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7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

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    7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

    Someone suggested I start a new thread, so here we go!

    So I will be shooting for another week, but anyone can hop on board. You may be at 3 days and need a little prod to make it a few more days, or day 1 and want a goal beyond one day (altho, that's Always a goal, as we know!).

    Happy Monday, all to come!

    And for those just starting, I really will say that there is something kind of magical about 1 week. I think what happens (esp. if you've been drinking every day or two) is that you have broken some of the Habit part.

    I used to have a sort of "knee jerk reaction" at a certain time of day. That has passed. Not to say I never think about drinking! But that is a good first step to making IT be Your slave... instead of the reverse!!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

    Thanks Savon for this thread
    Im in for 7 days at least
    I am on day 2 so far, and I am nearly at the end of that.
    I am modding at the moment but it seamed that my drinking was creeping up a little so I thought it would do me good to get a few days AF behind me.
    I look forward to doing this along side you Savon
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

      Hi Savon, im in.

      Ronnie, i was supposed to be the 2AF but i blew it today, i had 3 cans of beers, went to nap, having a nightmare and wake up's bad. Now im start all over again. hopefully this time i really can make my 7 AF
      AF today


        7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

        Savon, Prior our conversation, I am on board for 7 (hopefully more!) days too. I really need to do this. I need to prove to myself that it can be done.

        My self esteem has been slipping bad lately, and I know the alcohol is a HUGE part of that. I feel like the drinking is starting to show physically and some days its even hard to look people in the eyes, because I feel like they can see right through me.

        I HAVE to get ME back again! I hope she is not so far gone, I will never see that once happy and confident person again. Well.... step one is to do this, so here goes!

        P.S. Someone had this posted on my Facebook Page.... Posting it here so I can re read it, good stuff!!

        The question is not whether you will or will not make mistakes - you will. The question is do you want to learn and grow, or do you want to shrink back and be stuck? Take that step you've been avoiding. You can succeed, or you can get feedback... that it didn't work, but in either case you are sure to feel alive


          7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

          Congrats on your ongoing success, I am just now back to working on becoming AF. I can relate to how you have been feeling, it is rare that I see anything good when I look in the mirror. I am also thinking that everyone must know, its time to quit....
          All the best...
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

            Looking in the mirror....

            I'm going to try my hardest to make 7 days! I haven't been able to make it past 4 so far.
            Looking in the mirror this morning I saw puffy baggy bloodshot eyes and said to myself this is it!! I have turned into my alcoholic mother that I never wanted to be.
            Today is my first AF day- got my baclofen in the mail and I'm ready to start. I'm on vacation from work this week so plan on hitting the gym and keeping busy. I'm praying I can do it.:upset:


              7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

              Hi Everyone
              I think this is going to be a good thread for support
              Well I am on Day 3 AF and I have just taken some l-glut as I had a really bad craving, but so far im doing good, I am going to have my dinner soon then I am popping out so that is my evening taken care of.
              If we just keep saying to ourselves that it is ONLY 7 days then we will succeed, remember to keep very busy and get them little jobs done that you have been meaning to get done for really does make you feel good about yourself.
              Well I hope you all have a really good day/night
              Love ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                First, I have to say: I'm SO glad you joined this, Overit!! I know you've said that you don't like counting days, but try it for a change. I think each time you post with a Higher number, it gives you a little boost of self-esteem! (Which I certainly need!!)

                And Franzia - I've said it so many times... how Day 3/4 is my HUGE stumbling block! But when Day 5.. 6 hits... you'll really feel better! You'll have broken through that wall!!

                So here I am, Tues., listing my Day 2/Week 2... I'm listing it for Myself - no congrats necessary. I want to keep track. Maybe it's sort of like getting a gold star when in kindergarten! You can't buy anything with it, but it Feels good!!

                And, Ronnie - it IS only 7 days. Isn't it worth it to feel good/better about yourself? It is for me. (Esp. since I've felt like crap for a while - every little bit helps!!)

                Lovemylife... glad you're here, too. Hang in there.

                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                  Day 2 here for Overit. I am not worried at this point, its day 4 I am concerned about!

                  Franzia, wishing you extra strength today. I know how you feel. I FIRMLY believe we can get back to where we want to be, or should I say get ahead to where we want to be.

                  My looks are starting to fail due to alcohol too Franzia. I am 20 lbs overweight and my face is just not as pretty as it once was. We can do this together, lets be the women we want to be.

                  WIshing everyone on here strength for today,



                    7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)


                    Thanks for the extra boost of encouragement, my dear friend. I saved the message you left me yesterday so I can play it again and again when I need some extra added encouragement. Im so glad we have met and be an added strength of support to one another. They say things happen for a reason, and I am POSITIVE our friendship is for a very specific reason! To help each other along!

                    We are truly blessed to be so close. We are LUCKY! Oh, I need to add, we are all LUCKY to have each other.:l


                      7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                      Overit - I Totally agree that we were Meant to be friends!! You have many, many times helped me - if only to listen. As we've both said, it's a great feeling knowing we can be honest about this (besides just here in writing - which helps, too).

                      I'm really excited that you're doing this. I Know you will get a super boost of self-esteem, for one thing.

                      (BTW, folks, she is a Very Pretty lady - inside & out!)

                      We are very lucky and blessed - AGREED!!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                        Day 2

                        I'm starting day 2 AF~ Feel confident about using the Bac for support too.
                        My hubby continues to drink which makes it difficult but I've learned how to ignore it to a degree.
                        Funny thing happened this morning......our windows are open with such beautiful weather here. The recycling truck was driving down our street picking up garbage. I laid in bed and listened as the truck dumped everyone's bins. When it got to our dumpster it was the loudest, most obnoxious, overwhelming noise that must have awakened the entire neighborhood.
                        You see.........our dumpster consists of almost nothing but wine bottles! :H


                          7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                          I want to join you

                          Making it through this weekend will be my first big test. I will do it though!
                          I don't want to drink anymore....So, quit.


                            7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                            This is cool, full of positive energy here...first AF, in a room full of beers and whisky...they are temting but i will say... No, i don't drink today...

                            Savon~ yes, we are Lucky and blessed
                            Franzia~ I can hear it even from
                            LITM~You can do this...good luck!
                            AF today


                              7 DAY THREAD (Part Deux)

                              Well Hell.....I decided to open a bottle of wine tonight.

