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some advice from those that have been there

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    some advice from those that have been there

    Hello everyone! I hope I can find this useful

    I am trying to stop drinking. I drink EVERY day WAY more than almost anyone I know. Been drinking to excess for 20 years off and on. Many times I have quit, just got tired of it. I actually own my own company, with employees and everything. 8 years ago I went back to college and received 3 undergrad degrees. (only drinking on the weekends)

    But now I have been up to my old ways, drinking every day, sometimes all day. I actually function well, I have a lovely wife who understands that I am self medicating. I will not go to a doctor. Now when I stop cold turkey, I am miserable for days. Tremors, shaky, panics, can't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, and when I do I will literally jerk awake.
    When I am awake and can keep myself busy doing something productive I am ok for the most part.

    Just need some advice on the vitamins, diet etc, to try and alleviate these symptoms. A friend of mine, who was a bigger drunk than me actually weaned himself off alcohol by drinking a little less every day, then would skip a day, then drink a little less, etc etc, but somehow I think my symptoms when I stop are worse.

    Oh yeah, I also was diagnosed with hepatitis C a couple years back (bad choices a long time ago, before there was Hep C, then it was known as non A non B hepatitis. That doesn't help me any...


    some advice from those that have been there

    Hi and welcome Tryingtostop!
    Well, you've come to the right place:-)
    Have you read the book "My Way Out" yet? There is loads of information about what suppliments and med's are available to help with withdrawals and cravings.
    In the meantime try to cut back as much as possible until you get a solid plan together.
    All the best to you and your lovely wife.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      some advice from those that have been there

      Hi DeeBee

      No I haven't read that book. Where do I find it?

      I hope it is free lol, cuz I am broke to the point where I am having a hard time paying employees. I just did a HUGE job, and as soon as the work was finished (spectacularly) The guy refused to pay me. Owes me Thousands of $$$$. I can sue but it will be costly and time consuming.

      Thanks for your reply



        some advice from those that have been there

        Hi trying and welcome, you have found a great place. I would also recommend the book as it helped me to work out a plan that suited me. Below is the link for the download or you can also purchase the hard copy if you go to the home page. Hope you can afford it, I hear you on the clients not paying front, it is painfull.

        Quit drinking today the easy way!
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          some advice from those that have been there

          Hi tryingtostop and welcome! :welcome:
          The book is not free but it's very reasonable...i think it's around $12.00 but worth it.
          All the best to you on your journey! We are all in this together.
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            some advice from those that have been there

            Welcome Trying! I too own a business, and know the joys of coming up with payroll twice a month whether the economy is good or bad. That's not fun.

            Panics and Not Sleeping are actually normal reactions when you stop drinking. The chemical dependence on alcohol affects quite a number of areas in your brain and body. It takes a bit of time for the balance to return without the alcohol. There are a great many posts here with regard to symptom relief. Also, I suggest looking at wikipedia and google at all the supplements as you can often find information about them.

            Tremors and shakes are serious symptoms. A website cannot get you through this type of detox. However, your anecdote is accurate and I've heard even in formal detox in serious cases they ween a person down first, before eliminating alcohol. Personally I was able to get down by myself just by experimenting with supplements to find which ones suited me. In the end, it was my own resolve that worked, and after the first few days things slowly got better.

            "The book" would be the MWO book available on this site for I think $15. I think overall every supplement program is actually less expensive than buying the alcohol. My "Expensive pills" ran me $30 per month which was a lot less than the booze I was drinking.

            I hope you can get confidence to keep trying. It seems daunting and frustrating at first. Your own brain tells you one thing, and you know you have to do another. Please trust that the symptoms do diminish. The worst is over in 4-5 days. There is "life after drinking". I find it much easier to deal with the challenges of owning a business when I can get up bright and early.


              some advice from those that have been there

              Thanks for the kind words all of you. I am going to need alot of support with this.


                some advice from those that have been there

                3 days totally AF. It SUX!!!


                  some advice from those that have been there

                  Why does it suck?? U should feel great!! Your body might need a break....just like mine are you feeling??:sulk:
                  AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                    some advice from those that have been there

                    Hello Trying, it does get better, a lot lot better. It takes a while for all the AL to leave your body and it to start to heal itself. I know personaly that when it did I begin to feel alive again for the first time in years. Waking up feeling hangover and regret free and looking forward to the day without looking through a AL haze is just the best feeling.
                    Keep up the good work and you will see the rewards soon as so many here will testify.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      some advice from those that have been there

                      tryingtostop;736911 wrote: Thanks for the kind words all of you. I am going to need alot of support with this.
                      Hi hun and to MWO ........

                      You now have a 24/7 support system, this place is amazing!!!

                      The book is well worth every penny, and much cheaper than a bottle of booze ............

                      Please stick with us and good luck with your progress

                      Love & Hugs, BB xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/1085056=3465-attachment.jpg[/img]


                        some advice from those that have been there

                        Good job

                        :new: and cut down to 4 drinks last night and going to go AF tonight. The most I've managed AF is 7 weeks so far, but have relapsed several times. Finding it a tough nut to crack to be honest. The withdrawl for me seems to get worse everytime - not nice at all. I'm on other medication that seems to make it worse though or so my doctor tells me.

                        Anyway power to us all beating the demons! Be interested to here if supplements etc help with withdrawl be nice if it was the last time I have to go through it though.

                        Good luck to all of you!


                          some advice from those that have been there

                          Hi Geoff, welcome to MWO!
                          Yep, this sobriety lark is a tough one, but its doable and so very worth it (I found)
                          I found the supps Lglutamine and Kudzu brilliant to help with the cravings that came after the withdrawal. But just had to see it through really. I treated it like the flu though, drank lots of water, rested and generally looked after myself.
                          Good luck to you too!
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            some advice from those that have been there


                            Hi Geoff,

                            You're in a good safe place.

                            Have you seen your GP to see if he/she can help ease your withdrawal symptoms.

                            Mine helped me with a short course of diazapam (valium). Some GP's use Librium. Although while taking these you shouldn't drink alcohol at all.

                            Stay close,keep reading. SHOUT if your struggling.

                            Wishing you all the luck in the world.

                            Love Jackie x
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009

