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Operation October - week three

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    Operation October - week three

    Ah Pnut - pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips in them, yum!! I'll be making some tomorrow

    Sooty, you would like my French Vegetable soup au Pistou.........I'll make some of that tomorrow while the cookies are baking! Enjoy your party & let someone else do the drinking, ha ha!

    Emmy, you know we're Phillies fans around here!!

    Think I may carve myself a jack-o-lantern tomorrow Mica - just for me!!

    Dill, thanks for the reminder. Week 4 is but hours away!
    Have we started the name November contest yet? I'll have to do some thinking....

    Have a good night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Operation October - week three

      Congratulations for the end of week three! I have a hideous headache but can take comfort in that I did not do it to myself. I went to a non alcohol related funeral in the midst of it this afternoon, lovely funny lady younger than I with much to live for. There is a party for her now but even if I wasn?t half blind, it wouldn?t be wise for me given my recent history with sweet milestone toasts. Speaking of this, I really, really hope I have not ever served as a negative or confusing influence here. I hope that I never conveyed any sense of success due to curiosity, mood, or experimentation. I understand that reading about people drinking can make it harder and I really hope I don?t fail again in November. I don?t think I will. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        Operation October - week three

        Hi everyone,

        Lil, I don?t know that I?m exactly looking forward to the holidays, but I?ll keep and open mind! Hope we will all be here together through the season. :l

        I do love Halloween though! Mica, I loved reading about your jack-o-lantern making night! I could use a shot of second childhood, or just plain old fun. Maybe I will get a couple o? little pumpkins and carve some scary faces.

        Peanut, I copied the cookie recipe down and will definitely give it a try. Thanks they sound delicious.

        Pam, yes, the L-glut works for me, too. Thankgoodness!

        Go Em! You are doing great to have your beverage of choice chosen in advance. Enjoy your company and the games!

        Red, I had those thoughts too, if I quit drinking things would be better. And I agree that for the most part they are, BUT?I drank to cover a lot of stuff up and of course those issues are still there and need to be dealt with. I don?t know, counseling? I drag my feet at the idea, but may give it another shot at some point. I do feel that at least without alcohol in my life I might actually be able to work through some things instead of just ignoring them.

        Cyn, I?ve never been very good at taking pills, so getting into the habit has taken some time, but I?m better at it now. I do think they help.

        Ladybird, your posts are always filled with insight and wisdom. Thank you for sharing what is on your mind. I am still learning about my feelings and thoughts about drinking and learn so much from everyone?s experiences. And this wouldn?t be a support board if we couldn?t share the whole aspect of what drinking or not drinking means for us at any given time.

        Sooty, Lav, Dill, BeingPresent and all, have a happy AF Friday :rays:

