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Operation October - week three

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    Operation October - week three

    Hi everyone,

    Just stopping in for a quick hello. Home from work, but have a few things to keep me busy this evening. Had some of those crazy cravings this afternoon and popped an L-glut - it should hold me just fine. Happy as always to see everyone posting lots of updates. Hope to catch up tomorrow.

    Welcome Tantangra.

    Sending everyone good vibes!


      Operation October - week three

      Good evening everyone! I am in much better spirits tonight.

      I didn't have a planned response. You would think I would have, but the last time I quit drinking for a month I was surprised when no one commented so I just didn't think it through. Therefore, I weakly responded that I was going to the mall afterwards and so I didn't want to drink. In retrospect I should have just firmly said, "I am not drinking tonight" as Lavande suggested. I think the firmness might have been better than a weak, I am going to the mall. But I just stuck to my guns and tried to move the conversation along and they finally let it go.

      Thanks for the information. That is exactly what happened!

      Thank you for directing me over the the abstainers section. I have not visited that section and I spent a lot of time today reading through the long term abstainers posts. I have really been struggling with what to do after my goal of three months of no alcohol. Moderation or abstention?!? I think that is actually why I have been so down, b/c I knew I couldn't moderate but I kept hanging on to the fantasy. I have tried moderation and repeatedly failed. Anyway, after reading their posts and recognizing myself in so many of them, and crying a little, I have decided that my goal is a life of abstinence. It actually feels like a huge weight has been lifted!!

      To everyone else,
      I hope you have a lovely evening!!!! I am thinking of all of you and wishing each of you the peace that I am feeling at this moment.


        Operation October - week three

        Hello all - good night or good morning, as the case may be. Still running around like crazy and very tired, but always thinking of you all, and sending you healing wishes. So pooped I'm not sure what day I'm on - maybe 19? That's a good feeling, as I used to be counting the minutes.

        RE: mood swings, depression - for me, drinking and mental challenges got worse and worse in my 40s and got scary this year in my early 50s....hormones, anyone? I'm doing some hormone balancing therapy, and the big swings are gone. Still have my down days, though (today); but also have to admit I've been skipping my vitamins....I think the Bs in particular really help with moods.
        OK, OK, tomorrow I promise to treat myself right and start out with a booster of "All One".

        Those of you who are sick - so sorry - try all the soothing things you can think of - I'm sending healing thoughts - Mica, so sorry to hear of your losses - big hugs to you. Welcome new folks, I hope that this thread supports and strengthens you like it has me.

        Sweet dreams, or happy AF Friday!
        to the light


          Operation October - week three

          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir
          Good Morning Everyone

          When I first started here there was a long termer who use to discribe this journey as riding an elevator. He said that even though we all may be getting off at different floors we were still here because of this same problem with alcohol. I'm just glad I got off that elevator ride.

          Finding-I was glad to see your post. Good for you for handling those cravings in such a positive way. I'm starting to look forward to the holidays. How about you?

          Being-Good for you for making the decision to be af. At the top of the montly abstainers section there is a 'toolbox' thread. It has lots of good suggestions on how to deal with cravings and setting up an af plan. Stay close to here.

          Cyn- I think the B vits are really important too. Alcohol strips the coating of the nerve endings and the B vits help to recoat them. Women do seem to get double whammed by the AL when we start with the change.

          It's raining here. What else is new. But I did enjoy the 3 nice days while they were here. Got my bicycle out and took one last ride on the bike trail.

          Wishing everyone a peaceful af day.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Operation October - week three

            Good rainy morning. It is like a monsoon out there.

            LBH, loved your comments about how to handle moods - ride the wave, and distract yourself with naps, asking for support, exercise, CDs, peaceful imagery. Its true and helpful to know we can handle our feelings and get through the unpleasant ones.

            Good morning to everyone too!!!! I am still not feeling tip top but am slowly feeling better. I am debating whether to go to work or not. I think I need more time to heal as this is a bad intense bug. I just feel so guilty calling off, but I know that no one wants a sick person at work this year as everyone is afraid of catching the flu. Rest seems to be the best thing for me.

            I was thinking that when drinking, I thought that if I just could stop, everything would be so much better. And it is for the most part. But, I still have stuff to deal with, because that is how life is. Any thoughts on this?


              Operation October - week three

              Good Morning/Day/Evening, All!

              I am experimenting with pictures here this morning. I hope this works out. These are pics taken at the pumpkin patch.

              I was thinking that when drinking, I thought that if I just could stop, everything would be so much better. And it is for the most part. But, I still have stuff to deal with, because that is how life is. Any thoughts on this?
              Good question. I think there are many different answers to this. For myself, the drinking is itself my biggest problem. So, for me, everthing will be so much better if I just stop! My health, my marriage, my relationships, my memory will all be better. But, I was not one that drank to manage moods or evade problems. I drank for the pure enjoyment of it! That is, until it got so out of control, it was no longer truly enjoyable and it began pushing people and activites out of my life.:upset: But, trying to quit has been hard and therefore, for me I now have that to deal with, because that's how life is!!!

              Lil, I loved that quote! Thank you. It's raining here today, too. I'll bet Lav will be under the same clouds. Sigh. I have a day off work today, and I am going to be stuck inside. Oh well, maybe I'll find a project to sink my teeth into!

              Sooty, Lav, Pnut, Finding, Mica, Pam, Cyn, BP, LBH, Chops and anyone who I just can't think of right at the moment, Have a great, AF day! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1070015=5260-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1070015=5261-attachment.jpg[/img]

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Operation October - week three

                Good morning October friends,

                I'm reading some very positive posts already this morning, that's nice
                Somehwhat overcast here this moring, rain moving in later - I can tell by the increased aches & pains!!!!

                red, I thought ALL of my problems were due to drinking too! Turned out some were, some not! We just need to learn to handle our everyday problems without AL, the same way the rest of the world does! Actually it's not so bad - once you get used to it

                Nothing special planned today, just a bit of work this morning.
                I hope everyone feels better soon, should I make chicken soup for everyone????

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Operation October - week three

                  Hi Dill,
                  Cross post - great pictures
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Operation October - week three

                    Good morning all,

                    It's been a bright and sunny one here. So far so good! I'm really looking forward to this weekend, catching a bit of Peanut's whirlwind energy and doing some cooking. For some reason I've had really late nights this week leaving me too tired to eat properly. Crisps, brownies, pizza... For heaven's sake! This has to be nipped in the bud!!

                    Lil, your trip sounds wonderful. The autumn colours are gorgeous - good reason not to live in a big city.... They're less obvious here.

                    Sooty, welcome back. So you have your work cut out for the weekend, eh, with those loads of laundry.

                    Peanut, any promising pumpkin recipes we should know about?

                    Mica, are you getting into a new routine at home? I hope things start settling down for you soon.

                    Finding, l-glut is great, isn't it! The craving banishing banshee so you can get on with your life. Glad you managed to ride out that wave.

                    Cyn, hope you get a break from all that running around and manage to rest up over the weekend. Yes, I find that vits and B in particular help me out during tired times.

                    Red, it's good to hear you're on the mend. Keep looking after yourself. On the 'life happens' issue, it's a common topic of conversation among those who've been AF for a few months. The 'pink cloud' of early sobriety starts to lift with the realisation that AF doesn't solve all of life's problems. Surf the boards, you'll find lots of stories on that.

                    BP (((:l))) I am SO PLEASED for you !! You have just made my day! I started my MWO journey in the monthly abs section because, at the time, I had to focus 100% on sobriety and reading about drinking experiments made it that much harder for me. They are one tough, kick-ass, lovely bunch of people. What you're describing is shared by so many there, and acceptance is the key to making that crucial shift and starting to build a life without AL. Just jump on the daily abs or the AA thread and ask them questions, they'll be happy to respond. I'm really happy you're feeling such peace of mind - just jumping up and down in my chair! YAY, this is what it's all about! Finding what brings peace of mind to each and every one of us.

                    On that happy note, hi to all others and have a peaceful Friday!


                      Operation October - week three

                      Hi Dill & Lav,

                      Cross post. Fabulous pictures! Recipes...???!!


                        Operation October - week three

                        Hi, Everyone,
                        Love the pics of the pumpkin yard! I love pumpkins, and spent yesterday afternoon sitting on the floor in my livingroom surrounded by newspapers and pumpkin goo making my "jacks." I don't even have kids! I think I am going through my second childhood or something, but jack o'lanterns make me happy, and I need happy right now. So away I went. And they very happily sat on my sideboard all evening, smiling away at me, with their respective cheery or scary faces, glowing and glowing.

                        So I just expended the extent of my energy for the morning, reading the posts and writing the above. Now to the shower, and hopefully a fresh bout of energy. This cold is going to get the better of me, I fear. Got to save up some emotional energy for tomorrow.

                        Love to all of you.


                          Operation October - week three

                          Ok pumpkin fans. Here's my pumpkin cookie recipe, and they are delicious!

                          ? c butter or margarine
                          1 ? c brown sugar
                          2 eggs
                          1 tsp vanilla
                          1 c pumpkin puree
                          2 c flour
                          4 tsp baking powder
                          ? tsp each salt, cinnamon, nutmeg
                          ? tsp each ginger and cloves
                          1 c chocolate chips
                          375F 15 min
                          I find this a bit hot, so maybe a bit lower oven temp!

                          Happy it's friday! Nothing planned, but I might go cheer the runners on at the Ultra Marathon tomorrow! But that would require getting up early, and I'm terrible at that on saturdays!! Everybody sounds great today! Keep busy and stay dry!
                          xoxoxo peanut


                            Operation October - week three

                            Evening all good to see everyone. Red take it easy its taken me nearly 3 weeks to get over my cold - there are some pretty nasty bugs around on both sides of the ocean and we have to take it slowly and make sure that we recover properly.
                            Lav get making the soup as soon as you can but can I have vegetable as I'm a vegetarian?
                            Dill those pictures are fab and Pam its great to be back and of course its rained since I got home so the old tumble drier has been working overtime!
                            Saturday tomorrow, friend's birthday party in the evening but I'm driving so I'm ok - it'll be interesting to watch everyone getting drunk!
                            Take care everybody
                            love Sooty


                              Operation October - week three

                              Hi Everyone

                              I love all the positive energy today :l

                              Love the pumpkin pictures .. I need to get to the pumpkin patch and decorate my front porch , I've been kinda lazy the last few days. I'm excited for this weekend , we have company coming over tomorrow to watch the Angels Game and Sunday to watch the Steelers Game , On tuesday we're going to the Laker Game . WOO HOO , can ya tell we're sports fanatics ?!? I bought cranberry juice and diet 7-up , thats what I will be drinking, I want to get a bottle of non-al wine too , hopefully they have it at the market.
                              thats about it , I hope everyone has a safe, healthy , relaxing weekend :h Em
                              Non Drinker 9/09
                              Non Smoker 6/09
                              Tennis Anyone ?


                                Operation October - week three

                                Hey, Pnut, those cookies sound YUMMY! I think I will bake some this weekend! Thanks.

                                Emmy, it sounds like you have a good plan for Sunday. Football season is a tricky time for me. Full of triggers. I will have a plan for Sunday, too.

                                Sooty! Good plan to be the driver. I'll be interested to hear how the party goes. It is interesting to be at these drinking events and NOT drink. It's quite an eye-openner!

                                Mica, thank you for the image of you making your jacks! I loved it! I am not making one this year, but I have a nice big pumpking and other Fall items on display on my porch.

                                Uh-oh, I'm out of time! Hi to everyone else. Tomorrow starts week four. First one here should start the week 4 thread!:h

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

