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Operation October - week two

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    Operation October - week two

    Hi everyone!

    Red, Good to know that the cravings didn’t happen yesterday. How are you feeling today? I am finding thoughts of drinking are occurring around mid-afternoon these days. It’s like a bargaining phase I go through. I guess being aware of them and knowing that I don’t act on every feeling that I have is useful. I’m also concentrating on how it is not worth it for me to drink. I’m glad you’ve been able to work through it. I know what you mean about the weight, too. That is really disappointing as I thought all of those empty calories of fat would just melt away. No such luck yet, but I suppose they didn’t accumulate in a couple of weeks either, so I’m eating healthy, and just trying to be patient.

    Hi Girlhero, I actually slept like a baby the first few days without the AL, then had a few nights when I was waking up during the night. Lately, my sleeping pattern has been good again. I think like JC says it just takes a while in the early days for our bodies to adjust. Overall sleeping well and feeling refreshed has been a significant plus for me over the past couple of weeks. Hang in there, you will feel better!

    I'm so glad everyone is here. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Thanks so much!


      Operation October - week two

      You lot are awesome.
      Thank you for your advice, and you are right, my body will need time to adjust.
      On a positive front, I have lost weight from my face, and I think all over a wee bit, but I won't know til I go to the gym on Monday and give the body a weigh.
      Wanted to share such a lovely week with you though.
      My SO walked out on Monday night, and although we are still communicating, and he is immensely proud of my AF week, it has been amazing how I have managed to scrounge up the most amazing support from my friends and family.
      Not necessarily on the Wino front, as most don't know how much wine I drink, but with love and support for me and my life and my wee ones. Maybe that is why quitting has been easier, I have cried for support, and it has come in droves.
      It's kinda sweet.
      Hope Friday night is taking care of you all.


        Operation October - week two

        Thanks, Dill for keeping the thread on track! And thanks to everybody for the support and guidance...I do feel like I've made it 'over the hump' by reaching day 5...and it's all due to having your beautiful voices fill my head (instead of the crazy, cravy voices!). Girlhero, great job getting through a tough week. I hear what you're saying about not sleeping through the night....I guess it's just something to accept and not worry about - won't it be fun some morning to be surprised at how good we feel waking up?

        I can't say enough about what a great, live-changing group this is. Give yourselves a big pat on the back, and cyberhugs from me -- G'night.
        to the light


          Operation October - week two

          Good morning Dill,MNB,Lav,Middle,sparkle,Tawny,LBH,Elton Choppersmom,Sunny,Paula,Sooty,qwerty,teresa, PV,Peanut,Finding,lilmea,Pamina,Red,Cyntree,Emmy,D arkie, Girlhero and Mica.

          Girlhero, just wanted to let you know that I also feel overwhelmed and had a rough week myself. I am in a different position as my kids are grown and we have an empty nest which after all those years raising kids, is a good thing. I have noticed that since being AF I need more sleep. When drinking, I was such a wreck I only needed 5-7 hours a night. Now I need 8 to 10 hours a night. I am listening to my body and for right now have given up the 5:30 a.m. gym time as I just do not have the energy to go. I walk at lunch three days a week, not as much exercise, but what I can do now. Has anyone else noticed that they need more sleep?

          Last night I grabbed the defrosted chicken and realized I had taken out something not cookable. I called hubby and said, "I feel like wine,"and he stated he did too. I said, "I'll order pizza and we'll stay in. I don't want to drink." He said OK. It was as simple and as complicated as that. I realized that I do not want to drink.

          I have been AF 20 days this time around with only 2 slips since 8/29. I am writing this to remind my self that it is becoming a habit to be AF and I DO NOT WANT TO DRINK! Life is not perfect, but it is so much better.

          Just wanted to thank everyone and let you all know you are appreciated for sharing and helping. We can do this AF thing and live the life we deserve.:h:l


            Operation October - week two

            Good Saturday Morning All,

            Cyn-Those crazy voices in your head will continue to fade and come less often. I use to feel like I had this huge arguement going on in my head. It really helped to come on here and read that other people were/had gone through the same thing. I wasn't alone and it was normal and part of the recovery process.

            dill-Glad you were around more positive people yesterday. Sounded like your walk was refreshing even if it was drizzly!

            Finding, Red-I use to have bad cravings in the afternoon. But I was a day drinker and I thought that was why the afternoons were so bad. but I've read where many have had the same problem. Maybe we start getting tired in the afternoons and we're actually craving a sugar boost? (sadly in the form of AL) Anyway, good job on working through the tough times!

            Girl-You are sounding positive and strong. It's so nice to hear your stories of support from friends and family. Hang in there.

            LHB-Hope you are having safe travels.

            I had a rough night sleeping last night. But my back was bothering me and I took some Advil just before bed. Mistake, I think. But, on the whole, I'm sleeping so much better so I can't complain. I'm grateful today for my new found, sober health!

            Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              Operation October - week two

              Red-cross post!
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Operation October - week two

                "Wanting what I don't have keeps me from having what I do have." - Daily Recovery Readings

                Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, as the case may be! For me it is morning and pitch black outside still. We are fast moving toward winter so I am determined to enjoy any sunny, warmish days that come. Today will be only a high of 57 Farenheit, but I count that as "warm" when comparing it to the season to come!

                Lil, I hope you get a nice enough day to get out on your bike today! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I don't know of any festivals in the area today so I will get the newspaper and check. I have become addicted to festival food! ....well, it's better than alcohol!

                Red, you are at a similar stage in life as many of us here. My kids have grown and left the nest many years ago now. We've been empty nesters since the year 2000. It was hard when the kids left, but only briefly. We quickly came to enjoy the freedom, peace and quiet. Our son, through high school, had a garage band and the practice room was located here. Get the picture? :HAt least the room was in a newer barn bulding on the grounds and not in the house, but still, a lot of commotion! Our daughter was very active and things were always hopping around here. Big congrats on your 20 days!!!

                Cyntree, you ARE over the hump at 5 days! Congratulations!! I can remember a time when I absolutely did not think it possible to break the day 4 ceiling. One day I buckled down and did it. Aren't you proud?!:goodjob:

                Girlhero, it's great that support is pouring in for you. Interesting that few know about your problem with wine. That seems to be kind of common. Lots of us hid the amounts we were taking in. Very few people in my 3D life know the extent of my problem. I hope the AF time helps your relationship with your BF.

                I’m also concentrating on how it is not worth it for me to drink.
                Finding, that is a really good thing to concentrate on! I'll join you:

                It's not worth it for me to drink because:

                1. it's definitely not worth the hang over!
                2. it's not worth losing the memory of my evening.
                3. it's not worth stressing over wondering 'who did I talk to on the phone and what did we talk about'?

                Anybody else want to add any?

                Lav, Chops, Pnut, LBH, tawny, Emmy, Pamina, Mica, Darkie, MNB, Sparkle, Elton, Middle, qwerty, Teresa, Sunni, Paula, PV….

                Strength to all fellow Ops members!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Operation October - week two

                  Lunchtime here in Sooty land and the sun is streaming in - another lovely autumn day, the colours are just glorious.
                  The cold is still lingering on but I am feeling better thank you. I went to the docs this morning for my flu jab (you can have it if you don't have a temperature) anyway the doc said that I should have had a pneumonia jab a couple of years ago but seem to have got missed out so I had a jab in each arm!!! Poor little punctured Sooty - its going to be fun tonight as both arms are stiffening up already and I hate sleeping on my back ...look out for some Sooty swear words later! :H
                  Reasons not to drink Dill? my skin looks so much better
                  my eyes are brighter
                  sleep quality greatly improved
                  I don't eat so much crap during the day to make up for the excesses of the night before
                  I feel good about myself
                  My family are more relaxed around me
                  those are just for starters I'm sure others will come up with loads more.
                  Have a good Saturday folks, see you later


                    Operation October - week two

                    Good Saturday moring October friends,

                    Dark & overcast here too Dill, waiting for the rain to begin. You enjoy the sunshine Sooty!
                    Greetings Lil, no cross posting today

                    Another reason to not drink: I have complete access to my grandson, he is left in my care at least 2X/wk. I am in my glory........

                    The list goes on but I think our newer members are beginning to see the picture - everything changes for the better, little by little

                    Stay focused everyone & have a great AF Saturday
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Operation October - week two

                      Sooty-Our human pin cusion! My arms hurt just thinking about those shots!

                      Lav-Two days without cross-posting and I'm not sure how to react! Although I did cross-post with Red so I guess I haven't lost my touch. :H

                      Dill-Why drinking is not worth it to me..,
                      1. I don't have the terrible nightmares I use to have when drinking.
                      2. I can actually make and keep afternoon appoitments.
                      3. I can read a book or watch a movie and remember what they were about.
                      4. Life is more calm and peaceful. Not so much "drama" as I am able to cope with situations better.

                      I know others will have more to add.
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        Operation October - week two

                        Morning everyone,

                        Dipping in quickly to say hi, but am feeling energetic and am looking forward to getting some things done around here. Just the basics, cleaning, cooking and maybe doing something a little creative for some fun.

                        Reasons not to drink?
                        Sleeping well and waking refreshed
                        My skin is looking a bit better
                        I am taking better care of myself - eating regularly and cooking healthy meals
                        I can get all of the recyclables out to the bin in one trip
                        Multiple trips to the recycling bin is not part of my exercise program any more

                        If anyone has a good recipe for spaghetti sauce and is willing to share I would love to try it!

                        Hope everyone has a nice Saturday.


                          Operation October - week two

                          OK I'm confused, when does a week change around here?? Still, everyone sounds in good form! Just a quick hi today. I'm off to the hinterland early tomorrow, and I'm not a morning person... so time to tuck in. Really excited about it weeeee!


                            Operation October - week two

                            Dill, everyone, thanks for the congrats and encouragement. I'll say it again - I wouldn't have made it 'over the hump' without knowing that I had you all at my back. I've gone AF for long periods in the past, but lately I couldn't go past a few days. I feel really relieved this time that I got to day six, and I'm thrilled to look at day 7 tomorrow. I wanted to post early this morning, after getting back from the dog park with my 2 dogs. I can't tell you how many miserable Saturday mornings I've spent getting them to the dog park - stopping at 7 am at the grocery store to get a few cokes to hopefully ease the hangover. The dogs could always tell - those mornings they wouldn't leave my side to play with the other dogs. So this morning, in the (finally) cool, fresh desert air, I was all there and clear-headed, and the dogs had a wonderful romp. Wow, what a change. I remember being SO miserable last Saturday, thinking that I would never be able to crack this addiction, feeling hopeless and broken. I was right - if I had kept on trying to do it alone, I don't know if I would have been able to get to day 6 ever again. But I'm here!!
                            I'm grateful to you all - I hope you've all had a great day!
                            to the light


                              Operation October - week two

                              Cyntree, it is wonderful to enjoy your Saturdays. I spent many a Saturday miserable and mad at myself because I was hungover. I was inspired by how much better your attitude is in one week of being sober. Life is good AF. Yesterday, I went mall hopping with a friend in a new city, and had a blast. We spent money, laughed, and most important to me, renewed our relationship by spending time together. IN the past, I would have refused to go because most Saturdays I was not feeling well from the night before. So this meant alot to me, I am committing more and more to this AF way of life.

                              I noticed that like you, when we continue to relapse, it gets harder and harder to get and remain AF. This scares me and I am going to focus on that this week. I am getting older and need to take care of myself and deserve to feel my best, as so do all of us. Last night my hubby and I went out to eat as I got home late, and I was tired and hungary, RED FLAGS for me to relapse. I thought of this site, and DID NOT DRINK. I was tempted, I will admit. Thanks all for being here and helping me to hold myself accountable.:thanks:

                              I deserve to be AF because I have self respect when not drinking.
                              I am honest when I don't drink.
                              I am true to my values AF.:l


                                Operation October - week two

                                Do not be wise in words - be wise in deeds.
                                --Jewish Proverb

                                I apply that to myself as: "Don't just say you are not going to drink today. Don't drink today."

                                Hello October Pals!

                                OK I'm confused, when does a week change around here?? Still, everyone sounds in good form!
                                Well, Pamina, I wish I could tell you we are following some alternative calendar from some advanced civilization, but the truth is....we too are confused about when a week changes!:H I guess we can just look at it as October has 31 days and we are trying to break it into 4 chunks, which we loosely refer to as 'weeks'.

                                Red, excellent job on staying AF even though Hungry and T
                                ired! The support of the folks on this site, and in particular for me, this thread, has made a huge difference for me, too. I have a question, if it's not too personal: Does your hb drink and if so, is he supporting you through this effort and how? My hb does not drink so that is a big help for me.

                                Cyntree, You are doing SO WELL! I agree with Red, it is wonderful to read you posts. The change in tone in just a few days is inspirational! I appreciated your compare/contrast of this Saturday morning and last Saturday morning in terms of both your physical and your mental states! Interesting your dogs seemed to notice and feel more confident and free, reflecting the mood of their leader!

                                FindingMyself, did you find a good spaghetti recipe? I would have responded to your post yesterday, but I don't have a good one. I have come to the point where I just open a jar of Prego, or Newman's Own, or Ragu....

                                Sooty, are your arms recovered from your jabs? There's another
                                word for me! We get flu 'shots' over here. I am going to start calling them jabs! I got to use 'lurgy' Friday talking with a good colleague and fellow word lover. She liked the sound of it. Very expressive! And, I am going to order some Olbas oil with my next Amazon order, just as LBH did.

                                LBH, thanks for the tip about ordering Olbas from Amazon!

                                Lilmea and Lavande, looks like our part of the world is going to be beautiful today! A definite day for outdoor activity. A walk in the woods for me and a small bit of shopping. What about you two? Lil, did you get to bike yesterday? The sun came out mid afternoon, as you know, and was gorgeous! Thanks for the song link by PM! Hope you don't mind if I share it:

                      [/video]]YouTube - The Beatles - Here comes the sun

                                Enjoy, October Ops pals!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

