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urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

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    urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

    Hey, LJ

    Its good to hear you sounding so positive!

    Not medical advice, but if the sleepiness that Baclofen is causing you isn't too bad, I think you can start taking half a tablet three times a day. It really helps with the cravings.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

      4 days in

      Hello, Wineilove again,

      I went cold turkey and it was tough (only 4 days, but the days keep coming and i keep going) I am close to 50 and drank everyday for over 26 years. I had the worst withdrawals, but made it through (my wife was on standby in case I had another seizure) - If you REALLY want to stop and I believe you do, no one was a worse alcoholic than me and i am holding strong... every day i get happier since everyday the alcohol is evaperating from my soul.

      ladyjan;737752 wrote: I am an alcholic, have been drinking heavy for most of my life I am female & started on vodka at 13yrs old I am now 50yrs, my little son is in care coz of my drinking and my abusive husband, I hope to get my son back in january, but this week they told me I must do a breathe test each week to prove I am clean...! like all of us we are great liars and can hide it very well... I need to stop and WANT to stop, my liver is badly damaged and have heart problems, I keep trying to stop but have very bad side effects and I think if I stop cold turkey it could be dangerous, as I tried before and had epeleptic attacks.. I will have my first test this week and have tried this morning not to drink but am sweating being sick and my heart is racing.
      I want to try Bacoflon, how quick will it start to work????
      I can't go to the doctor coz I have been in de-tox 3 times and if I ask to go again they will know I have still been drinking and will cause problems to get my son back, I must stop but don't want to die in the process.....

      PLEASE anybody got suggestions and tell me about the bacoflon...


        urgently got to go dry but its dangerous


        I am 72 hrs without sleep but hey, it's better than drinking. I had Misquitos and ants thus I just got up and started writing (I want to document everything) - It works for me...

        ladyjan;738911 wrote: Yep, I know what you mean about the ants when trying to sleep, when I tried to sleep AF the first night, before starting the BAC it was like I had been three days without sleep, driving on a long journey, dizzy and my head hurt and just couldn't drop off, was like a zombie shaking,being sick and very frightend I might die if I stopped cold turkey.

        thats when I found you guys....

        it doesn't last long my sleep periods now, but it's getting better, I still wake up in the middle of the night but at least I am getting some sleep...and after a bit of a tab of BAC, after a while I drop off again..without the help of booze to make me sleep.

        they start the random tests this week so I have got to really be a good girl..!!

        I have been having less and less each day as Cat suggested.. just hope I will be OK tomorrow when I cannot risk to have any...!!!! don't want them to know just how dependant I was again on it !!!

        probably I will be back in front of my PC again in the middle of the night and I can look to your posts from before for courage.. thanks to all of you, you give me strength and hope that I can do this..


          urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

          Hi LJ, how has today been???

          Hope that you are doing OK .......

          BB xx


            urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

            Hiya guys,

            It's so so great knowing you lot are out there, I was ok more or less during the day coz I had so much running about to do for different papers and coz I had the seizure the doc won't let me drive..

            so it's all by bus..! and sweating like a fountain!

            I really wanted them to call me for the breath test coz I was clean... they didn't.!

            so I must admit when I came home I did have a small beer which I drank slowly, but be honest I was really angry with myself for having it,

            coz I wanted to tell you I had done the day AF...I had your comments in my nut all day.

            I have started on the 1/2 bac from midday, is it norm to get itches?? also I can't stop eating, not lots but I am so hungry, which is not normal for me, I love cooking but always find an excuse not to sit down and eat.!
            it was so great to be out this morning with "normal people" with a clear head..and sitting waing for my turn to get my papers I could really smell the people that had been drinking, and this was in a government building at 9.30am. shit is that how bad I smelt and how they could know I was lying that I hadn't been drinking...!

            sorry it's long, but you feel like friends to me,


              urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

              Hey, Jan

              Good going! Keep giving us updates - its good to know how you're doing.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                Jan , its great to hear from you!
                Eating is a good thing, your body will be craving nutrients right now and the best way to beat that is to give them to it :-)
                Keep noting all the positives that come from not drinking and use them should the going get tough.
                Oh and like Tigger says, keep on posting!!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                  Hi Jan,
                  Just wanted to stop by and say hang in there. It is much better having a clear head even though mine has only been that way for a day or so, so far.
                  I know what you mean too about people smelling of alcohol. And I always thought that I hid my "smell" so well, now I know I was only kidding myself.
                  Eat and enjoy it. I have been craving and eating sweets like mad but am not going to worry about it...I could be doing worst things
                  Hang in there. *wave*


                    urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                    first day AF.. & feel good.!

                    Hi guys,
                    well, made it thru the day so far AF and got no intention of going out to by any and not craving any,.. feel good went to see my son and it was so great to have my visit with him clean & sober..big difference,

                    never went there visably drunk in the past, but I had been drinking as usual,

                    but today was so different and really had fun with him and felt so proud I made the journey home without stopping in a bar to drain my sorrowsat leaving him there.

                    Before I would fill up before I left the house dare not walk out the house without the tank being topped up with either beer or wine, then take two cans of beer one for the bus stop while waiting for the bus and one for on the bus..

                    as soon as I got off the bus head for the first bar, then after a fast beer would have a strong expresso to hide the smell ( who did I think I was kidding...)

                    on the way home it was planned out the pit stops to fill up, then arriving hit the first bar for a large one.. then walk the short bit to my house making a last stop at the last bar and have another large one..!
                    and once home keep filling the glass and drinking as quick as poss untill then, suprise, suprise, I was tired and crashed into bed..

                    TODAY I HAD NONE... WOOPEE!!!

                    feeling so happy, just hope I stick it out and am eating like a horse instead of stopping for beer I stop for a snack.. got so much fruit in casa and lots of sweets yummy.!
                    am having 1/2 bac tab every 6 hrs, bit tired but it's OK.

                    thanks guys couldn't have got to this bit without you,

                    xxxx :l :thanks::h


                      urgently got to go dry but its dangerous


                      That is fabulous, congratulations! It's amazing how hungry you get when you're not drinking all those calories and carbs. When I am AF I tend to treat myself to yummy brownies and other chocolate things, and I still lose weight and feel great.

                      Pat yourself on the back and keep up the great work! So glad you had a great visit with your son. There's nothing like it.



                        urgently got to go dry but its dangerous


                        You warm my heart

                        Go back and have a look at when your first post on this thread, and then re-read your last post!

                        Do you realise how far you've come in such a short time? NEVER forget that as you continue your journey.

                        Well done!
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                          LJ, that is fabulous news!
                          Remember that happiness you feel right now, and hang on to it for the future.
                          Very well done!!
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                            :goodjob: LJ........I am so proud of you !!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work , Hold on to how you are feeling right now ! :l Em
                            Non Drinker 9/09
                            Non Smoker 6/09
                            Tennis Anyone ?


                              urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                              I've read the posts on your thread and am awed by the wonderful advice you have received and the progress you have made. I just wanted to add that those two dogs truly love you, and they are very beautiful.
                              I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                                urgently got to go dry but its dangerous

                                day two..


                                well had a bad stressful day.. still running after papers, spain loves papers... I can't drive coz of the seizures, have had three!! frightened the life out of me thought I was gonna die, didn't know it was booze dumb..!!

                                anyway, had to travel 1 & 1/2 hrs on f'ing bus to get to the government office up in the hills for my tempory medical cover coz I had lost my job, waited in the office for my turn with my ticket fo another hour, only to be told it was back down at the coast coz they handle these papers...........Grrrrrrrr
                                by the time I got back down, the office was closed..and doesn't open in the afternon.

                                I was so angry.. hit the first bar as I came away from the closed door, ordered a large vodka & lemon...sat for dunno how long looking at it, wanted it, but didn't want it.. in the end after 20mins paid for it and left it on the bar..

                                came home and read all the diiferent threads and post to calm me down and remind me WHY I was not drinking and had to be strong, took a real mighty effort not to have that vodka and have another one etc......

                                got my first test in the morn at 8am... it will be clean...

                                & yes my doggies are lovely thx, I love them very much, honest unconditional love they give, shame many humans can't do the same..

                                unlike you guys.. you are all the best friends anybody in our situation could have..

                                :h LJ xxxx

