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Venting 2

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    Venting 2

    Depression's a bitch and sometimes the world just pushes you to the limit. I'm bipolar and it gets really tumultuous sometimes. It's all crazy. Sometimes I want to yell and lash out at people. I feel like they think I'm a pushover.

    I used to act out of anger and that resulted in two suicide attempts. After the second one failed, I felt very stupid. I made an effort to always keep quiet when upset. Eventually I realized I could live for alcohol. I'd drink and put up with depression. I became less abrasive but I was just bottling up emotions.

    For a long time I never even thought about the suicide attempts. I avoided the issue knowing full well that I needed to deal with my suicidal feelings in order to prevent another attempt or death. Then recently small issues have been piling up and last night I decided to write a pretend suicide note. I wanted to see where my mind was, how insane I'd sound to the world.

    I evidently didn't have my faculties around me at the time. My thoughts were disjointed, yet what I wrote down was what I truly felt. I have issues no matter how much some people around me deny it. They probably deny it because they like who I am right now, compliant and a pushover.

    I feel really angry right now and I'm scared. If I was to get into a confrontation in this state and someone was to hit the wrong button, I'd lose it and go crazy for a while. That's what happened with the suicide attempts. I get into these states of hysterical anger and put myself in harm's way. Then when this phase is over I feel extremely stupid and hate myself even more.

    Sometimes I wish I'd succeeded before, because it feels like I'm just prolonging my death.

    Venting 2

    oh gosh this is not good!
    i assume you are on medication for the bi-polar disorder?
    my best friend in grad school is bi-polar and some of the things you say echo him. it scares me.
    he is stable now.. sometimes things aren't perfect but he is stable.
    your in kenya?
    could you get to a doctor over the week-end?
    i suffer from depression too. today was a terrible day actually. i now realize that alcohol makes bad days worse... not better. it used to seem better cause i didn't care... i am starting to think i can make it through feeling what is going on.
    i am on meds though... which give me an entirely new perspective.
    i will post a link to this thread... i am sure you've been on and off meds for a long time much like me?
    try your best to seek professional advice as soon as you can.
    (when i start to get upset i count and take deep breaths... just some of my silly advice)

