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feeling down

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    feeling down

    hi, this is only my second post and i feel as if i am doing okay as regards to my drinking considering i was drinking nearly a bottle of vodka a night to now drinking a bottle a week i know it is still to much and trying to get that down to not drinking at all so far i have not taken any form of meds or supps but i do go to a councellor once a week which is a help, i have however started to feel really down and depressed and i don,t really want to start taking anti-depressants , i do have an appointment with my GP on monday so i will see what he has to say , if any of you can recommend anything i would appreciate it:thanks: maryt

    feeling down

    Mary, I am not one to talk because I have not started exercising but are you exercising? I know when I used to do that it would help a lot. You have so much to be proud of with how much you have cut down but I know that nagging, depressed feeling you get........I hope you start feeling better.....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      feeling down

      Hey Mary,

      Look what a great job you've done so far!!!! Give yourself credit for that. You are doing fabulous. Go to bed tonight thinking what a great job you are doing. I am PROUD of you and I am sure everyone else here is too. You are doing great. Yes, it's hard, but you are doing a great job, so hug yourself, hug and hug, you are fantastic. Please realize that.



        feeling down

        thanks lush and ivy for your support and understanding it can be difficult to remain focused sometime ,i know what you mean lush about exercising ,it gives you that feel good factor haven,t exercised in years definately need to get back to the gym love maryt


          feeling down

          hi mary,

          you are off to an excellent start and i hope that you give yourself a few kudos for that. i agree with what lush wrote about exercising. i've found that when i'm depressed it helps not to even make it into a formal 'hour at the gym, three times a week', thing but to take advantage of exercise wherever i might find it--a stroll through a beautiful garden, running in wet sand along the ocean's edge, taking our puppy for a walk, even trying to make some order out of my little one's room when she isn't home to yell at me "mom, you've got to turn that music down!" sometimes even thinking of something that will make me laugh like crazy for a few minutes has the same effect. inevitably i feel better physically and better about myself. it's quite a quick fix!

          hang in here and keep posting.


