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New here - introduction

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    New here - introduction

    Cheeks, GentleSpirit, Crittercat, Pinkmilk, Jimi, Sleepless and poochpal.
    I'm Brigid.

    I came here nearly 11 months ago. I could be any one of you. My drink WAS wine. I was ready to stop.. had many times said 'this is it, i'm stopping' and failed many times. But when I came here, there was something here that made me feel that I wasnt alone. That helped, cos although the reality is that I am alone and its only me that can stop MY drinking, things people said helped me through. I was hooked to this site. I read and re read EVERY post and logged in hundreds of times a day. The first 3 weeks was the pits for me... but day by day I got to 3 months and then 6 months. My opinion on things has changed over the period. At first I wanted to aim for moderation, but for me, I've realised that that is a pipe dream and i am no longer sad to be abstinent.. I mean, how could I want to go back to drinking when it took me to such a dark place.. why would I WANT that?

    Here I am at 11 months abstinent and sober without a slip. I no longer crave daily.. or fixate on drinking. Occasionally drinking thoughts crop in, but I still come here and remind myself from where I've come.

    I'm such a different person. I came here needy and desperate. I entered counselling... I told my husband and family what was REALLY going on with me and they didnt turn me away but opened their arms to help me. There, no doubt, is still work for me to do in my journey, but I am well on my way and I'll forever thank RJ for putting this site here for people like us to share.

    I want you to have the hope that people DO make it.. and I hope I"m one of them. Join in. It happens a day at a time... and jeepers, if I can do it anyone can.

    Good luck to you all


      New here - introduction

      Wow, Brigid, 11 months! Congratulations! Thanks for that moving post. It gives so many of us hope. We need to hear more positive outcomes from others. Thank you!


        New here - introduction

        Thanks Brigid....that was really encouraging. Buffy


          New here - introduction

          That's brill

          11 months - that is fantastic. That is really encouraging.

          Any advice about getting past then being a moderate drinker to never again would be much appreciated.
          I can't quite get passed that.

          Only one alcohol free day this week. Disappointed with that but next week I will really try. I saw a video clip with me on it over the weekend and I have this huge beer belly. I have just got to stop. My job is about to get really busy and I need to bw focussed. I get really lazy when I have been drinking. Instead of organising things I just put them off. I won be able to get away with it for much longer.

          I quit smoking 12 year ago. At the time I could never see me as a non-smoker so I am hoping it is going to be the same for drink.

          Does anyones partner also drink. This makes it hard for me. He drinks wine most nights as well.

          Thanks everyone for your support. Pinkmilk - I'm in the midlands (don't like to say where - its such a small world, someone is bond to say "hey I know you!!! :?) )




            New here - introduction

            You sound just like me.....

            Hi Cheeks at al - I am also in the UK (northern England) and your story could also be mine.....except that I am older and therefore further down the downward spiral. It is hard for me to come out and post here, been lurking a while, just had to post after reading your story as I could see myself in there.

            I abstained last night as I got totally off my face on fri night at a party and basically "lost" yesterday completely. Hubby keeps saying that he didn't think I had that much to drink to make me like that and thinks the buffet was to blame but it was the wine.

            Also today is my birthday and I have just opened some cards to find 2 of them are from that "Mad as Cheese" series where there is an old B&W photo of some old bird doing something dodgy and a "humourous" caption relating to excessive alcohol consumption - one even has my real first name on it!!!!. God, am I that bad????? And to make it worse, that one was from hubby, who thinks he is being amusing. He saw that and thought of me. I have sunk low.

            NO ONE TAKES ME SERIOUSLY in this house - I tried to talk to him lst night and he is lovely but he would rather play his PC game and drink vodka, he says "well just stop then" but it is so hard for me. Son says it is my age (patronising git that he is).

            I am going to try from today - make it a new start, see if I can make it though the week. I have a responsible if stressful job that I need to be more alert for and also have an application in for a better job, hopefully I will get an interview, that would cheer me up / give me a boost.

            I will let you know how I get on....


              New here - introduction


              Why not register so we can really talk to you? It's free and it makes it easier to talk.


                New here - introduction

                IHi Tawnyfrog, well, hands shaking but registered - this is me -

                Hi Cheeks at al - I am also in the UK (northern England) and your story could also be mine.....except that I am older and therefore further down the downward spiral. It is hard for me to come out and post here, been lurking a while, just had to post after reasign your story as I could see myself in there.

                I abstained last night as I got totally off my face on fri night at a party and basically "lost" yesterday completely. Hubby keeps saying that he didn't think I had that much to drink to make me like that and thinks the buffet was to blame but it was the wine.

                Also today is my birthday and I have just opened some cards to find 2 of them are from that "Mad as Cheese" series where there is an old B&W photo of some old bird doing something dodgy and a "humourous" caption relating to excessive alcohol consumption one of which even has my real first name on it!!!!
                ). God, am I that bad????? And to make it worse, that one is from hubby, who thinks he is being amusing. He saw that nsd thought of me. I have sunk low.

                NO ONE TAKES ME SERIOUSLY in this house - I tried to talk to him last night and he is lovely but he would rather play his PC game and drink vodka, he says "well just stop then" but it is so hard for me. Son says it is my age (patronising git that he is).

                I am going to try from today - make it a new start, see if I can make it though the week. I have a responsible if stressful job that I need to be more alert for and also have an application in for a better job, hopefully I will get an interview, that would cheer me up / give me a boost.

                I will let you know how I get on....

                Coco xx
                Fallen off the wagon so many times uch:

                Day 1 AF 23/3/07 - terrified :eeks: and need a bit of :groupluv: , but determined to do it.


                  New here - introduction

                  Hi Coco,
                  I so remember those "shaking hands". It took every bit of determination to hit that "submit" button. And then I got scared. Once you're out there, you can't take it back. I was terrified.

                  I believe good things will happen for you, as they have for me. Hang around with us for a while and make up your own mind. The really interesting thing is ... we know what you're talking about ... we've been there.

                  The most important thing right now is
                  "Happy Birthday":happy::happy:

                  ... just try to imagine what your next birthday might be like!

                  Hope you'll stay with us.


                    New here - introduction

                    Made a right pigs ear of registering

                    Had problems with itl!!. It has compromised my anominity which I am really upset and embarassed about.

                    Wish I hadn't done it now. If there's a moderator or admin around could you please pm me.



                      New here - introduction

                      Don't go...

                      Cheeks - don't go - I've read your posts and really it hasnot given away anything re your identity. There aren't many Brits on here anyway. You inspired me to confront my own demons, what a shame if you were to go now.

                      Please stay....

                      Coco xx
                      Fallen off the wagon so many times uch:

                      Day 1 AF 23/3/07 - terrified :eeks: and need a bit of :groupluv: , but determined to do it.


                        New here - introduction

                        Hi Cheeks and Coco:welcome:
                        First - Cheeks, hope you decide to stay. Not sure what the sign on issue was but hope you can resolve it and stay.
                        Coco BIG BIG Happy Birthday to you!! Like Tawny said - maybe your next birthday will be a little different - and certainly with better cards
                        I read your post and was glad that you registered and decided to stay. I joined here right around my birthday too - June. Something about birthdays that makes you take stock of where you are and what you are doing with your life. This is a good place to do that.

                        Brigid- that was a very inspiring post - thank you. I did not know you were at 11 months! That is truly wonderful. I want to feel that way too! Today is day 14 I have a little ways to go..

                        Hope you stick around Cheeks-


                          New here - introduction

                          HI Lisa, thanks for the welcome.I just want today to be over, go and hide at work where I can be anonymous up to a point and nobody has any idea of the extent of my problem (some colleagues don't even know I drink at all, that is how well I hide it). I quit smoking so if I can only get into the same mindset, I should be able to handle this. Ineed to lose some weight also (another side effect of the booze) so that is yet another thing to hang on to. Hubby has been super-sweet all day, we went to gym this am and he has treated me to a spa treatment for my birthday so feeling very chilled out right now, how long that will last is anyone's guess, though.

                          Son and gf are upstairs having an almighty arguement and I think they have damaged a door by slamming it shut hard - AAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!! Kids!! Gotta go and play referee...

                          Coco xx
                          Fallen off the wagon so many times uch:

                          Day 1 AF 23/3/07 - terrified :eeks: and need a bit of :groupluv: , but determined to do it.


                            New here - introduction

                            I'm back

                            Thank you all you are so kind.

                            Roberta has kindly deleted my orginal profile which was the problem. I used google autofill to fill in my email address not realising that it had overwritten my username with my email address and I couldn't change it.

                            What a dope I am. Can't believe I did that. My email address has my real name in it. I have a fairly unusual name so if you googled my name you would find me.

                            For those in the uk its the witching hour when all those bottles of wine and vodka come to life and start calling you. I've got one right now calling me

                            How are you dealing with it. I'm just about to take the dog for a walk. I know after the walk though the voice in my head will say "you've had your excerise" you deserve a treat. I have only been strong enough to have one alcohol free day this week. i want to strat today. Voice in head is sayng "its the weekend" "start again afresh tomorrow when its a weekday"



                              New here - introduction

                              Cheeks - see what you mean, I never use that google autofil thing! Good that you are still around.

                              Well, After calming down the warring kids (yes, door broken, needs rehanging - grrrr!!) I have realised that hubby has booked us a table for 2 tonight for my birthday - OMG, just when I was feeling a bit more positive,I will now have to sit in a restaurant (it is in a pub, to make matters worse) and try and resist having a glass of wine. I know that I won't make it, I might as well just give up now for today. I'm not strong enough yet to resist, I need a few nights in front of the telly with lots of things to take my mind away from it. I will see if I can manage to stay this side of tipsy, that will be an achievement in itself fo r me.

                              I think I will have no choice but start afresh on Mon night, try and keep it under control tonight and make a new start tomorrow. I feel such a failure.....

                              Coco xx
                              Fallen off the wagon so many times uch:

                              Day 1 AF 23/3/07 - terrified :eeks: and need a bit of :groupluv: , but determined to do it.


                                New here - introduction

                                You not a failure

                                Its your birthday, go and enjoy yourself.

                                Order a huge jug or glass of water with you meal as well as the wine. I find this helps.

                                I have already decided I'm having that bottle that's been shouting me all afternoon and starting afresh tomorrow. How useless am I. I'm sticking with the one bottle though. No more. Hubby is downstairs having already made a start on the wine.

                                Have a good night. Well not too good! One that you can remember at least

