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New here - introduction

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    New here - introduction

    I'm new here and thought I'd introduce myself. I am from the UK, 38 year old mum of 2. Bbeen drinking for as long as I can remember, since a teenager with a few breaks for preganancy. I wouldn't class myself as a alcohol (although the medics probably would). I drink about 1-2 bottles a night, more at weekends. I hold down a responsible fulltime job and various other activities and dont drink during the day. Last night I downed about 10 bottles of Budweiser, 2 glasses of 14% red wine and a whole bottle of cheap plonk that you get delivered free with an Indian takeaway. Spent the whole of the day feeling rubbish.

    I hate feeling like this and want to quit. I look awful. I wake up every morning thinking "right that's it I'm not drinking anymore, I can't go on like this" but then when evening comes my brain cons me into having a drink. "Have a drink tonight and start a fresh in the morning." "You know you won't be able to sleep if you don't have a drink, so have a couple and stop at two - yeah right".

    I have not read the programme yet. Not sure I'm keen on taking anything with tablets. Anyhow, am going to cut down, I need to sort my health out, so going to hang around here for a while. Would love to metalk to others in the similar predicament as me.


    New here - introduction

    Hi Cheeks!!! We are a really supportive group here so stick around. You have a lot in common with all of us here.....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      New here - introduction

      You sound exactly the same as me. I read the book in August. I am not taking the topa but am taking the vitamin supplements. Plus I have started doing some exercise. I am drinking non-alcoholic wine (Tesco sells some alcohol removed which isn't as bad as others. ) on Sunday till Thursday and letting go at weekends. Although I was coping in my job I didn't feel as professional. Also I was wondering if people could smell the wine on my breath cos I can smell when another colleague drinks spirits.

      I have had mixed progress but definitely progress. After a few days without it gets easier but then as soon as you have one drink it's harder again. People on here say that Topa helps with that but I haven't plucked up courage to try it yet.
      :welcome: and good luck. The people on here are very supportive. I am on the moderate drinkers forum and some days I actually do drink in moderation now whereas before I found this site I could never remember beyond 9/10 o clock at night.
      Enough is enough


        New here - introduction

        Thanks for the welcome

        After all day of saying to myself that I wasn't going to have a drink the wine bottle lured me in. Can't even remember how many I had but but felt rough at work all day. Yes I was wondering if people in the office could smell it on my breath.

        I am sitting here at 9.00 o'clock at night, not having had a drink all day but my brain keeps trying to convince me to have just one to relax.

        Why do we do it.



          New here - introduction

          :new: hiya
          not sure if I'm doing this right, but here we go. I have just started another course of very expensive therapy for my drink problem, need to have some extra support built in if I'm going to try to get sober

          hope I can connect with others who have journeyed well & sober


            New here - introduction

            hi gentlespirit! just wanted to let you know that there's alot of cool funny people here... i'm in my first week but i already feel better about myself. what a difference! take care of yourself.


              New here - introduction

              Hi Cheeks
              Well done for making it here. We're all trying to sort ourselves out and supporting others on the way so its a good place to be.
              Being able to talk freely about having a drink problem really helps, as does knowing we are not alone.
              I am 37 and a mum to 3 kids (8, 3 and 10months)
              Taking the first day out from habitul drinking is always the hardest.
              In the UK there are lots of books by Jason Vale 'the juicemaster' he has one called 'Stop drinking 4 life, easily' Its well worth a read as it gives a different perspective on things.
              Good Luck
              Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                New here - introduction

                Goodmorning All!

                I feel real good this morning. Two nights of AF. Yahoo!

                The one thing I have noticed people talking about is the "stress" associated with not having a drink. Want to tell you all about an herb called "scullcap". It's very, very inexpensive. Not really well known. Might have to try some of the larger health food stores. But I want to tell you after the first pill, I noticed a huge difference.

                Everymorning, I would get up and tell myself I wasn't going to drink. By 6:00ish, that damn bottle was tugging me. The stress behind the tug a war was always something else. This woman told me about "scullcap" and I have been on it two days. And it's been really good thus far. The evenings I have been making home made soup, cleaning rooms. Yes at 9:00 at night I am actually doing something constructive for a change. I even read some of my book last night. It's really hard to read drunk ya

                Just wanted to share that with you...... Hope you all have a great day.

                L J


                  New here - introduction

                  Hello everyone. I too am new here, looking for support to cut down on my drinking. It's keeping me from achieving my weight loss goals and I'm tired of it.


                    New here - introduction

                    :new: I am going to not drink today.


                      New here - introduction

                      You go!!!!

                      Go, crittercat!
                      :thumbs: :yay:


                        New here - introduction

                        Hi Cheeks!

                        Just joined here a few days ago and also still in limbo land.
                        I have read the book and that's how I got onto this site. Went to see my GP two days ago armed with the book and print out of the Lancet report, but she didn't give me the prescription for Topamax.
                        I still think I will follow the program which is the first time I felt hopeful of beating this stupid addiction. Just got to order the Topamax online and get the supps and CDs from the States.

                        Where in the UK are you? It would be nice to think there are more brits on this site.

                        Finishing my second bottle of wine while writing this, so nowhere near where I would like to be.... :0(
                        Good Night, Cerstin


                          New here - introduction

                          Hi Cheeks,
                          uk born and bred, 3rd day without any drink and doing ok. i know when i get back into stressfull situations i will need all the help i can get. feel the same way as u about all the pills and medication; tis not for me. i hope with the will to change my ways and with the help of this new form i have just found, will be enough to help me get back on track. will be with u all the way.


                            New here - introduction

                            Hi Cheeks, GentleSpirit, Crittercat, Pinkmilk, and Jimi,

                            I'm pretty new to all of this but just reading every post on here makes me know I am not alone. I know how it feels to tell yourself that you will start tomorrow or Monday and tonight I may as well enjoy myself because, Well, heck it will be the last time. Then you start counting the days of abstinence and get to #2 and then the beer calls out to you from the vegetable isle and you have to have just a few and then 18 beers later you promise to start tomorrow. The cycle is vicious BUT I have made it to #4, so can you. We don't have to quit, just cut back so you don't feel ashamed to tell someone you enjoyed a drink or two. When you lie about what you did the night before, you know you shouldn't have done it. We can beat this, if we try and let MWO help. I take supps and use the CDs and read like crazy from the posts.
                            :flower: Poochpal


                              New here - introduction

                              New to the site in Seattle

                              Hi, I just received my copy of My Way Out and read it in one sitting. I am ready to get started, does anyone know a good physician who will prescribe Topiramate in Seattle or Tacoma, WA area?

                              I will join a chat once I figure out how to do it, never been in a chat room before but realize I am going to need some friends to help me along in this journey.

                              Sleepless in Seattle, unless I drink enough wine of course

