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I debated whether or not I should post this...

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    I debated whether or not I should post this...

    I can see your point savon and it's a good one.
    My first thought was that there are many here who successfully moderate and they are lifting the curse and come here because they enjoy the company and/or keep a friendly eye on each other.
    My second thought may be more pertinant; that thinking about drinking or not drinking constantly, leaves us with little time to think about anything else.
    I'm here quite a lot, generally to catch up with my friends, to see if there is anyone I can help and to get any new pieces of advice to help in my own recovery. Of course we're constantly reminded of drinking, but I'm always more aware of the pain that it can cause rather than any alleged benefits it may give, but only in a subtle way. While having empathy with everyone here, I tend not to think about the physical act of drinking at all. In my daily life, if it's brought up, I'll happily talk about it and then move on. Opportunities to drink are with me all the time, as are chances to do something else instead and each moment I have a choice to make, as we all do.


      I debated whether or not I should post this...

      hello savon,nothing can make you drink but you,this ailment is about you,and how you,deal with it,think of it like this,youve expressed your feelings,some good came of it,and also critsism,adddictive minded people love a yea great post,but a t the same time,hate critisim,you have made a positive step just xpress yourslf,here here gyco


        I debated whether or not I should post this...

        gyco - I Certainly understand that no one or NOTHING can "make" me drink.. except myself. I got that.

        As you say, I was simply Expressing myself. An observation. Not saying Do this or Don't do that...

        Something I observed about myself.

        And I love this site! Just...
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          I debated whether or not I should post this...


          I can see both ways. In some ways it makes me accountable, but also I know if I 'fall off the wagon' so to speak, I can always come here and no one will get mad at it. It's somewhat acceptable.

          I also find that obsessing about not drinking AL, makes you obsess about AL. Does that make sense?

          Imreally do get it, but I won't ever give up.
          AF July 6 2014


            I debated whether or not I should post this...

            For me, it's listening to Jimmy Buffet...

            Wasted Away Again in Margaritaville....

            Ahhh.... searching for my lost shaker of salt...

            Some people claim that theres a woman to blame
            Now I think
            Hell, it could be my fault



              I debated whether or not I should post this...

              Thank you for your thoughtful post, Savon. I'm glad you shared your thoughts. Like many here, I still waiver about the possibility of moderating. However, you've made me realize that when I have those thoughts, I should stick to the moderating threads and be sensitive to those of you have chosen AF as their path. I would hate to even unintentionally be a trigger to anyone.


                I debated whether or not I should post this...

                Just keep your eyes on the goal. Remember WHY you are here. and the whole purpose of being here. If you feel yourself start spiraling down, catch yourself and get in check. And the great thing is we can post about however we feel and have support.


                  I debated whether or not I should post this...

                  Savvy, I just want to say that I hear you.........

                  I understand.........

                  And I support whatever you decide to do.

                  I know you have been struggling for a while. If there is anything I can do for you just give a shout, PM me, whatever, ok?



                    I debated whether or not I should post this...

                    Savon19, I have read your posts for a while, and truly appreciate your honesty and willingness to tell it like it is for you.

                    It seems that everything is a trigger to some of us. That is why Bossman's comments cracked me up. Being awake or asleep are triggers. Breathing is a trigger, driving home from work is a trigger, etc. The great thing is being aware that you are being triggered and using the tools learned on this site or where ever, to get through the craving and make the choice to not drink.

                    We drank before we ever knew about MWO, and if we are not careful, we will drink again. So, MWO a trigger? Sure, but so is everything at some point for some of us. Again, I appreciate your willingness to bring up the stuff some of us may have been thinking, but did not want to bring up. Take care.


                      I debated whether or not I should post this...

                      I agree with you

                      Hi Savon ~
                      I have to say I agree with you on this one.....only because of MY PROBLEM.
                      I would read others posts of how much they could put away........such as 2 1/2 bottles of wine or a 5th of Vodka......and I would say to myself "wow~ I'm not that bad"
                      and then go open a bottle of wine.


                        I debated whether or not I should post this...

                        Just wanted to say I totally understand. Reading books about how people have quit...trigger...Post- detox meetings last summer, someone talked about hiding their drinking...on my way home I bought vodka and put it in water bottles...worked until my daughter accidentally took a drink...couldn't have hated myself more.

