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New.. haveing w/d so bad

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    New.. haveing w/d so bad

    I have been drinking pretty hard the list 6 months I wasn't a drinker before.
    And I did it a little to well and I didn't even know it till I woke up Friday and said I wasn't drinking
    any more then And Friday night came around I am was sick.. I go to the ER in the morning and they tell me it stress my B/p was and still sky high. Went I went home it was 142/90 heart rate 100..
    And it's been that way since. The gave me 15 vistaril @ 25mg every six hours.(not helping)
    I ask them if it could be w/d and didn't think so.. Well from what I feel and what I have read (I am)..
    I have not had a drink since 12:30 or 2am Thurs day night/friday morning how ever you look at, it has been about 42 hours. I am feel so bad I feel like I am going to jump out of my skin and my head will pop off. The hot cold sweat is just a joy.. I have been in out of the bath room not knowing to sit or stand.
    I picked up some info and got some Imodium and some benadryl, B1 and multivitamin oh and a B-complex.
    But how much can I take of Benadryl before it makes you sick. I get so feeling like I can't hold myself in and I don't know what to do.. I don't carve the drink tho in my head. People kepts telling just take a little drink to see if it makes what your going tho go away.. I said no.. 42 hours is a long time in this game as I have read.
    Any info would be great. I just don't know what to do or even how I get where I am.

    How long does the w/d last???

    Thank you and bless to all..
    Hopeing to feel better soon.

    New.. haveing w/d so bad

    hi, are you sure this is w/d and not just a legitamite illness? I have drank for 20+ years without any serious w/d so I am thinking if you have only been six months with heavy drinking then maybe you are just truly sick?? I am a big woman though so maybe that makes a difference?? I have no advice for you but I do hope you start feeling better really soon. That must be horrible.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      New.. haveing w/d so bad

      Hi there thanks of the reply.. When I was in the ER they did they norm lab work said it was find or near the norm, and did a EKG and said it was fine but I was shaking so hard it was hard to get a good reading.
      It come in waves like I will get cold chills and sweats then hot flash and then the jidders.. The jidders is what is killing me.. And then when it happens I freak and my b/p goes up. Well I am going back to the doc on Monday if things goes somewhat ok for Sunday to do a recheck of the b/p they said if by chance it was from drinking it would be out of my system.. And they would be able to tell more then..
      I did get a tiny nap in just now after I posted I felt a little better about getting out there..
      I took some meds drank water got a confy comfter, body pilow soft sheet got my feet warm and dozed out in for about an hour. I wish I knew what is really is.. I weigh 168 5'5 33 years old. And I have gastric bypass in 03 they said if it was the drinking it would be do to the bypass making things differnt.
      I was drinking 4 to 6 shots when I would drink once a in while more. I have went for time frames and not drank and was just fine. So who knows. But the last few time I drank it was a more then I drank..
      It was like I pumped it up. I just don't like this waiting.. I think I would rather it be the w/d then something I can't change. I have a chioce to fix drinking. Best wish's. I will post when I find something out.
      I think I might try to lay back down and doze ( I hope) not having any sleep and food in me is messing me up too..


      PS I did sign up my name on here is hope99 hope to chat some time....


        New.. haveing w/d so bad

        It may be withdrawal and it may also be that you could have developed an allergic reaction to alcohol and you may be experiencing that as well.

        I suggest you stick with some bland foods, broths and stay warm, drink plenty of liquids. If it is withdrawal, and since you have been to the emergency room to have yourself checked out, it can last from 3-7 days. I hope you are feeling better already when you read this. And don't take another drink just to get over the hump since the doctors have already given you something. You don't want to mix meds and alcohol.


          New.. haveing w/d so bad


          thanks for the reply.. Things are alot better.. No drinking and no more meds from the doc either.
          Boy that was not fun to go though I thought I was really going crazy (well I guess I was really get back to being norm/ crazy is what I was when I was drinking) But you know what? I am galde I felt such sickness from it just might have been my saving. My b/p and heart rate is all back in line now. .
          I am taking some milk thistle and some vitamins. I read where that can help restore some things maybe if you might have damaged anything. I am just so happy to be somewhat me again.
          I never want to have to be ask way are your hands shaking like that. I couldn't even make out what I had wrote in the ER on my sign in sheet and sign out sheet. They did tons of blood work the only thing that came back high was my liver emzes it was 93 .. He ran some more test but couldn't find anything.
          I did read that could be up cause it had only been two days since my last drink and my liver was still dealing with me drinking. I hope when I go back in a few months it will be back where it chould be...
          Now I just need to get me healthy and get 25 lbs. of this body and live happy and health with my family.
          It was so wonderful to come have a place to come when feel like your alone. My hubby still dose not think I had a problem he thinks I had a bad hang over... He didn't think I have been drink long enough in my life.
          But he can say that as long as I know in my heart and keep my self stright it will be ok..
          I just think he feels that over drinking was wording it a little to strong.
          I try to tell him but he didn't want to hear it I guess. He has never seen any one go though withdraws other than what the show you in the movies.. I now they can be that bad and worse but you can go though mild withdraws but it feel like your works is caving in if you have never felt that way in your life.
          I am working on getting my self into a good sleep but I didn't sleep last night.
          I hope that will work it's self out soon.. I have heard it can a while for your sleep to get where it should be.
          SOmeone told me that was the last thing to fix. Thank you so much for being there.
          I tried to tell everyone I was in trouble but no one would listen cause I had stopped drink.
          It was the cold truky stopping blues that kicked my butt back into the OMG what have I done to myself.
          Isn't it odd how familys tend to not want to see something is worng with the pic but someone you have never seen hear ot touched can help change you life with very few words.
          I think I need one person to hear me. And not look at me as if was crazy for thinking I and a problem or that I was a nasty drunken person. I didn't well the under the bottle me didn't evenv know I was in trouble to the cold truky thing happened.
          Now I look back on it maybe I did now and thats why I woke up and said no more..
          I hope and wish that no matter the depths in drinking and drug or what ever has a person inprisoned
          in hell that they find that one person or that one person finds them and they belive and that want it bad enough to make it happen. With all the wars not just the ones with the guns in the world with people hateing other hunmas I am glade I could come to some where and see that GOOD is still there you just have to look or trip on it to see it but it is there.. And now we just need to spread the GOOD around.
          LOL MAn I think I could wrtie a book on being good to each othere LOL maybe I just did.
          And if would could just find away to speard the word to people about how to merg in with other traifc this world just might make it LOL.. Had to toss that in there had a long day on the road..
          I will go try to get some sleep and stop this long novel I have started..
          Thanks again.. I hope your life is going happy and healthy and stays that way.



            New.. haveing w/d so bad


            Lush I tried to edit that last post of mine but I don't think I did it right or it takes longer for that to work.
            I wanted to give you a shout out too Thank So Much for sending my a reply I think sometimes people just need to know they are not alone and the only people out there with this.
            Although I would love to know NO one had to go though this type of thing in any way shape or form but it is nice to have some one to talk to.



              New.. haveing w/d so bad

              Donna, I am glad o hear you are doing better. Really. Please keep doing your best to be well. It sounds like you went through hell. Stick around if you can. You will get support here.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                New.. haveing w/d so bad

                Hi Donna,

                Boy it sounds like you have been to hell and back. I am so glad that you are feeling better. Please continue to take care of yourself. You have suffered a great deal to get yourself to a better place. If you have the time, try to get a hold of the book, DRY, by Augusten Burroughs. He went through a terrible withdrawal and describes it in his book. You will really be able to relate to it.

                All the best to you, Donna. You have a lot of courage.


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  New.. haveing w/d so bad

                  Donna, I'm glad you're feeling better. I know what that feels like. No fun AT ALL! Hope you're able to get some good rest & sleep soon. I know it does take a while to get things back in order... Do take care & stay close :l ...Judie

                  PS, I've used melatonin at night, to help with getting the sleep patterns back. Ever tried that? It does help.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    New.. haveing w/d so bad


                    thanks for the reply's.. Kathy I will go get that book it sounds like a good one. Plus I will have something to read at night lol since I am up anyway.
                    I feel realy bad for the people that w/d so bad they can't do it from home and they have to go check in some where. But I can say I did think about check in at times. But I don't think I would have been listen to the ER sure didn't. It is just making it though those first few days you have to count ever hour and say it's been this long and it will not be long before I am ok. And just think about the feeling of w/d each and every time when thinking about drinking.
                    Judy thanks for replying. it means so much to have people to really hear you.
                    I hope all is sober/safe/healthy. I hope I know can help with others when they post with w/d.


                      New.. haveing w/d so bad

                      Your description matches my experiences almost to a T. It's an awful, awful experience and I've experienced it a handful of times in the last 2 years.

                      I think it really was alcohol withdrawal, and I hope you're able to keep yourself in a place where you don't experience it again. The high B/P and pulse rate, the shakes... Awful stuff.

                      My doctor suspected it the one time I went in for it after a week of heavy partying. It sounds like maybe the folks you dealt with didn't see it. Fortunately, I've found that 32-48 hours later it's bearable, and it will be gone in a week.

                      As an aside, I do find it odd that others who've been drinking longer and more heavily don't experience withdrawal. Perhaps it is an allergic reaction as well, or something else going on physically that contributes to it? I dunno, I'm not a doctor, but I find it odd.

