn – what a challenge facing that liquor pantry, and what a success in dealing with it the way that you did!

                          Pam – since I’m still rather new here, I don’t know your story, but it sounds like you are getting a good break!

                          Thanks to everyone for the encouragement in dealing with anxiety. It is an interesting side effect and one that I didn’t necessarily expect. As uncomfortable as it is sometimes I think it is much healthier to be able to accept these feelings and maybe even be able to look at it from a somewhat detached perspective. It’s funny how over the course of a single night of drinking I would feel better (numb emotions) but by the end of the night I would have spiraled down into depression/anger.

                          Red, I’m seeing the ups and downs are a bit more normalized somehow. They seem to be further apart, more gentle than the highs and lows attached to drinking. Those CDs are great, huh. I’m out like a light by the end of the hynotic and clearing tracks!

                          Paula, what a great accomplishment!

                          Lil, Lav, Dill, Sooty and everyone else – thanks for keeping this thread lively – it has been a real sober-saver for me.

                          Good day all!


                            Operation October - week two

                            Hello Everybody!!Dill, Lav, Sooty, Lil, Red, Pam, Cyn, Paula and all you other cats out there!

                            I've missed you all!!!! Just returned from my trip to Calgary last night for Canadian Thanksgiving and had to take the morning off work as I needed to sleep sleep sleep!!!! I really loath highway driving. But, I did pretty good this weekend. Not completely AF, as I drank some wine with my sister on saturday night while watching a movie, but that was it. Even sunday while they were slurping cold white wine, I just said no thanks! My sister was pretty impressed and my brother is not drinking anymore, so we drank tea when we visited!!! Much better I think, as I was able to drive my daughter and pick her up from work and get stuff accomplished with her!

                            Because I wasn't all hung over, my driving yesterday went ok - far less anxiety without AL lingering in my body!!!! I have decided in the end to try the Zoloft though, after talking with my highly OCD girl about it. I'll keep it at a low dose for a bit and see if things improve for me.

                            I must go back through this thread a little later and catch up on what everyone is up to - just thought I'd send out a quick note here before running off to my lab!
                            Love you guys!!!!!
                            xoxoxo peanut


                              Operation October - week two

                              Good afternoon Lil, Sooty & Finding,

                              Just wanted to drop back in before the kids get here for dinner. Having shift workers in the family sometimes means you have Sunday dinner on Tuesday

                              I keep myself busy Lil - always doing something.........this time of year business picks up, everyone of our birthdays (except one) fall between October & January, the holidays, etc. I am usually ready for a serious rest come February, March

                              Sooty, my set babysitting afternoons right now are Mondays & Wednesdays. But, they'll all be here for dinner shortly. Our little guy can eat too - it's a pleasure feeding him! I guess I'm going to be calling myself Grandma, what the heck, every kid needs a Grandma!!!

                              FindingMyself, you are doing just great! Glad you decided to ride thru October with us

                              Well, I should be paying attention to my dinner.
                              Wishing all of you a fabulous afternoon & evening!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Operation October - week two

                                Hi Pnut,
                                Cross posted, good to see you
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

