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urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

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    urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

    I am an alcholic, have been drinking heavy for most of my life I am female & started on vodka at 13yrs old I am now 50yrs, my little son is in care coz of my drinking and my abusive husband, I hope to get my son back in january, but this week they told me I must do a breathe test each week to prove I am clean...! like all of us we are great liars and can hide it very well... I need to stop and WANT to stop, my liver is badly damaged and have heart problems, I keep trying to stop but have very bad side effects and I think if I stop cold turkey it could be dangerous, as I tried before and had epeleptic attacks.. I will have my first test this week and have tried this morning not to drink but am sweating being sick and my heart is racing.
    I want to try Bacoflon, how quick will it start to work????
    I can't go to the doctor coz I have been in de-tox 3 times and if I ask to go again they will know I have still been drinking and will cause problems to get my son back, I must stop but don't want to die in the process.....

    PLEASE anybody got suggestions and tell me about the bacoflon...

    urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

    Hi Ladyjan,

    I am sorry to say that I can't fill you in on the Baclofan side..cause I haven't used it! I am not an old hand and so will leave the good advise to them ( when they step in, which I'm sure they will...anytime time now...hint hint)...

    But the drastic measures don't sound like a good idea to me. I can't imagine how desperate you are right now to achieve sobriety, to have your child back..but if you do the drastic thing, in the knowledge that this is not a good thing, then this will not help your case anyway. Basically it would be percieved as not a 'wise' action to take! So PLEASE don't harm yourself!

    Even if you don't succeed in 'passing the test', atleast if you go AF over an extended period, this will proove you mean it! I wish I could help you, but just know that there are alot of people here who are supporting you!


      urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

      Hi, ladyjan

      Its good that you know the dangers of going cold turkey.

      In your case, tapering your drinking is the best option. If its a breath test they're doing, you only have to be AF for a fairly short period.

      I'm on Baclofen, but its not a quick cure: it takes weeks, if not months to go AF on it.

      Please tell me how much you're drinking at the moment. Is there alcohol in the house? Is your husband there, and will he give you any support? If not, is there someone you can call to help you?

      Please stay with us - we're here to help you
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

        Hi ladyjan,
        Can you please check out the links here.

        Please dont do this alone.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

          Ladyjan, I see you are back online, how are you doing now?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

            Hi guys,
            thx for replying so quick, I used to be drinking nearly a bottle of vodka a day mixed with lemonade, not a full bottle every day but couldn't start the day without some to calm the shakes and make me "normal" I never got fallover drunk coz my tolerance over the years was very high.

            yes I have alchohol in the house because like today, this morning at about 5am it started because I was trying NOT to drink, I started feeling sick sweats etc and as much as I tread to fight it and hold out as long as I could the only thing was to have a beer, which I drunk slowly bit by bit and it calmed things down and I went back to bed, but 2 hours later it started again..!!
            that was when I found your website and helped so much to read all the comments, I have just bought the bacflon in my chemist, but it was quite cheap ..30 tabs of 25mgs was 5 euros,

            I thought it was much more expensive..???????? just hope I got the right stuff?????
            when I read the paper in the box it says it is used for MS amongst other muscular spasms, is that the right stuff coz it says nothing about alchohol..?? its called "Lioresal"
            any ideas please??

            & NO man in the house, he beat the life out of me and is in hiding living on a boat so the police can't get him.... nasty coward..!


              urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

              Well done LJ,
              Tapering down sounds like the best way for you to go, but still please please be careful.
              I will try to find a thread that talks of one womans tapering experiences to help you.
              I think Bac is marketed under the trade name Lioresal, but there will be others who know much more about this than me.
              Hang on I will find thread
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                Here you go, I really hope this gives you some ideas

                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                  Hi, Ladyjan

                  What you've bought is correct - Lioresal is one of the baclofen brand names.

                  But please be careful with it. You need to start out with 5mg, 3 times a day only. This is not medical advice, but in your case, I would take a 1/4 table now, and another 8 hours from now. Rememebr it is not an instant cure, and you have to be careful with it.

                  One of the uses of baclofen is to help with Alcohol WD, so we can use it in your case. It will ease your anxiety.

                  Just stick with us, OK?
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                    Thanks for linking to 42Cat's thread, Starts.

                    Ladyjan: follow Cat's advice. I saw it working for her.

                    That, together with the baclofen, will help you get through this.

                    You also need to drink lots of water.

                    What food do you have in the house?
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                      LJ: once you've taken the 1st 1/4 tablet, you will need to give it about an hour before you'll feel any effect.

                      I know its difficult to tell us exactly how you're feeling while you're going through WD, but try to see if you're feeling:

                      - more relaxed (almost similar to having your 1st drink of the day)
                      - sleepy (common side-effect of baclofen)
                      - slight dizziness (what you'll normally feel after 5 or 6 drinks)

                      I'm just going on gut instinct here. You drink a similar amount to what I used to drink...
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        urgently got to go dry but its dangerous


                        Is your son safe? You need to concentrate on getting better. You will never be of any use to your son if you are still drinking. Even if you need to go to detox again or take a couple month's to get Alcohol out of your life. Baclofen will help, but please be safe and smart about your detox. Read up on the Meds thread about Baclofen, there is an overwhelming amount of information to digest. We are here to support you, keep us posted.

                        Everything I need is within me!


                          urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                          I'll keep on checking in on you, LJ.

                          Where in th EU are you?
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                            just wanted to say hi and I am thinking of you, no answers really but lots of advice and support here, try going to live chat if you can, its good to let out to people who understand and can give instant feedback,love and hugs Tawnywitch


                              urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                              yep, I read cats post and it makes so much sense, I can relate so much to what she wrote and is going thru.
                              I have got water in the house and am trying to eat toast with jam... slowly ! gonna make some rice with egg, hope it will stay down or that I can swollow it. really want to beat this, I want to live and I want my boy back home, he is only 7yrs so I must be fit to look after him, my older children are 18 & 20 and live away but they think I am being good..!

