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Operation October - week two

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    Operation October - week two

    Checking in for the evening. Hi Pnut! Glad your holiday visit went so nicely. I have a brother that has quit drinking, too. It's a help, eh?

    See you all tomorrow. Have a lovely evening.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Operation October - week two

      Checking in for the evening. No cravings or even thoughts of alcohol today or tonight. I am going to be out of town till Saturday, so I'll post when I get back. Will be staying with my daughter, and though we drank together in the past,:upset: I have told her that I am not drinking this month. She accepted it and did not ask questions. She has had her own struggles with alcohol, and is able to moderate. Her current boyfriend does not like it if she overindulges and he calls her on it. She is very careful to have only two drinks on most occasions. I will be busy all day as I am attending a workshop for a few days, so will spend evenings at her house. I am relieved I made it clear that we will not drink - but I am also worried. So, I will have to stick to my guns and stay AF.

      Thanks everyone for your support. Talk to you soon. Take care.:l


        Operation October - week two

        Dear Sooty, Dill, Pam, Paula (4 months - wow!), Lav, Lil, Pnut, Finding and Red (sorry if I missed anybody)- sounds like your Tuesday was great all around. Thanks everybody for the support about my 'liquor cabinet organizing' - I honestly think some angel must have been hovering near to get me through. Finding and Red - I loved what you both alluded to today about real life experiences, accepting them and not fretting about perfection. I had a difficult day today (same client, but today I was re-doing her office); I just couldn't seem to get it together, and her chaos started to overwhelm me, and I was having very disappointed thoughts about myself. It was the first time that I have craved - not a drink - but the 'vacation from emotions' I got from drinking. Thank goodness I remembered, as you say Finding, that you end up even more distressed and depressed and in pain. Not that I really wanted to drink; I guess it was just an opportunity to realize that I have to come up with a different way to cope than taking a vacation via vodka.

        Meanwhile, I continue to be sleepy and famished most of the time - what's up with that?

        OK - gotta go finish up work now. I'm thanking my lucky stars (and all of you stars) for day 9 - looking forward to 'double digits' tomorrow!

        Red - have a safe trip, and good luck with everything. Everybody - stay safe and be kind to yourselves -
        to the light


          Operation October - week two

          Hi friends!

          One of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is listen to each other's

          --Rebecca Falls Daily Recovery Readings

          It sounds like everyone is staying strong and doing well. I really appreciate this support team. I am short on time this morning, so will check in later.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Operation October - week two

            Good morning October friends!

            Are we actually nearing the middle of the month already? That's just crazy!!!!

            Dill, I think we are all doing a pretty good job healing/supporting one another
            We should treat ourselves to something nice, don't you think?

            I need to jump into work for a few hours then go out to run some errands. My grandson arrives at 2 pm and I need to be ready for 'Mr Busy'. Can't take my eyes off him for a minute

            Have a great Wednesday one & all, I'll check in later!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Operation October - week two

              Morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

              Sooty-I did take a walk yesterday. A good thing as it is raining here, again. I must say, you are sounding positive and strong these days. Even when you were sick.

              Finding-In the early days it does feel like we are on a roller coaster ride with our emotions. Learning to cope with life AF can be difficult. But you can do it. Hang in there! You're doing great.

              Pnut-It's always good to hear from you. I hope the Zoloft helps. keep us posted.

              Red-Sounds like you have developed a plan for your trip. Stay safe.

              Cyn-Congratulations on 9 days!! Keep up the good work. I also was a vodka drinker! Sleep-we go years with no real good sleep so it takes a while to get "caught up" I've also found that as I'm sleeping better, I'm also sleeping more...7-8 hrs as compared to 4-5. Food-Yep, hungry, hungry. As well as the sugar cravings (missing al) I've been craving fish and milk! I'm taking mult vits and Omega 3,6,8 and trying to eat healthier.

              Dill-I love to start my day with your quotes. Team support! I'm so grateful for each and everyone on this thread and all the support you have given me.

              Lav-Cross-post? HeHe. I love to read your post. It just sounds like things are getting better and better for you.

              Time to jump on the old dreadmill and get this day started. Nothing special going on. Just a normal, af day.

              Have a great one everybody.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Operation October - week two

                Dill, all support welcome. Thanks!

                Peanut, there you are, running right at us in your red dress! Glad you had a nice weekend and good luck with the Zoloft.

                Sooty, how’s the walking weather? I thought I would get out yesterday, but it never quit raining. First real rain of the year though and we need it and it is refreshing despite the 30-40 mph winds that came with it! Looks like a bit of a reprieve today so hope to get out for a while.

                Red, great that you let your daughter know ahead of time that you weren’t drinking. I’ll keep fingers crossed that all goes well.

                Lav, have a beautiful day with “Mr. Busy”

                Lil, love the word: “dreadmill”.

                Cyn, disorganization drives me crazy! I’ve been much better at keeping the apartment clean and organized and it feels much more like a home these days. My boss’s office is chaotic – she rarely files anything and then she spills her stress over on to me when she can’t find things. I’ve tried to train her to organize, but I think she’s missing the gene! I’ve been very sleepy and sleeping well pretty much from day 1 AF. Not up to 8 hours yet, but still wake up refreshed. I used to take a drink in the evening when I got home from work and was hungry knowing it would take the edge off, and then half the time not bother with food. Good for you for listening to your body and taking good care of it!

                Enjoy the day everyone!


                  Operation October - week two

                  Hi everyone, the weather remains good here for walking and I managed about 40 minutes today - this cold has certainly slowed me down but am I defeated? NO!!
                  Grandma Lav - hope Mr Busy hasn't worn you out - I'm grandma to my grandkids, its rather nice I think - I used to call my grandmas grandma so its nice to carry on the family tradition.
                  Lil glad you got your walk in yesterday 30 mins a day benefits the heart apparently.
                  Dill thanks again for your quote as usual spot on.
                  Finding I always sleep better when i'm AF - and its good to wake feeling refreshed isn't it?
                  Cyn - vacation via vodka - what a brilliant expression, easy to remember v v v - and now its va va voom and away you go - double figures today for you!
                  Red have a good trip - sounds like you gotta plan.
                  Pnut always lovely to see you.
                  Hope i didn't forget anyone - certainly wasn't intentional if I did.
                  Thanks for being here gang,


                    Operation October - week two

                    Yes, Friends, a good night's sleep is one of my favorite things! But, I have had two bad nights in a row because when you live in a charming old farm house and the seasons are changing to winter, mice feel the need to find their way into your home. I have been bothered by the sounds of the little uninvited guests for the past two nights. Once I hear them, or even think I hear them, sleep is out the window! Of course, traps have been set, and one has been caught, but there is another yet to go. I heard it last night, but didn't manage to trap it, so, we're going into night three. I am hopeful we will get it tonight! This is a common occurance in the Fall. We usually catch a couple and then things settle down, thankfully!

                    I hope everyone has had a good day! See you tomorrow!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Operation October - week two

                      Good evening Lil, Finding, Sooty & Dill,

                      Tired Grandma Lav checking in! Mr Busy is also actively teething right now so you know all the special stuff that goes on with that. Did we really go thru all this with our kids 30 years ago???????? Oh well, it's a stage, we'll make it thru

                      Can you believe tomorrow is the 15th already? Two weeks have gone by in a blink! Geez!

                      Dill, our last house was a 1919 era farm house, chasing mice seemed like a full time job. We have tons of field mice around here, they have taken up residence in our garages. Hope they stay there
                      Hope you can sleep tonight!

                      Be well everyone,
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Operation October - week two

                        Sooty - thanks for the 'v v v'! I love the va va voom, and yes I'm finally in double digits today. Sounds like you had a great walk - hope you do get over this cold soon, though.

                        Lil - Had a much better organizing day with my client, and was not quite so famished or exhausted afterwards, so maybe I'm starting to heal on a deeper level. Thanks for sharing your regimen, I am also doing the MWO "all one' vitamins, plus Omegas and lots of extra vit C --

                        Sorry about your Boss, Finding - how frustrating - I'll try to think of some tips for you to try on her - everybody's sense of 'organized' is different.

                        'Tired Grandma Lav' - sounds like quite a day -

                        Dill - good luck with the mice! - and thanks for the quote -

                        Red - whether you're reading or not, we're thinking of you and sending good energy -

                        Thanks all, and good night/(morning!)
                        to the light


                          Operation October - week two

                          Good Morning, friends!

                          Cyntree, I admire people who are organized. I do reasonably well, but I have to work at it. I'm one who didn't get the gene! If you lived close by, I'd hire you to help me out here!

                          Lav, is the house you live in now more modern? This one we live in was built in the 1870's! There are field mice everywhere, and since we have been storing feed corn down in our barn while feeding out a calf, I'm sure we have even more than usual!

                          Finding, Good sleep is one of my absolute favorite things about AF! Isn't is wonderful to fall asleep naturally, not just passing out?!

                          Sooty, I commend you on your 40 minute walk! I am going to get back on a walking routine, as my weight just keeps climing lately. I must stop eating in the evening! Last night was strawberry-rhubarb pie with vanilla icecream! Sheesh! Our weather here will be bad for the next several days. Lilmea will have to use her dreadmill, I will have to wear rain gear, or go to the Mall to walk.

                          Lilmea, What are we going to do with this weather?!!!:upset:

                          Pnut, let us know if the Zoloft actually helps reduce cravings, etc. I'm curious. A few years back I was on Lexapro for depression. I was hoping it would help me reduce drinking, but it actually had the opposite effect. I drank more while on it!

                          OK, now, for the news I know you have all been waiting for: Yes! At 1:30am I heard the sweet sound of the mouse trap snapping!

                          Have a great day, all! Greetings to you, LBH, our travelling friend of the pearly toe shoes!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Operation October - week two

                            Good morning October friends,

                            Middle of the month already & it looks like we're doing great!

                            Dill, we built this house 6 years ago so it's pretty tight. The mice can't get past the garage door! We store dog food and extra chicken feed in there.......the mice seem happy enough with all that
                            Glad you got your uninvited guest last night!

                            Dill & Pnut, I was off & on Lexapro for years & continued drinking. I didn't stop until I got off the Lexapro and started Amoryn. Pnut, I hope you have better results with Zoloft, it's worth a try.

                            Cyntree, put me, my house & my shop on your list.......need some organization here

                            Finding, I am finally sleeping like a 'normal' person! I've dealt with insomnia for over 13 years, it sucks! It started in the early perimenopausal years, even before my drinking career began. Enjoy your sleep, it makes all the difference

                            Lil, the weather people are promising us that not 1 but 2 Nor Easters are on the way!!! I'm going to have some seriously wet chickens out there, ha ha. Not to mention the return of my Q Tip hair!!

                            Wishing everyone a good AF Thursday.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Operation October - week two

                              Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

                              Finding- I hope your boss appreciates you for keeping her organized an on track. If your the only one who knows where things are, then I guess you could look at it as job security!

                              Sooty-You sounded so bubbly in you last post! You are truly v v v vooming onward and upward!!

                              Lav-yes October is really flying bye! When HB and I were first married, he had small grand kids. It really came as a shock the first time my girls heard them call me Grandma. I must admit it took me awhile to get use to being called Grandma.

                              Cyn-I think your job must be very rewarding. To go into a place and "tame" the chaos! Do people have you come back to keep them on track?

                              Dill- :durn: mouse!!! :sofa: hidding mouse trap :happy: SNAP!! no more mousy. (sorry mickey) Just the picture that went through my head when reading your mouse story. We have a large field next to our house, so I know how pesky the field mice can be in the fall.

                              Hello to our travelers-LHB and Red. We miss you.

                              Going back to Dill's thread about good physical changes sense being af. A couple of days ago I saw someone I hadn't seen in several months. They went on about how much weight I had lost. Now I haven't lost a dime of weight. I must have really been puffy and bloated from drinking and all that must be gone now. Also had my blood pressure taken yesterday. When I was drinking it was 192/98. Yesterday it was 110/80! I don't take BP meds. It game down that much just by me being af!

                              Lav-I know I've cross posted with you. Eveyone have a great day!
                              AF since 7/26/2009

                              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                                Operation October - week two

                                Hi Lil it seems to me that we're all va va vooming at the moment - the positivity on here is great!
                                Cyn can you come round here and sort me out - I find getting organised hard work - could do with a treatment from you! (and there's no liquor cabinet here!!!)
                                Dill I'm glad you got the mouse - hope it means you got a good nights sleep.
                                Have a good day Grandma Qtip - and everyone who is to come

