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Living Drinking In spain

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    Living Drinking In spain

    Hello Everyone
    Been following threads for a while and this is my first post.
    English but living in Spain for several years now
    Lucky girl I thought - perfect life - perfect husband - lots of sunshine, lots of golf.....
    If life is so great why am I drinking myself into oblivion nearly every night.

    Always been a heavy drinker 1+ bottles of wine most nights for years but since coming here it has really taken off.

    All our friends have retired early and almost everyone is drinking day and night. Things have really spiralled out of control. lost a few complete days and nights from my memory banks....

    My husband (bless him) doesn't seem to think its a problem -
    we like to drink
    we can afford to drink
    Whats the problem??
    My first question is can I change my life whilst everyone else around me goes on drinking.
    Any thoughts / advise much appreciated

    Living Drinking In spain

    Spain? I think that is a first here. Welcome. Regarding your question I guess it all comes down to how badly you want to cut down and/or quit. I am lucky in that I am married to a non drinker so I do not have the temptation around if I do not want it. I would find it very, very difficult to not drink while others were but that is just me. Have you started any aspect of this program like the supplements? They are not a cure-all and will not completely extinguish your cravings but they help a lot if you are in the mind set that you want to change. Stay in touch. You might find the motivation you need just from reading and posting on this site. I know it has helped me a lot.......
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Living Drinking In spain

      Ditto Lush ----- fine words XXXX
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Living Drinking In spain

        Hi Changeling....that has been a problem with me too. We live at a country club, everyone drinks. I am going to have to do this for myself. I worry about my health and my husband is Diabetic....he also should not drink. I want to live long enough to see my grandkids. good luck to you. This is going to be tough at times. I think I will have to avoid some places and people for awhile. I hope I get my cd's soon. Buffy


          Living Drinking In spain

          :welcome: You must think that you need to cut down or you would not be here. That is the first step....Memory loss is a big concern. As we age (I'm 59) we want to hang on to as many brain cells as we can.
          This is a drug we are dealing with......Abuse will take a toll on your body and brain.
          Look around on this site and you will find many ways to get healthy.
          Read the book and try the supps that you can order from here. Try to drink water or something else when everybody else is drinking at least some of the time.
          I live on a farm in USA and we grow and make wine......Hubby drinks everyday , doesn't think it is a problem either. I can not drink everyday and stay healthy....Women are different from men and our bodies will not handle it well.
          It is hard to not drink with others drinking but it can be done.
          You will find help and support here. Give it a is a process though. Doesn't happen overnight.
          God bless you as you look to take care of yourself.
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Living Drinking In spain

            Dreaming of moderation

            Many thanks for all your support.
            It makes a difference knowing you are all going through the same stuff.
            I have been reading about alchohol for years and are really aware of the dangers.
            I have always subscribed to the notion that information is power - but in this case it doesn't seem to help.
            Last year I stopped drinking for 7 MONTHS..
            I felt fantastic - slept like a baby, lost a stone, learnt a language, learnt to Salsa dance.
            BUT then Christmas - convinced I had conquered the problem I had a few Glasses of champagne over christmas / new year by the end of January I was drinking more than ever before.
            I want so much to be able to drink moderately - It's a much more attractive alternative than sitting with a glass of water whilst everyone else drinks Chablis. But is moderation possible when you hvae gone this far down the road??
            Kind regards everyone.


              Living Drinking In spain

              Spain eh?

              Went to spain earlier last year with my sister spent a lovely evening sitting outside the pub (Gaudi's local I think) in cadeques watching the natives play boules (think thas french but whatever) 50 gin and tonics later went home with the band - yanks I think. How sad is that..... luckily made it home to NZ in once piece.


                Living Drinking In spain

                Hi Changling
                I just wanted to say I understand. I live in France and most people round here drink and invite us in. Also we have our own vines and are getting ready for our harvest. I get so confused as to how I feel about it now. I would like to drink but am trying to stop as I feel so much better when I do. Why do we start up again when not drinking makes us feel so much better and drinking so often makes us ill and act like prats? When I'm not drinking I notice how much repetition there is in conversations and the rubbish thats gets said. Do we go back to the drink so we don't notice? I know I can't go to my neighbours on rugby paper day when I'm sober as he and my other half just talk about the results!
                How about a new project at the time for happy hour, make friends who don't drink? I'm running again and that helps.
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

