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New - Need support!

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    New - Need support!

    Hello, Friends! I am new here but have been lurking long enough to have ordered the book and 6-week supps. It so happens (by the grace of God!) I have been on Topo now for 3 weeks - but my doc insists on an extremely slow titration; week 1 was 25, week 2 - 50 and now week 3 75. I am taking 25 in the a.m. and the other 50 at bedtime. My problem is I am also quite fond of hydro Rx, so the a.m. combo is making me quite off balance! I noticed it for sure in church today as it is day 3. I'm a little nervous about driving tomorrow. One of my "rules" (you know, they make me feel like I'm really OK ) is not to ever drink and drive (even one) so, based on my wobbliness this a.m., I'm a bit concerned...

    I, like many of you have a hubby who couldn't care less about drinking. His dad was in recovery for 11 yrs. It was DH who organized the intervention to get that ball rolling. Needless to say, at times I have felt very much under the microscope by DH, though I'm pretty sure mostly it wasn't intentional. He has thankfully come from his background unscathed and I should be glad, but I oftentimes feel cheated that I feel the need to be so "accountable" to him. However, I have ultimately decided, on my own, I would like as a goal an abstinent lifestyle. It has been so very long since (not countoing 3 pregnancies) that was simply a way of life for me...I would like for DH and me to experience it as a couple, as we did when dating.

    FYI: I normally put down a bottle and maybe even an extra glass, EVERY night. Plus 4 hydro/APAP custom compound pain pills throughout the day/night. I've got 3 kiddos I love dearly and they are my focus. I never drive or do anything that would compromise their well-being. (At least not directly - I know that on some level everything I do affects them).

    I need help. I am afraid my body/mind is resistant to every Rx/supp. out there, but I am willing to try them all. I want to NOT WANT that drink at the end of the day. Please don't tell me to have a glass of Perrier instead of wine - THAT DOES NOT WORK!!! I guess I don't need to tell y'all that, though!

    I am 40ish, married, seeking a sober lifestyle, on 75Topo, ordered book and supps (hypno asap!). Please, any advice at all will be so greatly be appreciated!

    Luv to you all!


    New - Need support!

    Oh Skempy....
    You are NORMAL here! And yes, it is very attainable. Not overnight... but its a fun journey,(most of the time) Honestly. It is painful at times, but isnt the pain of where you are now driving you here? There will still be hard times, just fewer and far between. The worst thing about getting better, is learning to cope with the unfamiliar... that is life WITHOUT all that we have depended on. Its like going to another country and having no idea if anyone will be waiting for you at the airport when you get off the plane. So its easier to stay in your own country and stick with what you have always known. But there are lots of people here to greet you and meet you in this new territory. :h

    Habits want to keep taking us back to that old place... but the days when you do better will give you a hope and a spark that you forgot existed. It lets you know that life on the other side REALLY is better. I feel your pain, and I know almost (probably every) person here does. Our stories have lots of different elements, but one common thread.

    Jump in and its okay to make mistakes. I sure have! But after seven months I wouldnt trade the old me for anything. Am I perfect now? Yep. (just kidding!) Far from it... BUT,I am so much closer to who I know I really am. I can so relate to what you said about getting back to how things were when you dated. Funny you should say that. I posted recently to someone new and was telling them that my husband and I are like two teenagers who cant keep their hands off each other. We are in love again, and we were on the brink of divorce when I came here. Not all b/c of this issue, but it sure didnt help it. We have three kids too. Get excited!

    Cant wait to hear how things go, and its okay if you blow it here. We dont judge, we just encourage. Its a journey.

    All the best,
    Allie :welcome:
    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      New - Need support!

      Thank you so much for the encouragement! I know I will be pushed outside my comfort zone - I just don't know how to deal with that. Like everywhere, the after-school hours up to the kids' bedtime are so stressful in our house. I would classify 2 of my kids as borderline "special needs" and thety both require lots of hands-on attention from my husband and me in order to get through homework, chores, dinner, you name it. And that leaves our other child on her own alot, which also stresses me out! It's great for our marraige, too. HA! So I think it's pretty clear this is an escape for me at the end of difficult days (and every day is the same). Drinking is not a way to get through the day, just my "me" time in the evening.

      I have so much I want to say, but I want to read more about how others have been able to get over the hump. I'll write more later, meanwhile can anyone tell me what is the typical Topo dosage and how slowly do most people go up? At what point should I notice that I don't really want a drink? Any info. on how this drug is supposed to work and/or the supps too would be helpful. I want to feel like this could actually work!

      Many thanks!


        New - Need support!

        did I see something about NC? meaning North Carolina? If so, please PM me.

        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          New - Need support!

          keep posting!

          I am in the midst of tons, but thats okay!

          Just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hope you keep posting.

          All the best,
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            New - Need support!

            oh skempy - i know what you mean about "me time". i have three kids , one being very high spirited as they say. I'm worn out by the end of the day and acouple of drinks help get dinner done and dishes cleaned. my oldest is left out alot so i know what you mean about that also. i haven't had a drink since friday night, and i decided to join the YMCA so someone could watch my kids while i work out and get some "me time " in a better way.i have no idea if i'll keep this up, but we'll see. oh yeah and the topa i ordered isn't coming because they 'rejected my order' supposedly for cc problems but i can't see anything wrong with the info. anyone else have this happen? but that was from and they are much more expensive than eshop.rx so it's fine with me. i should get the book soon. sorry for drifting...take care skemps.

