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Operation October - week three

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    Operation October - week three

    Lav , Dill & Mica & Finding~~Thank you for all your encouraging words...:l

    Lav ~ wow 7 months :goodjob: I haven't told anyone about MWO.. Hell , my own family didn't notice that I was drinking alot .. my friends would laugh at me , tell me I'm foolish and hand me a drink .. I'm doing this for ME !!:h
    Non Drinker 9/09
    Non Smoker 6/09
    Tennis Anyone ?


      Operation October - week three

      This is the first time I have written here. I feel many of the same feelings that "Being Present" has expressed. I have been AF for 10 days straight. For three weeks before that I was AF on weekdays but blowing out on weekends. Before that I was drinking every night, sometimes during the day too and drinking to excess most times. That's when I started My Way Out. Bought the CDs and supplements and have kept at it since then. I still feel the desire to drink. I associate it with good times, celebrations, reunions of old friends. I haven't been to a social even since I stopped completely so I don't know how I will feel then. I know there will be people there who will be surprised at me not drinking and will ask me why. I'll have to give a reason I suppose but I dont know what. I hope noone chastises me about not drinking but it's very likely. I wonder what Being Present said to her critics. I feel good that I haven't had a drink but I still wish I could just have a couple. I went to AA for a few months but I found that in my small town it wasn't anonomous and the only way out they accept is complete abstinence. I also found here in Australia, Judges take into consideration attendance at AA and other programs like it when giving sentences to people so some of the people there were only ther to get a lighter sentence. I found their presence and the things they talked about disturbing so I stopped going. This is a long speech for my first go but thanks for listening. I'll be back.
      AF since 12 April 2010


        Operation October - week three

        Morning everyone. Lovely to be back. I'm sorry I couldn't report in last night, when I got home our internet connection was down so not been able to get on line till now.
        Haven't had time to read all posts that I missed but its great to see so many people on here.
        I had a really good time with my family, confess to eating far too much and I had a few drinks too - seemed to go with the nostalgia and joy of the occasion somehow. Anyway its done, back to normality now - and its really good to be back with you all.
        Back later - have a good day everyone


          Operation October - week three

          Hi all, I've got to run out the door soon so will be back later with lengthier post. For now, I'm so sorry for your loss Mica and for your job going at the same time. Hang in there and come spends loads of time here with us, ok. BP, there's a wonderful thread on AA issues and experiences in the monthly abs section. You may want to browse thru that to get a feel for what to expect if you decide to go that route. Have a good day all, cheerio!


            Operation October - week three

            Good morning everyone! And :welcome: Tantangra! Wonderful to have you join us. I have heard lots of good things about AA. As Pamina said, there is a very good thread in the Monthly Abstinence section that covers AA and I often read there. The people who post there are very inspirational and honest. I tried AA in my area, too. I had the same experience as you, in terms of it being not really anonymous when you live in a rural area. I think I could have gotten past that, but the bigger problem for me was finding a convenient time when a meeting was held that was close enough for me to make the drive. I found one I could go to this past summer when I had some time off, but when work started back, I had to quit going. I think it is a shame that AA attendence is part of sentencing for some as that gave me a negative impression of AA even before I tried it. I wish AA had worked out for me because I think face to face contact is most helpful. Have you any way to join any therapy groups that focus on addiction?

            Mica, Thinking of you.:h

            Beingpresent, I am sorry you are down! We all can relate to your feelings. And then to 'lose' your long post on top of it! I've had that happen before, too, and it is very disheartening. Question: When you lose a post, is it when you click the submit button? Do you click the submit button and then a box appears that contains the following?:

            vBulletin Message

            You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
            You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
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            If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
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            The administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page.

            If that is the case, all you need to do in type in your log in information on that page and hit the return button. Then your post gets sent.

            Another option is to write your post on a Word document, then copy and paste it into the MWO post window when you have finished it, then send it.

            Good luck!

            OK, I'm short on time this morning, so I will wish all of my October friends a good day and will see you all later!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Operation October - week three

              Good Morning friends,

              Welcome Tantangra :welcome: and congratulations on 10 days. Stay close. This is a very supportive thread.

              I didn't mean to dissappear these last 2 days. I heard the weather forecast Tuesday morning of 2 nice days near 70, I told HB we should take a short 'fall color' road trip. He said "if we're going, lets go" We had the motorcycle packed in a little over an hour and were gone, gone. We spent 2 lovely fall days down in Brown County in southern Indiana.

              I'm going to go back on the thread and caught up with everyone. It looks like it's been a busy 2 days here as well.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Operation October - week three

                Good morning all,
                I had to leave work yesterday, just kept feeling sicker and sicker. I am staying home today, too. I have not been this sick all year but stuff is going around. I deserve to be good to myself today, sleeping, plenty of liquids, and tylenol to get the fever down. For some reason I feel guilty when I am sick and cannot go to work. But it is selfish to go and spread this bug.

                LBH, I also have experienced feelings of depression and anxiety after being AF for a few weeks. I think it is normal to not feel happy all the time. In the past I had the constant rollercoaster of drinking, suffering, and recovering. Now, I have to learn to "live life on life's terms" I guess. It is probably normal to feel down and/or anxious and to get through it without getting drunk. I have posted this time when my feelings were not up, and it did help. I am grateful for your posts, you have helped me alot on my journey with your sweetness and honesty. Keep posting, I am sure I am just one of many you have encouraged this time around.

                Mica, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. What a tragedy and it really brings it close to home for all of us. Thanks for the courage in sharing that. I am also sorry about your job loss, you have a lot to deal with right now. We are here for you.

                Emmy,thanks for your posts and we are here for you.

                beingpresent - my first reaction on your story about being chastised for not drinking was, "it is nobody's business." Really, do people tell you what to eat when you go out? Of course not, why would they be rude enough to comment on your drink. But I know it happens. I was a in August and drinking a seltzer water and cranberry juice, when a person came up and asked me what I was drinking. I told them and got a weird look. But it was fine with me. I was proud of myself that day. It is hard to be strong everyday, though.


                  Operation October - week three

                  Continuing my post, I was afraid of losing it if it was too long.

                  Emmy, I have told my husband about the not drinking, as I need him to be on board. It is great to have family support, but I am also embarrassed and ashamed that I have to make such a big deal about this. But I do, I know I do. I am doing this for myself most of all, but having family support is important. I also quit smoking and liken it to being AF. You can do this and we are here for support.

                  Dill, sounds like a magical day. How like craving thoughts to hit you even in the middle of having a great time. I know I will think of wine and having "a glass" haha, at the strangest times. I loved your positive self talk. I am doing that to myself more and more when the crazy craving thoughts hit me.

                  My thoughts on AA. It is a great program that has helped many. I know my father attended for 20 years and did 12 step work. I experiemented with it in my 20s and did not find it helpful. Lots of court ordered people, mostly men, and it did not work for me. But, I think I did not find the right meeting. The anonymous part is not always true and for me that would be deadly, so I have no intention of AA right now. But, I encourage people to attend a few meetings. We all need to do whatever it takes to get and stay AF. Moderation will not be encouraged at AA at all. There is alot of truth in AA, but everything in AA in not the truth for everyone. Does that make sense?


                    Operation October - week three

                    Good morning October friends,

                    Wow! Busy place here today

                    beingpresent, sounds like you could use a healthy dose of my 'Lavan-ittude' to help you get through tough social situations!! The secret is - you're an adult, no one has the right to pressure you into drinking - just blow them off! I think back to when my kids were young & all the talks we had about resisting peer pressure, it's the same thing.....stick to your guns, you'll be happy you did

                    Finding, I'm sure atthis point I could write a novel on mood swings..........I keep telling myself 'this too will pass'! Look for something new & exciting to introduce into your life, new hobby perhaps?

                    Em, I'm just gonna keep my success happiness to myself & let my family wonder why I'm so happy & feeling so much better!

                    Hi Tantangra, welcome, So glad to meet you! Congrats on your 10 AF days, feels good, doesn't it? We'll be happy to provide support in any way we can.

                    Sooty, glad you are back with us!

                    Greetings to Dill, Pam & Lil too

                    Well, I'd better get off my butt & at least pretend to get to some work done this morning.
                    Have a great AF day everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Operation October - week three

                      Oops - forgot to say HI to red!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Operation October - week three

                        Good morning, all,

                        Hello, my friends,
                        Thank you all for your sweet words. It is so sad to go through these losses, and we all do it. I appreciate your prayers so very much.

                        [b]Welcome, tantangra! I am glad you joined us. And this next little bit kind of goes to Being Presen[/B]t, too, since both of you asked how some of us have dealt with the beginning stages of being where we are now. I found that last year when I was trying to work the program, I was doing a lot of "white knuckling it"... you know, not drinking, but being miserable in the not drinking. So, this fall I decided to follow the MWO book to the letter, and had my doc prescribe topomax. It is still, thank God, taking care of the cravings. I've had a couple slips, but got right back on the program. My long term goal is to be able to moderate. Don't know if I'll be able to, but I hope that I will have the common sense to not go the way of my friend. I hope that my thoughts on the subject help you find clarity in your own searches.

                        Lilmea, I loved the mind-picture I got from your road trip. I wish I had been on your motor cycle, and could have seen those beautiful colors. Because of our early hard freeze, we will have NO fall color this year, and it makes me sad. So thanks for letting me enjoy yours vicariously.

                        RedHibiscus, I hope you are feeling better. I'm getting sick, too. Woke up with a bad sore throat today, just what I don't need this week, so I can really empathize with you. Stay home, take care of yourself.

                        Everyone else, thanks for welcoming me back. Good to be "home."


                          Operation October - week three

                          Hello all. Red, I am glad you are safe at home; what is going around is very uncomfortable, and I think we just have to learn to give in and let our immune systems do their job. You too, Mica, time to get small and get well. Without alcohol to weaken them, your immune systems are happily doing all of their little immune tasks, sweeping everything clear and clean. Thank you Red (and thank you Finding?you have really found your voice) for speaking about learning to manage the regular ups and downs of life without alcohol. I too was very excited that I could even go one day without it, I really did not think I could and when the days came together I felt as though I was home free. I knew intellectually that was not the case but what a treat, and it actually is true, as long as I don?t drink I am free. Stay with it, dear Beginning. Through out much of my life, if I could not intellectually distance myself from things such as strong moods, loneliness, and reactive anxiety, I drank, and this site is helping me learn how to manage them without the sauce. Moods are just there to be ridden out like a big wave, but we can also listen to the hypnotic CDs, visit with each other, take walks, take naps, and practice peaceful imagery and other cognitive behavioral skills. In this regard thank you Dill and Lil for the beautiful fall adventures I can conjure up in my mind. Lavande has really helped me not only with her kick-butt-cut-to-the-chase-don?t-drink-no-matter-what-when-or-who-attitude but also as I recently started to take Amoryn, a long term herbal supplement for anxiety and depression along with its companion products that help with acute symptoms in the meantime. I am going to get through this; I genuine like being sober even when I think I don?t. Peace to you Sooty, Cyn, Pea, and Pam; welcome tantangra, we are going to love having you here; and many cheers to you, Emmy, you have a really cool secret. Love Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            Operation October - week three

                            Evening everyone. How is it that you go away for 3 days and generate about 7 days washing? Well I'm pleased to have had my trip and pleased to be back home. I've been out for tea with some friends from work - lovely food and company, what more could a girl want.
                            I hope everyone had a good thursday - I'll be back tomorrow to catch up properly.


                              Operation October - week three

                              Good afternoon!!! Or Evening, wherever you are!!!
                              I am finally sitting down here at work - getting weary and starting to drop things. I have been incredibly productive the last couple of days here! After a really good night sleep with the assistance of a sleep aid the other night, plus no hangover, I was just a-buzzin' last night, baking and cooking and pureeing pumpkin, running with my dog, and cleaning and laundry. I am wondering if it is the Zoloft!!! I upped my level on monday and my mood has been very up. My tolerance for my tech has increased drastically!!

                              Mica - I was so sad to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to you and your circle of friends. Fight that cold. Everybody in my household has had it except me - and I want to keep it that way!
                              Red - you get better too, ok?
                              Dill and Lilmea - I think I'm jealous of your beautiful fall. We had such warm (hot) weather in Sept, none of the leaves changed and then a freeze - so no fall colours for us this year.
                              Welcome home Sooty.
                              Lavande - you are such a good teacher! I am slowly learning from you and trying to change my attitude to match yours. You make me feel like anything is possible after I read your posts.
                              Peace to you too, LBH. You have such a wonderful way with words!!
                              Hi to everybody else too and welcome to the newcomers.

                              Almost finished working for the day - very tired. Happy tomorrow is friday!!!!
                              Have a great sleep tonight gang!
                              xoxoxo peanut


                                Operation October - week three

                                Red-Sorry you aren't feeling well. Sending you lots of virtual kleenex and hugs. :l

                                And the same for you Mica! I'm also sorry to hear about your job. But maybe it will be good for you to have some at home time just for yourself? I'm just glad to see you back.

                                Pnut-Glad you finally got some sleep. It can really make all the difference. It does sound as if you are cooking up a storm.

                                Lav, Sooty, LHB-you all sound like your having a good day.

                                Finding, Cy, Pam, Being, Tant, Dill, Chops (I know I'm missing someone. Sorry, sorry) I hope you all had a good day.
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

