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Operation October - week two

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    Operation October - week two

    Good morning!

    Week one was an 8 day week! Perhaps we'll do the same with week 2. It seemed to work out just fine that way.

    From the end of week 1's thread:
    :welcome: Girlhero! We are very glad you joined up. We're on a very important mission here and can use all the reinforcements we can get! Very good job on remaining AF in spite of your SO leaving. That must be difficult. I hope we can help you maintain your momentum.

    Cyntree, you are doing great! You are a fresh and inspirational voice here and we love hearing from you. You know, those crazy Cravy Voices are persistent and will niggle at you everyday, but they DO get weaker with time. Also, the "witching hour" time period gets shorter. Keep up the good work!

    Finding, Yes, the whites are whiter! I hear you about being really busy at work! I am lucky to be able to pop on to MWO at lunch time on a work day. I don't usually take the time to post then, but I get a chance to read and refresh my attitude. It helps me quite a bit.

    Red, When my doctor diagnosed "dry eye" and recommended the special drops, I was very conscious of the fact that it might be self-inflicted. I drank anyway. Sheesh! That could be another topic..... "I knew that drinking was causing______,but I drank anyway"
    As far as the weight, I wish I had the answer. I have gained instead of losing! I know I am taking in more carbs though. I will see the doctor today and when I have to get on that scale it may give me the impetus to straighten up and eat right!

    Well, Operation October seems to be moving forward quite nicely. On the subject of small gifts that come with AF, I have another thing that I have noticed with my progress. The bags under my eyes are much smaller. I have much less puffiness. I can't say it's gone altogether, as that has always been a problem area for me. But, there is definite improvement.

    Have a great day/night all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Operation October - week two

    going back to a post last week about dryeye, i have recurrent corneal erosion, same symptoms as dry eye to start with, I read somewhere that it can be caused by excess alcohol, did it stop me? NO, hope as time goes by it will improve now I am AF,


      Operation October - week two

      Good morning October friends,

      Thanks for starting a new week for us Dill! I did notice the 8 day week yesterday but - what the heck, it was working

      Hello to tawnywitch! Hope you are having a good day.

      I haven't had problems with dry eyes but, as I mentioned yesterday my allergies have vastly improved and my B/P is much better. Weight? I don't even want to talk about it.........I gained about 6 lbs. when I quit smoking in May and am still battling that. I made a big pot of 'healthy' vegetable soup yesterday so I'll focus on consuming that today

      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Operation October - week two

        Good Morning Everyone!!!

        :Welcome: Girlhero and congratulations on your 5 AF days. Stay close. You can do this.

        Lav-No cross posting this morning but I'm right here behind you!! Don't worry, I've got your back!! :H

        Dill-We only have a small fishing boat. But it has rained here so much that I have been thinking about loading it with supplies!

        Pnut-Snow?!! Say it aint so!

        Sooty-Worms?!! Say it aint so! :H I don't hate worms, but I wouldn't invite one over for dinner!

        Emmy-All you have to do is just make it through "one day at a time" ODAT. We're here for you.

        Finding-I like your avator. It just gives me such a positive feeling.

        Red-I put on weight after I stopped drinking and I had switched from vodka to beer that last year. I mean ALL the guys lose weight when they quite drinking beer! I try to excise more and eat right. I think it may just take the body awhile to "readjust" it's self. I don't diet right now as that tends to bring the cravings back.

        Cyntre-4 days AF. You've made it over the hump of the first week.

        Hi to LHB, (have a safe trip) Pam, JC, Tawny, and Chops. (hope I didn't miss anyone)

        Since I've been AF my BP is almost perfect. But the biggest thing I've notice, is I'm not covered in bruises anymore. I use to have all these unexplained bruises. It never dawned on me I was running into things while I was half in the bag. Geezz!
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Operation October - week two

          yhi all.ok sorry for not beeing around lately,life seems so fast for me these days,between collage,full time work,home .hubby kids,(not in that order)its difficult to slot every thing in.not that i have forgotten ye,or your kindness to me ,i say a little prayer eveery day for us all.i dident get a chance to catch up since the biginning of sept i hope all is well with you all.will post again soon love darkie.x


            Operation October - week two

            Hi Lil, know what you mean about the bruises - and they hurt the next day don't they even though they didn't hurt at the time!
            Darkie lovely to see you, glad you're doing well.
            Lav healthy veg soup sounds good - send some my way, might help get rid of the remains of my cold.
            Pnut has the snow gone yet?
            Hi to everyone, hope friday is going well


              Operation October - week two

              Good Morning October friends! Looks like everyone is off to a good start for a Friday. It's a quick hello from me this morning, as we are still busy at work.

              Dill, thanks for starting the new week. How are you doing? How's work?

              Lav, your veggie soup sounds wonderful. I love a nice bowl of soup on these chilly fall days!

              Lil, are you still getting rainy weather? Our hills and mountains have the snow, so it's only a matter of time before it starts raining here. The problem is, it won't quit raining until June!

              Sooty, lovely to see you! I hope your cold is clearing up nicely!

              Welcome to Girlhero!!! Congrats on your 5 days!

              Hello to Cyntree, Darkie, Peanut, LBH, Tawny, Red, Finding, Emmy, and all others that stop by. I hope I didn't miss anyone....I am super tired and not functioning right this morning.

              Have a happy AF Friday. Will check in later and throughout the weekend. Big hugs and love to everyone!! :h :l


                Operation October - week two

                Hi, October Treats!

                Hello, my friends,
                It is so nice to read all of your posts. This is such a great group of people, and I feel very lucky to pop in once in awhile to add a note or two.

                Yum! Veggie soup! Just the thing for today, here, where, yes, we do have our first snow of the year, and an expected low of 8 degrees tonight.

                Last month I put all the lovely veg from my garden into ratatouille, which I had never made before, and found a new love. The last of the batch went into the freezer and hopefully will brighten some dark winter day when I can't wait for the spring sunshine to come back and revive my soul.

                I am still doing well with the Topo. Though I have thought about a drink once or twice, I am still enjoying the blessed relief from the cravings that plagued me the last time I tried to do this thing.

                I wish each of you a lovely weekend.


                  Operation October - week two

                  Hi Dill,MNB,Lav,Middle,sparkle,Tawny,LBH,Elton (keep coming back),Choppersmom,Sunny,Paula,Sooty,qwerty,teresa, PV,Peanut,Finding,lilmea,Pamina,Red,Cyntree,Emmy,D arkie, :welcome: Girlhero and Mica.

                  Week 2 and I'm already pooped from typing.

                  Love Jackie xxx

                  AF since 7/7/2009

                  PS I bet I've forgotten someone.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Operation October - week two

                    I was so disheartened this morning.
                    Lack of wine, no sleeping pill, 5 days AF and STILL I WAKE UP EXHAUSTED!!!
                    There is always something- relationship stress (lack of relationship!), moving, going to the gym or not going to the gym, late night getting stuff done... whatever it is, there always seems to be something so we wake up tired.
                    Why can't I wake up after nearly a week without a tipple with a hop in my step and a song in my heart???
                    (ok, that last part is asking too much)


                      Operation October - week two

                      Hi Girlhero,

                      It's early days. You're body is till healing itself so be kind to yourself.

                      I still think it's so unfair that I can still wake up with a banging head ache as if I'd been nightclubbing 'til 4.00am. Doesn't happen often now but I can still be a grumpy old bag even sober.

                      Best of luck. You're doing great.

                      Love Jackie xxx

                      AF since 7/7/2009
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Operation October - week two

                        Hi girlhero,

                        Congrats on your 5 days, that's a great start! Be aware though, it will take some time for your body to heal from alcohol abuse. I am just past 6 months AF and, with the help of an herbal sleep aid finally getting some decent sleep.
                        This is a process and I've learned to be happy with each improvement as it will happen, just takes a while

                        Mica, glad you checked in, good to see you!
                        Lil, darkie, sooty, chops, JC - hope you're all having a good Friday
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Operation October - week two

                          Hi all, had a good day but this cold has left me feeling really jiggered so I'm going to bed soon with my hot chocolate and my library book.
                          Back tomorrow have a good friday one and all


                            Operation October - week two

                            but I can still be a grumpy old bag even sober.
                            :H:H:H. Me too JC.

                            darkie, Mica-So glad to hear from both of you. You've been missed.

                            Chops-You are sounding so positive and strong these days.

                            Sooty-Hot chocolate and a book... sounds like a great way to spend the evening. Hopefully that pesky cold will be gone soon.

                            Girl-As others have said, it takes time for your body to heal. Hang in there. It really does get better.

                            Lav, Dill, Pam, Finding and Pnut-hope you all had a good day.

                            It's gloomy and rainy here-I think I'll go make some hot chocolate and find a good book. That really does sound like a great way to spend the evening.

                            Wishing everyone a peacefull evening.
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                              Operation October - week two

                              Hello friends!

                              It is such a gloomy day here I am grateful to log on and read all your posts! It's like a light in the darkness for me today.

                              Darkie, you have been missed. Thanks for popping in!

                              Sooty and Lil, your hot chocolate/book plan is a good one. I have decided, however, that my plan is apple pie ala mode and a movie! (Hmmm...why am I having such a hard time losing weight?)

                              Mica, it's good to see you and that you are doing so well. I'm glad the topa is helping you. Mmmm, ratatouille...that sounds so good!

                              Chops, I am doing just great! Today was a good day at work. I was around more positive folks today which helps. After work I had a lovely walk on a local bike path with an old friend. It was drizzling, but we didn't let that stop us! I'm so glad you are posting here! We are going to have to see if we can get SDlovespackers back with us. I miss her.

                              Hi Jackie and Lav and all other good friends. And LBH, I hope your travels are going splendidly!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

