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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Okay, yesterday we went from lawnmowers to sex..........interesting! LOL

    Hope everyone had a great Monday and off to Tuesday we go. I have a doctors appt this morning and then off to work. I'm almost done my first assignment for my class which is good - I want to get it done and out of the way so that I have taken that stress off of my plate.

    I had my relaxing bath last night (after having a crazy anxiety filled early part of the evening trying to get dinner ready etc, etc.) and tonight I have a massage. No AL and no nicotine so I'm doing good. Still tired but starting to feel a lot healthier. I'm looking forward to tonight's massage and an early bedtime.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning Uni and everyone that comes later.
    Ahh..Tuesday and it'll be AF for me. Sunday was a frustrating but I'm not giving up trying.
    Lots of laundry, folding and ironing to do today to keep me out of mischief!
    Everyone have a fantastic AF day!
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


      ODAT - Tuesday

      I am really not doing well here, I don;t feel I have anything I can say to anyone here, I am failing miserably


        ODAT - Tuesday

        ohhh tawny! I'm sending u a pm..

        I'm not doing well myself.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Oh, Tawny...PM if you want to talk.
          Be strong.
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Tawny and Savvy - stay strong - keep coming here for support, we are all here for you.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Tuesday


              Pick your arses up and walk around the block. I am proud to report I took a shower today. My hair ended up a a suprise, but i just go with it. You should see me do the "I'm over 50 I can do what I want to" dance. Humm.. well maybe not. God made hats for me. Hats and sunglasses :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Tuesday

                NT so much. For now.
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Greeny you sound great! Savon and Tawny, keep checking in. There is nothing that is not in your power to control. It is, after all, your body and your brain. And yes, it is a war. Think of all the really hard things you've done in your life. You got through school. You made lifetime decisions. You helped people out. You dealt with tragedy. This is just one of those things. I'm confident we all can do it.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Tawny and Savvy - take care of yourselves, and especially be kind to youselves right now. Its a fight, and a hard fight, but you can do it.


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      No es aqui?

                      Is that how you spell it?
                      I'm just.. not good...

                      I'm sure I'll be better. maybe.. or... not. YES!

                      II see that I'm feeling GRIEF... again. and still.

                      Not sure when that will go away.

                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Perhaps some of you know... but my BF (THAT IS: BOYFRIEND.. AND MORE!.).. died last June. Suddenly.

                        I freaked out. But then was better.. but, now it hits me in ways i can't describe.. I cried much of today.

                        I'm missing him SO much. Yes, he bothered me in many ways.. lol... but

                        O I loved him. SHit.

                        And I don't cry. It still hurts so bad.
                        I drank heavily for the first week. Then .. I Stopped. For at month or so..

                        Then, it started again. It's just an excuse! Don't mind me - don't respond.
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          sorry Savvy, I don't take direction well....You told me not to respond but I just had to, with some of these...




                          I'm sorry you are hurting so. If you didn't cry before, but you are crying now, maybe that is a step toward some healing.

                          I'm sending good thoughts and healing vibes to you down south this afternoon.....and another one of these for good measure.... :l


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Savvy hun.... There are 7 stages to go through. And you will. Push it away and pretend it is fine and it will come back. I thought I'd do the all time freedom prancy dancy divorce dance. But SUPRISE!!!! I am in mourning. I am grieving the loss. But I know that I must allow and honor these feelings that I did not want or expect. Uou don't HAVE to be what you think you should be, Let your self grieve and heal. It is a natural thing; don't fight it.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

