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I debated whether or not I should post this...

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    I debated whether or not I should post this...

    since it seems SO Incredibly stupid - but, since I'm amongst friends...

    I've never seen anyone post about this, but I've discussed with a couple of my personal MWO friends who agree with this Strange phenomenon:

    "MWO as a Trigger to Drink!!"

    Seems counter-intuitive... but I've seen this happen with myself on several occasions. While MWO is a Godsend and has so many benefits... it can actually trigger thoughts of drinking.

    Kind of like the old "elephant in the room" concept. Overtly NOT thinking about alcohol... causes one to think about it.

    I'm not saying this is the usual result of posting/reading on this site. Overall, it has Definitely been more of a benefit to me than anything else. I'm quite sure I would not have gone AF for the long periods I have without it.

    But, the irony remains. There are times when I'm not thinking about AL, then come to read what the good people here are posting, etc. --- only to find myself suddenly OBSESSING about AL!!

    How can it be that MWO is both a fabulous support system.. and yet "cause" me to drink at the same time??

    OK, so I know it's all about ME (so to speak!) and my attitude in general... but. It's the truth! It happened today.

    I was quite resolute about not drinking today. Then, after coming here, had Huge craving and bought some! (Telling myself this will be my last hurrah for foreseeable future - yeh, we'll see how that goes.)

    Just wanted to see if others have experienced this. And, if so, how do we know When MWO will be supportive and when it will instigate drinking??

    (I'm hoping the founders of the site will read this.)

    Anyway - weigh in please. I already know I'm Not the only one experiencing this strange outcome... but I wonder how many of you do?
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    I debated whether or not I should post this...

    Hi Savvy, I have heard others say the same although not many.
    For me it just kept me sober and took away the triggers. I guess like everything, some things work well and others not so well...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I debated whether or not I should post this...

      Hi Savon, in fact i had the same feeling before.

      There was few times that i back to drink after i read some posts here. well, i didn't blame other than my self who cause me back to AL again. So there was times when i didn't back on here. But then i realize, whether i on here or no, i still drank and i think it's absolutelly my own problem. i can't beat my mind for the craves of AL after i read the word ALCOHOL or story about ppl back to AL again.

      This time i back here again because i think the support i got here is more than the temptation that make me want to back to AL again, just, this time i will be more careful with what i read. if i feel i am not strong enough, i tried to only read other ppl success story.

      well, at least it works for me now.
      AF today


        I debated whether or not I should post this...

        Hi savon19

        I have to disagree...MWO would never make me drink, it has helped TREMENDOUSY!!! Thank the good Lord I found it.
        What I do find because I've decided to abstain from AL, I do not go into the moderation threads at all, or read a thread anywhere in the site that I suspect might have something to do with it.
        That is when my brain says...see...they are doing it. Except, seldom does it end up working in the long run. Moderation, for me, and so many others, will lead very quickly to overindulging, and being in the same state I was when I came here.
        No...MWO won't 'make you drink'. Only ourselves can. MHO
        Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
        Sir Walter Scott


          I debated whether or not I should post this...

          It is whatever works. I have had conversations with other people who have that problem, savvy. And I recall you mentioning it before as being a problem for you. I do believe in the law of attraction and vibrational levels attracting the same. Perhaps it depends on if you look at people's progress and that is what you "vibrate towards" rather than who is drinking , what they drank and why. Why don't you tak a break for a couple weeks ansd see what happens. Plan something to do instead to fill however much time you spend her. Rake the yard, more time at the spca, walk the beach, just fill your time and stay away. Read, go to cooking websites, inspirational ones (not to say that this isn't inspirational), and see if it makes a difference for you. A change in focus may be what you need and you may find your progress much more stable. :l
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            I debated whether or not I should post this...

            Savon I would have to disagree also. Being awake is a trigger to drink, and if I recall correctly, so is being asleep.

            The nature of the beast is that any addiction completely subverts our own brain into feeding the addiction. That means anything good can be turned into a trigger. Our brain is as smart as we are, and can be very sneaky and wiley. It can make us think almost anything, and make up any excuse.

            The tools are here. It's like a set of knives. Using knives can be dangerous and you can cut yourself. But that doesn't mean the knives are any less useful. Life would be harder if we didn't have knives in our kitchens. I hope you can see the way to use these tools to cut yourself free, and not cut yourself, as others have done.


              I debated whether or not I should post this...

              Yeah haha, and that too...well said
              Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
              Sir Walter Scott


                I debated whether or not I should post this...

      ;741630 wrote: Being awake is a trigger to drink, and if I recall correctly, so is being asleep.

       - u make me Laugh! (BEST medicine Ever!)

                Sleep-drinking is not (yet) a problem...

                My Purpose in posting was NOT to demean this site in any
                way - more, to try to understand my own "devils". Knowledge IS power, after all.
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  I debated whether or not I should post this...

                  Savvy, I don't think anyone took it as demeaning. Just steep away and see if that is what you need to reset yourself. You are having trouble and maybe a change in routine will help. Just test the contrast. If you want. The thing that sings out to me is I have heard you say this more than once. But mind you.... fill the time with something helathy.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    I debated whether or not I should post this...

                    I have to say I have thought that reading some threads triggers me, but Boss Man is right...our brains will use anything to get what it wants. The information and comaraderie on this site far outweighs an occasional trigger I may experience. When I feel that I just can't read another post, I take a break for awhile, a week or a couple weeks. It's always good to come back and catch up though.

                    Everything I need is within me!


                      I debated whether or not I should post this...

                      This may be the booze talkin' - BUT, Greenie! You are Exquisite.. ya know?!

                      One definition: : marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding.

                      YEP - that's YOU!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        I debated whether or not I should post this...

                        I actually somewhat agree with you, savvy.
                        I sometimes have to take a step back from MWO... like, at the moment. I find, that I just tend to spend WAY too much time thinking about AL (even if it is about staying away from it).

                        So, yeah, I think I know where you're coming from. On the other hand, this community has saved my rear over and over and put me on the right path - so I don't want to step away too far, either.
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          I debated whether or not I should post this...

                          Hi All
                          At different times in my recovery i have had trouble with the topics on this site also with peoples attitudes. I did take a break for a while and it helped. I didn't take a break in my recovery just looked for other tools. Now their is nothing written on this site that will trigger any thoughts of drinking but at this time I am much further down the road in recovery.
                          We are always going to have the mod --- AF fractions on this site which is what it is all about. AF have to realize that it is our responsibility to stay clear of mod if the topics will cause problems.
                          Just a note to the mod. I respect your approach and am happy for the success any moder has in regards to living life with al under control. I intentionally stay clear of your treads because it is a different life than I am trying to live. When I was in early recovery their was a mod member who was vocal about the mod life style to the point of bringing up research showing the benefits of al consumption. That was a problem seeing someone advocate al consumption in other areas other than the mod section. It was very hard for me in the beginning dealing with my cravings and seeing this around the site.

                          This topic wasn't about the mod-- AF camps but I think because of us sharing this two lane highway it does at times cause problems. Mod can and do cross over to our AF lane but any time one of us alcoholics cross over to the mod lane we wind up in a crash.
                          Let me also say this site which is all you good people has been one of the big reasons I am being successful.

                          Stay Healthy and Kep Fighting
                          AF 5-16-08
                          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                          AF 5-16-08


                            I debated whether or not I should post this...

                            Hi Savvy,

                            This site has been my savior, it has never caused me to want to drink! But, now that you mention it I suppose it's possible that some folks are experiencing an opposite effect ~ power of suggestion sort of thing. I do experience a little of this when I log onto Quit Net. 5 months smoke free & I still mentally crave those damn things every day.........but I choose to not give in!

                            Savvy, it sounds like you're letting your 'inner junkie' control your thinking.......drink today see what happens tomorrow. You know what's going to happen tomorrow, don't you? I agree with Greenie & Sunni, take a step back & reset your vision & goals.

                            Only you can decide what is best for you!

                            I wish you the best, as always
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              I debated whether or not I should post this...

                              Savon, interesting suggestion - I guess it really depends on your frame of mind.

                              For me, coming here reminds me of all the reasons that I don't drink. I see people who are still struggling with this disease and it reminds me of where I come from and how quickly I could go back there. To me, that's why AA stresses that above all else working with another alcoholic will keep you sober - because it keeps the disease real in your mind. If I drift too far away I am liable to forget the pain and suffering that it caused and I can't afford that...
                              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

