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Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

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    Hello my names Joe and I love beer!


    Hope people dont mind the title, after all abit of humour I find helps. Hello all Iam Joe and my councellor suggested I take a look at this site so thats why Iam here.

    Basically my Dad killed himself a few years back and since then Ive been suffering depression and have taken to drinking like a fish. Iam a student and unfortunatly student life involves alot of social drinking of which I enjoy but at the same time it often causes me a few problems. I do not consider myself a alcaholic though I know I drink abit to much.

    So yeah thats me. Hello everyone.

    - Joe

    Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

    hi joe(fantastic name)
    :welcome: read as many as the threads/posts as you can,and you will see were you fit in..abstinence,moderating, great advice and greeeat community here,also daily army threads where you can say almost anything(within reason) hope you stick round

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

      Hey Joe (said in lyrical mode) and welcome. Humor is good! Drinking like a fish is not. Poke aroudnd the threads and decide what you want as mario suggested. Read the book and take the advice to heart. Good luck to you on your journey. I'm pleased to see that you are a student so you are grasping this at an early age. Keep us updated!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

        Hi Joe

        to MWO .........

        I am so sorry to hear about your dad, but I am so very proud of you for getting help at such a young age ........

        As the others have said this place offers tremendous advice whether you are seeking to be alcohol free or to drink in moderation ........

        I'm in the UK too and look forward to seeing you around the boards.

        BB xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/1066636=3464-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Hello my names Joe and I love beer!



            Thanks everyone for your comments.


              Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

              Hey Joe (pun intended)

              So sorry to hear about you dad.

              Like mario said have a good read around the posts. You'll be welcome anywhere.

              You'll find a lot of heartache here, but a hell of a lot of humour.

              Alcohol is a well known depressant. If you're already suffering from depression drinking is like adding more fuel to the fire.

              Sounds like you've got a very wise councellor.

              Stay close. And stay strong.

              Jackie xxx

              AF since 7/7/2009

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Hello my names Joe and I love beer!


                I've a little bit of insight into student life in the UK having had a daughter who's just graduated and a son in his last year.

                Best of luck,Joe. PM any time you want.

                Love Jackie xxx
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                  Your reaction (drinking) to your dad's death is understandable. I'm very sorry for your loss.

                  But it's very commendable that you're nipping the problem in the bud before it gets too out of hand. I sure wish I had gotten control MANY years ago...

                  I also know how hard it is to quit when all your friends drink!

                  The thing to keep in mind is that your Whole life will be better if you live it sober. (If nothing else, you will Remember it! ---- my weak attempt at humor! )

                  Welcome aboard - hope to see you here often, Joe.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                    Hey ya Joe...

                    I can somewhat relate (somewhat) - I too am a student working towards my second Masters Degree, My Best Friend took his life by hanging himself "he wanted to die so much that he bent his knees" and he never breathed a word of his problems when we spoke the week prior. I drank like a fish for over the past 26 years, but I started off very innocently. I loved parties and kegs. I have been in the non-drinking mode for the past 3 days and working on 4. I have lived a long time and have seen the world through the bottom of a beer. I drank just about every beer imaginable. It got me absolutely "nothing" all these years. The high lasted until I woke up and then what - start over? I wish I never would of started and am very angry that I did. The longer I stay sober, alot of pain is surfacing that I never knew was there. Hang in there, if you feel like you must drink, I would consider the facts first (what is in it for you)?


                    xJ0Ex;738645 wrote:

                    Hope people dont mind the title, after all abit of humour I find helps. Hello all Iam Joe and my councellor suggested I take a look at this site so thats why Iam here.

                    Basically my Dad killed himself a few years back and since then Ive been suffering depression and have taken to drinking like a fish. Iam a student and unfortunatly student life involves alot of social drinking of which I enjoy but at the same time it often causes me a few problems. I do not consider myself a alcaholic though I know I drink abit to much.

                    So yeah thats me. Hello everyone.

                    - Joe


                      Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                      Hi Joe,
                      I too, loved to drink beer too (after I dumped the wine I thought it was the lesser of the two evils). I am on day 15 of sobriety and realize how difficult it is to not associate drinking w/ fun. You will get there though. The loss of your Father is devastating. Keep posting and you will find you will get much support from the people here.
                      AF since 2/4/10
                      Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                      FINALLY FREE


                        Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                        Hi Joe,

                        Welcome, glad you decided to check out this site!
                        There are quite a few students around, keep looking & I'm sure you will find them.
                        I think most of us began drinking to try to cover up some pain........truth is it just doesn't work. In the end you just hurt yourself.
                        You're young & have a lot of life ahead of you - make it the best you can

                        Wishing you every success!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                          Hi Joe!

                          Yep to all said previously! Also be aware that if you do start to put AL aside or moderate (your choice)then you may well find yourself at loose ends..wondering what in blue hell you do with yourself when you are not drinking! Think about some stuff you can do to distract,hobbies,exercise,chatting here...whatever floats your boat..but less of the amber liquid maybe!
                          All the best


                            Hello my names Joe and I love beer!

                            Hay Joe who loves've come to the right place. Tragady has a strange ways for us to find relife for our pain. Alcohol, Drugs...........Hagan Dass Ice Cream Ha! ( wanted to make sure you were listening Ha!) Seek out your Doctor....telling him or her your feeling depressed and you need a little something....I take Zoloft myself. Welcome JWLB.......Lot's of good support and help here. IAD
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss

