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I start today

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    I start today

    I am starting today. I am scared and nervous. What if I fail, what if I get withdrawals? Can anyone give me some quick tips on what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I read somewhere that some foods actually help. What do I drink besides water?

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I am going through a nasty divorce and have no support system, just my two kids, 7 and 8.

    Thank you.

    I start today

    hi and :welcome: struggles you will get great advice and support here,if you read the threads ;just starting out; that will help put you on the right road

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      I start today

      Hi struggles and welcome to you.
      Try not to worry about failing, try and concentrate on succeeding :-)
      How much are you drinking now? Have you ever quit before?
      You might get withdrawals, the severity will depend on your dependance.
      Any good wholesome food will help. Keep yourself hydrated with water, herbal teas, fruit juices, soft drinks. Too much coffee might make you feel a bit wired....
      Keep reading and posting here, there is loads of support and advice
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        I start today

        Morning, Struggles::welcome:

        You hang in there... Lots of water and get some multi-vitamins, read the book and get the CDs. They really help. The CDs were the hardest (and most beneficial) since with small ones in the house, it's really hard to get that hour a day (but, it's only for a week or two).

        I read somewhere, that it's the small changes, that stick. Not the "30 minutes of exercise a day" but the "twice around the parking lot" that gets us moving. Start with some juice, light lunch and some comfort food for dinner. You can download the book and it has all the right advice for getting healthy again.

        Will check back in!



          I start today

          Hi struggles,

          Welcome, you've come to a good place!
          You've made a good decision for yourself and your kids. Please make sure you have access to medical care if needed and that your kids are safe!
          As startingover mentioned, eat healthy, wholesome foods, lots of fluids - good for you & the kids.

          If you haven't already, read the MWO book & make your plan. Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread. Lots of folks there just getting started as well.

          Wishing you the very best!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            I start today

            I would say stick with the water for flushes out your system and keeps you hydrated. Try sparkling water with lime....or mix cranberry juice with sparkling water and put it in a wine glass or highball glass (helps with the HABIT thing).
            Also, if you get a craving to drink, eat something SWEET. That can help.
            Order the ALL ONE powder and drink it every morning. I mix mine with OJ. It really does make you feel better.
            At night, I chew gum to remind me not to put anything alcoholic in my mouth!
            Sometimes, if I get antsy or find myself getting bored at night, I just take a Tylenol PM and GO TO BED (no matter what time!). I figure if I'm asleep, I can't get into trouble and voila, I feel RESTED and GOOD in the a.m.!!
            I hope some of this helps. FYI: I have only gone 9 days AF at one time. I am starting over this week, too. We are all in this together!!! Do not beat yourself up for ANYTHING. You are on here, and that's GREAT! :-)
            Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
            The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.


              I start today

              Hi Struggles,

              As you've already had some great advice just wanted to say :welcome:.

              Stay close and keep coming back, you'll get loads of support.

              Love Jackie xxx

              AF since 7/7/2009
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                I start today

                Hi Struggles, i start (again) today too. So let's start together. Here is really a place for us, no one ever bored with our starting all over again and always giving us support. so keep hanging here...
                AF today

